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Okayama University Okayama University Global Human Resources Development Institute 2023 Spring Language Training will be held!

National University Corporation Okayama University
[Okayama University] Okayama University Global Human Resources Development Institute 2023 Spring Language Training will be held! ……
March 29, 2024 (Reiwa 6) National University Corporation Okayama University
[Image 1: &s3=72793-2074-d6680433308612822B453E99 D90B-1912X1064.jpg]
National University Corporation Okayama University (Headquarters: Kita-ku, Okayama City, President: Yasutomo Nasu) aims to develop students who can play an active role internationally, and conducts language training and short-term overseas training during summer and spring vacations. During this year’s spring break, we sent a total of 69 students to language training at the University of Adelaide (Australia), York University (UK), and University of Malaya
In the program at the University of Adelaide, one of the training destinations, the students intensively study English with Japanese and foreign students from outside Okayama University, and experience Australian society first-hand through homestays and interactions with local university students. . The purpose is not only to improve English skills through practical learning, but also to develop the ability to overcome differences and cooperate with others by interacting with people with diverse values ​​and lifestyles on a daily basis.
Kotaro Ozasa, a first-year student in the Faculty of Economics (at the time of his trip), who participated in the program, said, “I am considering long-term study abroad in the future, and I participated in the language training in Adelaide as a stepping stone.At the local language school, I met friends who are striving to achieve high goals such as going to graduate school overseas, and I was inspired and spent a fulfilling month.What I learned most through the training was “Understanding yourself and your home country.” During my stay, my host family asked me about myself and Japan’s “wabi-sabi” culture, and I learned that having a high level of language skills and
understanding other cultures are two important things that can be used globally. It was an eye-opening experience for me, as I thought it was a condition for me to succeed.I would like to improve my language skills in preparation for my future study abroad, and at the same time deepen my understanding of Japanese culture.” .
Okayama University will continue to provide many opportunities for the development of talented people around the world. Please look forward to Okayama University, which continues to promote co-development and co-creation as a regional core and distinctive research university. This information was published on the Okayama University website on March 27, 2024.
[Image 2:×600.jpg] Explore Adelaide’s nature
[Image 3:×601.jpg] Group photo with classmates
[Image 4:×620.jpg] Commemorative photo with host family at local airport
[Image 5:×600.jpg] Graduation ceremony
・Okayama University Global Human Resources Development Institute
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[Image 8:×840.jpg] Okayama University Tsushima Campus (Kita Ward, Okayama City) ◆Contact information for this matter
Okayama University Global Human Resources Development Institute (International Department, Study Abroad Exchange Division, Study Abroad Division)
2-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 Okayama University Tsushima Campus TEL: 086-251-8532 E-mail: ryugaku◎ *Replace ◎ with @ please
-For inquiries regarding Okayama University’s
industry-academia-government collaboration, etc.- Okayama University Research Promotion Organization Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Headquarters 1-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 Okayama University Tsushima Campus Main Building 1F TEL: 086 -251-8463 E-mail: sangaku◎
Okayama University Media “OTD” (App): Okayama University Media “OTD” (Web):
/rd/p/000000215.000072793.html Okayama University Integrated Report 2023: Okayama University SDGs homepage: Okayama University SDGs – Thinking about the sustainability of local communities (YouTube): Okayama University Image Movie (YouTube) ):
Industry-academia co-creation activity “Okayama University Open Innovation Challenge” Now recruiting co-creation activity partners for March 2024: Okayama University “THE Impact Ranking 2021” Overall ranking: Top 200 in the world, same number 1 in Japan!! Okayama University “University Brand Image Survey 2021-2022” “Proactive towards SDGs” Ranked No. 1 in Chugoku/Shikoku by Okayama University “University Image Survey 2022 Edition from the Perspective of Human Resources Personnel in Companies” Chugoku/Shikoku 1st place!!
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[Image 10:×697.jpg] Okayama University, a national university corporation, supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also received a special award at the government’s 1st Japan SDGs Award. Please look forward to Okayama University, which promotes co-development and co-creation as a regional core and distinctive research university. Okayama University Selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities Strengthening Promotion Project (J-PEAKS)” ~ Realization of Okayama University as a research university that co-creates the future of the region and the earth and becomes the core of global innovation As we accelerate, we will build a mountain range of Japan’s research universities that we can be proud of around the world.

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