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Home » Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd. We will exhibit “VUEVO” at “CareTEX Tokyo’24 10th International Nu rsing Care Products Exhibition/Nursing Facility Industry Exhibition/Nursing Facility Solutions Exhibition”

Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd. We will exhibit “VUEVO” at “CareTEX Tokyo’24 10th International Nu rsing Care Products Exhibition/Nursing Facility Industry Exhibition/Nursing Facility Solutions Exhibition”

Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd.
“VUEVO” will be exhibited at “CareTEX Tokyo ’24 10th [International] Nursing Care Products Exhibition/Nursing Facility Industry
Exhibition/Nursing Facility Solutions Exhibition”
Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Directors: Yoichi Ochiai, Yasuichiro Murakami) will be holding “CareTEX” at Tokyo Big Sight from March 12th (Tuesday) to March 14th (Thursday), 2024. We will be exhibiting at Tokyo ’24 10th [International] Nursing Care Products Exhibition/Nursing Facility Industry Exhibition/Nursing Facility Solutions Exhibition. This exhibition is a specialized exhibition that brings together nursing care products, equipment and services for elderly care facilities, whose markets are rapidly expanding. At this exhibition, we plan to exhibit VUEVO.
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VUEVO website
Features of VUEVO
VUEVO is a service that uses a proprietary wireless microphone and a dedicated application to visualize “who” and “what” was said in real time, making meetings and minutes creation more efficient.
User interface that makes it easy to intuitively understand conversation content Even in conversations with multiple people, it is easy to see who is talking about what.
Highly accurate wireless microphone developed with unique technology Using a unique algorithm, it collects audio from all 360° directions with high precision, while analyzing the audio direction and converting the audio into text in real time.
Compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs In addition to smartphones and tablets compatible with iOS and Android, it is also compatible with PCs, which are essential for office work.
Summary function using Chat GPT
VUEVO, which can convert the utterances of each speaker into text with high accuracy and in real time, is highly compatible with “ChatGPT”, which is skilled in language processing, and by utilizing ChatGPT, productivity can be improved in a wider variety of situations. can be expected.
VUEVO provides the following summarization features:
・Automatic creation function for meeting title and summary
This is a function that automatically creates meeting titles and summaries using ChatGPT. This allows you to instantly find the conversation notes you need, easily understand the content of the meeting, and improve your work productivity.
・Real-time summary function
This function summarizes the contents of the conversation in real time every 5 minutes. This increases participants’ level of understanding of the meeting, and even those who join in the middle can smoothly participate in the discussion, improving work productivity.
Exhibition overview
Name: CareTEX Tokyo ’24 10th [International] Nursing Care Products Exhibition/Nursing Facility Industry Exhibition/Nursing Facility Solutions Exhibition (within Tokyo Care Week ’24)
Date and time: March 12th (Tuesday) to March 14th (Thursday), 2024 9:30-17:00 (Reception starts at 9:00)
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight South Exhibition Building
Booth: 20-6
Sponsor: Boutiques Co., Ltd.
To attend, you must register in advance on the exhibition’s official website. About Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd.
Through the fusion of computer science and unique wave control technology that freely manipulates sound and light, Pixie Dust Technologies creates an environment in which computers and
non-computers are inseparable, and is able to create an environment where computers and non-computers are inseparable, and where language, phenomena, analog and digital, etc. We are looking forward to the arrival of a “digital nature” that will cyclically transcend binary oppositions. We are currently applying wave control technology to mechanobiology, the field of “personal care and diversity” that intervenes and assists in visual, auditory, and tactile senses, as well as metamaterials (technology that creates properties through structure rather than materials) and offices.・We are developing products with a focus on two main areas: “Workspace & Digital Transformation,” which are applied to solving problems at
construction sites. Compared to rapidly evolving computers, the evolution of our biological bodies (hardware) is extremely slow, and the gap between them is widening. Pixie Dust Technologies successfully mediates between the two and continues to create better value for life.
Trade name Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd.
Ticker symbol PXDT (NASDAQ market)
Company establishment May 2017
Representative Directors: Yoichi Ochiai, Taiichiro Murakami
Address: 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Inquiries regarding this matter
Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd. Public Relations
* VUEVO and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pixie Dust Technologies Co., Ltd.
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