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Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. Voices from residents of the wooden condominium “MOCXION Yotsuya 3-chome”

[Mitsui Home Co., Ltd.] Voices from residents of the wooden
condominium “MOCXION Yotsuya 3-chome”

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Press release: February 13, 2024
Voices from tenants of the wooden condominium “MOCXION Yotsuya 3-chome” *~Highly rated for insulation and sound insulation~*
Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Ikeda) We would like to inform you of the results of a survey conducted among the residents of MOCXION Yotsuya 3-chome, which was completed in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.

This building is an all-wooden, 4-story wooden apartment building (*1) that was completed in May 2023. A survey was conducted in October regarding the comfort of living between June and October, and the evaluations of residents of wooden condominiums were revealed. *1
Wooden condominiums: In December 2021, prefabricated construction associations and major real estate portal sites have made it possible to recruit wooden apartment buildings of 3 or more floors that meet certain conditions as “condominiums”. Previously, wooden apartment complexes could only be advertised as “apartments” regardless of the number of floors; they could not be described as “condominiums”).

[Summary of tenant survey]
・80% of residents rated the overall comfort of living as high* ・Results show that residents’ awareness of “energy saving” and “decarbonization” has improved.
・More than 70% of people rate the insulation in summer as high* ・ Regarding sound insulation, which is said to be the key to wooden construction, *the majority* gave it a high rating, while less than 30% gave it a low rating.
・*100% of exterior design and 93% of entrance design received high marks*

This building has been well-received in terms of recruitment, and the average rent is higher than the average rent for condominiums in the same area, and even though the rental market is in the low season, it was fully occupied in a short period of about one month, and the expected value is high. I could hear it. Reinforced concrete (RC) construction is still the mainstream for condominiums, and there are only a few cases of wooden condominiums moving in. However, with the generally favorable evaluation of this building in this survey, we will continue to build Chuo University. We will promote the use of wood in large-scale buildings and strive to further popularize wooden buildings and develop technologies that will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.
*1. What is “MOCXION (*2) Yotsuya 3-chome” *

This building is an all-wooden four-story rental housing completed in May 2023. It uses wood, a recyclable resource, as the main structural material, and has high insulation, high strength, and high durability. MOCXION is a sustainable wooden condominium (*3). This is the first urban “MOCXION” in Tokyo’s 23 wards, which uses our proprietary technology to meet the strict restrictions unique to urban areas.

We began recruiting residents from May 2023, and all 15 rooms were filled in about a month. Considering that the rent was set higher than the surrounding market price and that recruitment started in May, which was a slow season, we believe that this reflects the high expectations of the tenants.
*2 “MOCXION” standards: Sustainable wooden condominiums that have acquired “ZEH-M Oriented” or higher certification, as well as meeting our own standards.
*3 Registration requirements for wooden condominiums stipulated by a major real estate information site: A condominium with three or more floors, obtain a housing performance evaluation report, and meet the following grading conditions.
1. Anti-deterioration grade 3 2. Earthquake resistance grade 3 or fire resistance grade 4 or fireproof structure
(This building satisfies condition 2 because it has a fireproof structure.)

*2. Resident survey results *

This survey was conducted between October 13th and 31st, 2023, with the purpose of asking people about the comfort of living in this building, which has been occupied since June 16th, 2023. These results were obtained from a total of 15 households.
In the following, questions whose answer format is “choose from 5 options” are divided into five categories: “satisfied,” “somewhat satisfied,” “neutral,” “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “dissatisfied.” choice
selected from options. High evaluation refers to the sum of
“satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied,” and low evaluation refers to the sum of “rather dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied.”
* 1. More than 80% of people rated the overall comfort of living highly *

Approximately 4 months after moving in, 80% of the residents gave a high rating. No one gave a low rating. The results indicate that many people find the living environment of wooden condominiums appealing. Some residents commented, “It’s very relaxing” and “I don’t feel much difference from the RC building I lived in before.”
・Question: About the comfort of living in a wooden apartment ・Answer format: Select from 5 choices

