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Home » Dream Terminal Link Co., Ltd. UNIVERSAL OVERALL× AVIREX

Dream Terminal Link Co., Ltd. UNIVERSAL OVERALL× AVIREX

Dream Terminal Link Co., Ltd.
2/10(Sat) Release.
[Image 1:×2700.jpg] UNIVERSAL OVERALL is a Chicago-based workwear brand developed by DreamWorks (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Akira Takenaka), which handles OEM/ODM of all apparel products and sales of domestic and international brands, mainly American brands. “Universal Overalls” will release collaboration items with “AVIREX”, which was founded in 1975 as a contractor for the U.S. Air Force, on Saturday, February 10th.
UNIVERSAL OVERALL x AVIREX The first collaboration item with Avirex, which was founded in 1975 as a contractor for the U.S. Air Force and has military origins and will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025, will be released on Saturday, February 10th. In this collaboration, separate setups for men and women will be released.
[Image 2:×1972.jpg] For men, the set includes coveralls, UNIVERASAL OVERALL’s most iconic item, and mechanic pants, which add an essence to AVIREX’s specialty work pants.
[Image 3:×1972.jpg] The women’s set includes coveralls that have been resized to fit the trend, and skirts that are designed with a calculated pattern and are stress-free to wear. The back style of both jackets features a Vietnamese-style embroidery design depicting a road map from New York to Florida on a map of the United States, which is a nod to AVIREX’s 24SS theme, “EMBARKING ON SOUTHWARD.” The first 300 people to purchase this collaboration item at an AVIREX retail store will receive a not-for-sale bandana. It has a special design that combines the AVIREX logo with the history design commemorating UNIVERASAL OVERALL’s 100th anniversary.
■AVIREX Shinjuku store
03-5367-2013■AVIREX online shop

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