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Webinar held on the theme of “Web system vulnerabilities”

Majicemi Co., Ltd.
Webinar held on the theme of “Web system vulnerabilities”
Magisemi Co., Ltd. will be holding a webinar on the theme of “Web system vulnerabilities.”
[Image:×720.jpg] (Click here for details and application)
■Vulnerability of web systems targeted by cyber attacks, further increasing risk of breaches Cyber ​​continues to evolve day by day Attacks are becoming more sophisticated and complex. As software has become the target of attacks, security measures have become essential from the development stage. Web systems that are exposed on the Internet are especially attractive targets for attackers. Attacks on web systems have increased the risk of compromise, such as the exploitation or leakage of highly confidential data, unauthorized tampering, and disruption of the provision of websites and online services. Additionally, the inclusion of third-party and open source software (OSS) has made it difficult to identify and track
vulnerabilities in complex software elements. Countermeasures against “software supply chain attacks,” which are malicious attacks that target dependencies such as software source code and libraries, are also required. ■What is required of “vulnerability diagnosis”, which is essential for safe web system operation In recent years, security in software development has become important worldwide. What is attracting attention is the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials), which is useful for both software configuration management and security management. Guidelines have been established by governments and industry groups in the United States, Europe, Japan, and other countries, and their importance has become even more important. Currently, many companies conduct “vulnerability assessments” before releasing services. However, while the number of security incidents is increasing, there are also voices of concern about whether effective vulnerability diagnosis is being carried out to reduce risks. In addition, in order to respond to new vulnerabilities that are discovered every day, it is necessary to always have the latest vulnerability information and take prompt and appropriate
countermeasures. ■It is possible to take measures against
vulnerabilities in the latest source code even after development and release Explanation of security strengthening measures through easy-to-understand diagnosis results and improvement measures Implement effective vulnerability measures as attacks targeting web system vulnerabilities increase To do so, the current situation is that more specialized knowledge and skills are required. How can you reduce the risk of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks and increasing vulnerabilities? This seminar is aimed at people in charge of system development/operation, quality assurance/compliance departments, etc. We proposed the web system vulnerability
countermeasure tool “Snyk” as a specific method to reduce security risks caused by web system vulnerabilities. We will explain the features and overview of tools that visualize vulnerability
information and enable the latest vulnerability countermeasures even after software development and release, including demonstration screens. We will also introduce use cases where secure software development is actually achieved using the tool. If you are thinking, “I want to strengthen security in software development,” “I want to manage vulnerabilities in web systems and OSS,” or “I want to realize DevSecOps,” please join us. (Click here for details and application) ■Sponsor: Hitachi Systems Engineering Services Co., Ltd. ■Co-sponsor: Snky Co., Ltd. ■Co-operation: Open Source Utilization Research Co., Ltd. Magisemi Co., Ltd. Magisemi will continue to hold webinars that will be useful to participants. ★For other webinar applications and videos and materials from past seminars, please check below★ ★If you would like to hold a webinar, please watch this video★ https: //
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