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Home » Gakken Stayful Co., Ltd. Perfect for purchasing! New release of “Gakken New Block Tire Parts” that expand play

Gakken Stayful Co., Ltd. Perfect for purchasing! New release of “Gakken New Block Tire Parts” that expand play

Nippon Publishing Sales Co., Ltd.
Perfect for purchasing! New release of “Gakken New Block Tire Parts” that expand play
Gakken Staifle Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda, Tokyo/President: Mizuho Noguchi), a group company of Nippon Publishing Sales Co., Ltd. (Kanda,
Tokyo/President: Keiji Okumura), will launch “Gakken New Block Tire Parts” in 2024. It was released on March 25th.
Gakken New Blocks are blocks that can be played with for a long time from 1.5 years old to elementary school students, featuring soft and large parts. It’s been half a century since its birth, and it continues to be loved by generations.
Gakken New Block has released “Gakken New Block Tire Parts” on March 25th. This set is packed with “tire parts”, which are the most requested additions, and can be combined with your existing Gakken New Block to further expand your range of play.
What is Gakken New Block?
[Image 1:×1000.png ]
The biggest feature of Gakken New Block is the unique shape of the parts. Not only can they be stacked vertically, but they can also be stacked horizontally or diagonally, so the combinations are endless. Since you can create anything you imagine in your head, it greatly fosters creativity and 3D cognition.
Also, since the parts are large, there is no need to worry about accidentally swallowing it even if it is used from 1.5 years old, making it perfect for children’s first block. At first, it started with stacking and breaking things, then it evolved into playing with things like food and railroad tracks, playing with parts that were assembled freely, and then turning into works of art from what you thought in your head, and continued to play until elementary school students. receive.
Gakken new block tire parts
[Image 2:×1676.jpg] A set containing many standard tires and axle parts. There are also parts in colors that are not included in the “Gakken New Block Vehicle Set,” which has a wide variety of vehicle parts, so you can create more free and colorful works. In addition to being used as the tires and wheels of a vehicle, you can also play with them as a chimney of a train, expanding your ideas and play and fostering your imagination.
Product information
●Product name: Gakken New Block Tire Parts
●Product number: 83742
●Price: 1,760 yen including tax (1,600 yen)
●Target age: 2 years old or older
●Product contents: 4 types of blocks 20 pieces
●Package size: width 110 x height 260 x depth 70mm
●Sold to: Toy stores nationwide, toy sections of department stores and electronics stores, online shopping, etc.
・Gakken Stayful Rakuten Market Store
●Gakken New Block official website
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