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Exclusive release Learning from serial entrepreneur Norimasa Shiraishi about his philosophy of success and future outlook for Japanese gaming

Casumba Media Ltd.
[Exclusive release] Learning from serial entrepreneur Norimasa Shiraishi about his philosophy of success and future outlook for Japanese gaming
~From Japan to the World~ A total of 5 special interviews that shed light on the gaming industry
In March 2024, Casumba Media Ltd., which specializes in Japanese media marketing for overseas businesses, published an exclusive interview conducted with Norimasa Shiraishi, an entrepreneur based in Europe, on its own media. did. The 5-part series is currently available on our website (
[Image 1:×400.jpg] In a total of five special interviews, we spoke to Norimasa Shiraishi, who is known as a serial startup entrepreneur in Japan and Europe, about his strategy for taking on the global business field, and about Japan’s world-class content industry. Mr. Shiraishi spoke passionately about building a business model from a global perspective that transcends language, culture, and racial barriers, and the future prospects of the gaming industry in which he is involved. Currently, Japan is proceeding with the construction of an integrated resort in Osaka with the aim of opening in 2030, and gaming-related trends are attracting attention both domestically and internationally.
[Image 2:×500.jpg] Based on this background, this site conducted an interview focusing on Mr. Shiraishi as an innovator in the gaming industry and as an entrepreneur who continues to take on challenges in the global market. In this interview series, Mr. Shiraishi will talk in detail about his experiences working on the global stage and his mindset as an entrepreneur competing overseas, using his unique perspective and insight.
Furthermore, the content is interesting, focusing on Mr. Shiraishi’s philosophy of success as a serial entrepreneur, and exploring the secret behind his energetic drive to communicate from Japan to the world.
Title: “Serial Entrepreneur | Norimasa Shiraishi talks about his 5 startup challenges in Europe” Part 1: How can Japanese people win in the world? ~ Advance through the English language barrier, cultural barrier, and racial barrier ~
Part 2: Creating new industries for the children of the future – Anime, games, and pachinko. Fully concentrating on Japan’s content industry ~
Part 3: The first step to expanding your business overseas ~ Domain expansion: Global human relationships ~
No. 4: How to attack by taking advantage of Japan’s national character and strengths ~ PULS Ultra by leveraging the strongest passport ~ Part 5: The positive impact that the gaming business has on society ~ The stimulation of gaming can boost your healthy life expectancy ~ Applicable page: Guest profile
[Image 3:×500.jpg] Kensei Shiraishi
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1983. Graduated from Kumamoto University and Waseda University. After studying the application of artificial intelligence while attending Waseda University, he joined IBM Japan. Founder of diffeasy Co., Ltd. After successfully launching multiple SaaS cloud services, he sold diffeasy and CrossLog businesses to Fukuoka Financial Group in 2021. Subsequent activities included successful M&A of one company each in Japan and Europe. Currently based in Europe, he is engaged in his own gaming-related business under the personal name “Barikata.” As a serial entrepreneur aiming to be listed on the Nordic NASDAQ, he is expanding his activities from Japan to the world.
What is Casumba Media Ltd.?
We are a global company based in the Republic of Malta that provides digital marketing services specializing in overseas business. We provide customized solutions tailored to the needs of overseas companies, such as expanding their online presence, increasing brand awareness, and promoting conversion.
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