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Home » LLC DMM and Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture conclude a collaboration agreement on global warming countermeasures centered on EV charging infrastructure development LLC DMM and Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture conclude a collaboration agreement on global warming countermeasures centered on EV charging infrastructure development

[ LLC] DMM and Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture conclude a collaboration agreement on global warming countermeasures centered on EV charging infrastructure development

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Press release: February 9, 2024
DMM and Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture conclude a collaboration agreement on global warming countermeasures centered on EV charging infrastructure development
*~EV chargers will be installed in city public facilities to promote the spread of EVs~* LLC (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Chairman and CEO: Keiji Kameyama, hereinafter referred to as “DMM”) and Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture (Mayor: Tatsuro Mine, hereinafter referred to as “Karatsu City”) are working together to resolve regional issues. The aim is to improve the convenience of citizens’ lives and link it to economic circulation in the city area by leveraging mutual knowledge and assets and cooperating on global warming countermeasures such as the development of EV charging infrastructure. , we will conclude a cooperation agreement.

DMM operates more than 60 businesses, including the EV charging service “DMM EV CHARGE” aims to provide EV charging services that are convenient and familiar to both operators and users, and to support local business through the service.
Karatsu City declared itself a “zero carbon city” on March 27, 2023, and citizens, businesses, and the government will work together to achieve a decarbonized society that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions to virtually zero by 2050. We are promoting initiatives to achieve this goal. (*)
Through this partnership agreement, we will promote the spread of EVs by installing EV charging infrastructure at city-owned facilities, with the aim of realizing a zero-carbon city.

(*) Karatsu City Zero Carbon City Declaration

*Purpose of the agreement*
By closely collaborating with DMM and Karatsu City, we will leverage each other’s knowledge and assets to solve regional issues, and cooperate on global warming countermeasures such as the development of EV charging infrastructure. We will improve the convenience of life and connect it to the economic cycle of the city area.
* Cooperation matters based on the agreement*
(1) Regarding the installation of EV chargers.
(2) Regarding the development of renewable energy solutions that combine EV chargers with storage batteries and solar carports. (3) Matters related to promoting the spread of clean energy vehicles. (4) Matters related to the safety and security of the community and daily life. (5) In addition to what is listed in the preceding items, anything that is deemed necessary to achieve the purpose of the agreement. *Comment from Tomohisa Takahashi, General Manager of Local Government, EV Division, LLC*
Toward the realization of a zero-carbon city, Karatsu City is actively promoting initiatives aimed at realizing a decarbonized society, with citizens, businesses, and the government working together.
By leveraging the know-how and technology that DMM has cultivated, we hope to contribute to solving regional issues in Karatsu City.We will first promote the spread of EVs by installing EV charging
infrastructure at city-owned facilities. Masu.
*Comment from Tatsuro Mine, Mayor of Karatsu City*
In March of last year, Karatsu City declared itself a “Zero Carbon City” in order to make Karatsu City’s rich natural environment and future generations’ lives sustainable, and to aim for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. did.
We are very pleased to be able to conclude a partnership agreement with for the purpose of global warming countermeasures, including the installation of EV charging equipment in public facilities.
DMM EV is a convenient and familiar EV charging service for EV users. We feel very encouraged that the provision of “CHARGE” will lead to improved convenience in citizens’ lives and further expansion of efforts toward a zero-carbon city.
In the future, by collaborating with, we would like to increase the momentum for global warming countermeasures, including the spread of EVs, and accelerate decarbonization in the city area. *What is “DMM EV CHARGE”*
CHARGE is an EV charging service that can be used at commercial facilities, accommodation facilities, public facilities, condominiums, etc. nationwide. We offer a variety of plans tailored to the needs of business operators, including a “0 yen plan” that eliminates the initial costs (equipment and construction costs) and service usage fees associated with the introduction of regular chargers and quick chargers. Local business through EV charging services, such as increasing customer visit frequency and continued usage by providing a new motive for customers to visit the store, reaching potential customers who came to the store for the purpose of charging, and playing a role as a local infrastructure. We will also provide support.

* -Benefits for operators-*
・We have a 0 yen plan. Also suitable for business operators who want to reduce costs and introduce EV chargers.
・We handle all the troublesome procedures associated with the introduction of EV chargers, including on-site surveys, construction work, and subsidy applications.
– Fully equipped with a 24-hour, 365-day support system. Support for emergency response and charger repair.

* -Advantages for EV users-*
・Providing EV chargers with an output of 6kW to 180kW. The most suitable charger can be selected depending on the usage needs and usage conditions of the installation location.
・You can charge and pay immediately by simply registering the app and registering your credit card.
・App payment is planned to be linked with DMM account. 41.01 million members of can use the service immediately.

* ・Service site: * ** Please refer to the service site for details of each plan.
Also, if you are a business considering the introduction of an EV charger, please contact us from the service site.
*About LLC*
Operates the comprehensive service site “”, which boasts 41.01 million members (*). Since our founding in 1998, we have developed a wide range of businesses and currently operate over 60 services. In addition to a variety of entertainment services such as video distribution, e-books, and anime, we are involved in a variety of businesses, including hardware fields such as 3D printing and the development of fire trucks and ambulances, and businesses that incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as web3 and AI. Masu. In 2022, we will launch the subscription membership system “DMM Premium” and aim to create a “multi-entertainment platform” that seamlessly connects all kinds of entertainment experiences. Going forward, we will continue to take on new business challenges while repeating change and evolution in line with our corporate message, “A future that everyone wants to see.”
*As of February 2023

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