* 2. The results strongly emphasize the rise in environmental awareness *

With the “Building Energy Saving Performance Indication System (*4)” starting in April 2024, it is predicted that awareness of “energy saving performance” when selecting a property will further increase. In order to understand the level of environmental awareness that the general public has regarding housing, we asked them, “When looking for their next home, how conscious are they about energy conservation and decarbonization?” The results showed that residents’
environmental awareness was high, with less than 10% of residents saying they were not conscious of energy conservation and
・Question: How much will you be conscious of energy saving and decarbonization when looking for your next home?
・Answer format: Choose from 5 options: “I am particularly conscious of it,” “I am somewhat aware of it,” “I cannot say either way,” “I am not conscious of it either,” “I am not at all aware of it.”
*4 A system in which sales and rental businesses display the energy-saving performance of buildings in advertisements, etc., so that consumers, etc. can understand and compare the energy-saving performance when purchasing or renting a building.
In April 2024, businesses that sell and rent houses and buildings will be required to make efforts to display energy-saving performance labels.
* 3.More than 70% gave high marks for summer insulation *

It has been recorded that the temperature in the summer of 2023 was particularly high compared to previous years (*5), but even under that environment, more than 70% of residents gave high ratings. In July and August, there were extremely hot days and prices were soaring, but no one answered that their electricity bill had gone up. In addition to the ability of wooden structures to conduct heat more easily than steel or RC structures, ZEH-M
It is believed that the insulation performance of the Oriented certified building was fully demonstrated, contributing to the building’s comfort and energy savings.
・Question: About summer insulation
・Answer format: Select from 5 choices
*5 Announcement on the Japan Meteorological Agency’s website on September 1, 2020: “Japan’s average temperature is the highest in summer since 1898.”

* 4. Sound insulation, which is generally considered to be a key factor in wooden construction, was rated highly by the majority, with less than 30% giving it a low rating *

Regarding the problem of noise, which tends to be a problem in general wooden apartment buildings, this building had a low rating of 26% for the upper and lower floors, and 13% for the exterior and neighboring units. There were also comments such as “It’s not a concern” and “It’s not a problem.” In general, more than 40% of people in condominiums and 50% in apartments say they are concerned about noises from the rooms above and below, from rooms to the left and right, and children’s footsteps, so this is a relatively high rating. Yes. ・Question: About sound insulation
・Answer format: Select from 5 choices
Survey of people considering renting in May and June 2016 (researched by Recruit Sumai Company, nationwide)
* 5. Highly rated for design, etc. *

The exterior design received 100% positive reviews, and over 90% of the customers also gave high marks to the entrance, which gives off a wooden feel. “MOCXION” has strict internal standards regarding design as well as housing performance. The creation of a space that combines luxury and the feel of a wooden condominium has led to high ratings even in high-rent areas such as central Tokyo.
・Question: About the exterior design About the entrance design ・Answer format: Select from 5 choices

In addition, the building is located in the city of Yotsuya 3-chome, and residents have commented that they think it is attractive, with regard to the spatial design that gives the impression of trees and forests. I am.
・Question: What design do you find attractive about this building? ・Answer format: Multiple choice
Main answer
・Wood art pieces displayed in the entrance hall
・Nature sound BGM flowing inside the entrance
・Lighting effect that looks like sunlight filtering through the trees Wooden art pieces displayed in the entrance hall
Lighting effect that looks like sunlight filtering through the trees (Reference) Related news release
2023.05.24 Wooden condominium “MOCXION Yotsuya 3-chome” completed
2023.10.18 Received “Wood Design Award 2023”

* [Mitsui Home will promote MOCX GREEN PROJECT] *
PROJECT is a project in which our company, which has built more than 250,000 wooden buildings to date, will further expand the
possibilities of wooden buildings and contribute to decarbonization through various initiatives.
* [About Mitsui Fudosan Group’s contribution to SDGs] *
Based on the philosophies of “coexistence and coexistence,” “linking diverse values,” and “realizing a sustainable society,” the Mitsui Fudosan Group aims to create a society where both people and the earth are enriched. We promote business with an awareness of (S) and governance (G), that is, ESG management. By further accelerating the Mitsui Fudosan Group’s ESG management, we will aim to
We believe that we can make a significant contribution to the realization of “5.0” and the achievement of the “SDGs.” Also, November 2021
In February, we formulated the following group guidelines regarding “realizing a decarbonized society” and “promoting diversity and inclusion.” The Mitsui Fudosan Group will continue to work toward solving social issues through urban development.
・“Formulate a group action plan to realize a decarbonized society”
・“Development of Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Declaration and Initiatives Policy” ・“Formulate biodiversity policy”
*The initiatives in this release contribute to the seven goals of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Goal 3: Health and well-being for all
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 11: Creating a city where people can continue to live
Goal 12 Responsible production and consumption
Goal 13: Take concrete measures to combat climate change
Goal 14: Protect the richness of the ocean
Goal 15: Protect the richness of the land
*About details about this release*

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