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Adobe Corporation Google joins C2PA Steering Committee

Adobe Corporation
Google joins C2PA steering committee
Contributing to improving the transparency of digital content ……
The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) today announced that Google has joined the initiative’s steering committee. As a member of C2PA’s steering committee, Adobe works to establish open source industry standards for digital content provenance and improve the trustworthiness of online content.
[Image:×1284.jpg] Google’s participation on the C2PA steering committee is an important step toward bringing greater transparency to digital content. By joining the C2PA Steering Committee, Google will support the Content Credentials feature, C2PA’s technical standard for tamper-proof metadata that can be attached to digital content, indicating when and how the content was created or modified. Google will also work with other steering committee members Adobe, BBC, Intel, Microsoft, Publicis Groupe and Truepic to further develop C2PA technical standards for proving the provenance of digital content. With this, Google will actively examine how to apply the content credential feature to its products and services in the future.
Additionally, the addition of Google, which owns YouTube, will help increase the recognition of content credentials as a critical resource that increases trust in the digital ecosystem and helps people understand the content they see around the world. .
Laurie Richardson, vice president of Trust & Safety at Google, said: “At Google, we believe collaborating with other companies to improve the transparency of digital content is an important part of our approach to AI responsibility. We’re pleased to align with the new C2PA standard, which includes Google DeepMind’s SynthID, the “About this image” feature in search, and Google’s labeling to indicate whether content on YouTube has been modified or composited. systems to provide people with important context and help them make more informed decisions. ”
Andrew Jenks, C2PA Chairman, said: “A transparent approach to digital content that supports people’s decision-making is more important than ever. The C2PA standard will undoubtedly lead the way in this activity, and we look forward to its growth and adoption. Joining Google’s steering committee is an important validation of our C2PA approach. We encourage other companies and organizations to expand their use of content credentialing capabilities and make them more secure. We look forward to your participation in the C2PA Steering Committee, which will contribute to the creation of a transparent digital ecosystem.”
■About C2PA
The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) is an open technology standards organization that combats the proliferation of misleading information online by developing technology standards for proving the origin and provenance of digital content. C2PA is a project of the Joint Development Foundation. For more information, please visit and
■About Google
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Through products and platforms such as Search, Maps, Gmail, Android, Google Play, Google Cloud, Chrome, and YouTube, Google plays an important role in the daily lives of billions of people and is one of the most widely known companies in the world. It is one of the. Google is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. More details about this release: