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Home » Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd. Introducing a new childcare and nursing care leave support system for childcare and nursing care support

Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd. Introducing a new childcare and nursing care leave support system for childcare and nursing care support

Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd.
Introducing a new childcare and nursing care leave support system for childcare and nursing care support
Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Eiji Aritomi, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is committed to creating a comfortable working environment where all employees can balance work and family. From April 1, 2024, we will introduce a system to support employees involved in nursing care and employees who work on behalf of those taking childcare leave. We will continue to work to create a workplace environment where each employee can work with peace of mind by supporting the balance between work and family. ■Overview [Newly established system]●Childcare leave support grant When an employee takes childcare leave, we will provide a monthly childcare leave support grant of 40,000 yen to the employee. ●Childcare supporter support grant: In order to create a workplace environment where it is easy to take childcare leave, we will provide a lump-sum grant of 5,000 to 100,000 yen depending on the number of employees in the section below, depending on the number of employees.
[Image:×190.jpg] [Expansion of system] ●Childcare/nursing care support subsidy: Employees who work shorter hours under the childcare/nursing care leave system will receive an increase of 10,000 yen as a support subsidy to a monthly payment of 20,000 yen. ■Our Initiatives Our company strives to foster a culture that respects diversity, holds workshops to encourage the taking of childcare and nursing care leave, promotes the taking of paid leave, and actively utilizes telework and staggered working hours, so that everyone can feel active in their own way. Aiming to be a company where employees can thrive, we are actively working to create a workplace where employees can demonstrate their full potential. ◆About Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd.Company name: FUSO DENTSU CO., LTD.HP URL: office location: Shiodome Eastside, 5-4-18 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Building Representative Director and President: Eiji Aritomi Established: March 1948 Fuso Dentsu operates a wide range of businesses, including facility services, with network solution business and SI solution business as its pillars, and provides network environment construction and software services from 54 locations nationwide. We solve our customers’ business and management issues through design, development, and introduction of communication and electronic equipment. ■For inquiries regarding this matter, Fuso Dentsu Co., Ltd. Corporate Innovation Headquarters Corporate Planning Office Shiodome East Side Building, 5-4-18 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045 Phone: 03-3544-7211 Email: .jp
*The contents and contact information listed in the press release are as of the date of the announcement. It is subject to change without prior notice. Please note.
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