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Home » Ambitious Co., Ltd. Are there many fires in spring? ! Are you taking steps to create an evacuation route for your home and to avoid creating fire hazards?

Ambitious Co., Ltd. Are there many fires in spring? ! Are you taking steps to create an evacuation route for your home and to avoid creating fire hazards?

Ambitious Co., Ltd.
Are there many fires in spring? ! Are you taking steps to create an evacuation route for your home and to avoid creating fire hazards? ……
[Image 1:×426.jpg] Did you know that spring is the season with the most fires of the year? In addition to the dry weather from winter, there are many windy days, creating an environment where fires can easily ignite and spread, making fires more likely to occur in spring. Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the fire prevention measures taken at home. Let’s think about fire prevention and creating a safe home environment from a variety of perspectives, from basic measures such as using a fire extinguisher to lifestyle changes to prevent fires.
Approximately 60% of people take fire prevention measures at home This survey was conducted among people living all over the country, and we will mainly analyze the results in the Kanto region (34.8%), where the number of respondents was particularly high.
The first part of the survey asked respondents whether they had taken any fire prevention measures at home.
[Image 2:×1013.jpg] In this survey, approximately 60% of people (59.0% in the Kanto region and 56.8% nationwide) took fire prevention measures at home. By region in the Kanto region, eastern Chiba prefecture (80.0%) and southern Saitama prefecture (71.4%) had the highest percentage of people who answered that they were taking precautions against fires at home.
Furthermore, when looking at the type of living environment in the Kanto region (single-family houses, condominiums, apartments, etc.), the implementation rate of fire prevention measures was high in apartments for families (75.0%) and condominiums for families (65.3%). One of the reasons may be that measures are being taken such as installing fire alarms and fire extinguishers as standard equipment and carrying out simultaneous inspections from the time a house is sold or moved in.
On the other hand, those who answered “I want to do so (23.0% in Kanto, 26.0% nationwide)” or “No (18.0% in Kanto, 17.3% nationwide)” are aware of the areas where fire prevention measures have not been taken. Approximately 40% (41.0% in Kanto, 43.3% nationwide) said that By area in the Kanto region, the percentage of people who are aware of areas where fire prevention measures have not been taken is high in the 23 wards of Tokyo (52.0%), and by type of living environment in the Kanto region (houses, condominiums, apartments, etc.) Condominiums for single people (50.0%), apartments for single people (50.0%), and apartment complexes (50.0%) accounted for half of the total, with a slightly higher percentage of detached houses (45.6%).
What fire prevention measures are in place?
In the questionnaire, those who answered that they were implementing fire prevention measures were then asked about what they were doing specifically.
[Image 3:×1280.png ]
Basic fire countermeasures such as installing fire alarms and fire extinguishers The first place in both Japan and the Kanto region was “Installation of fire alarms” (71.4% in Kanto, 70.3% nationwide). Along with “Installing fire extinguishers” (40.7% in Kanto, 43.1% nationwide), which ranks 4th in Kanto and 5th in Japan, many people are seen implementing this as a basic measure to minimize damage caused by fire. Ta.
In addition, from the perspective of disaster prevention in general, not just for fires, “secure evacuation routes and evacuation methods” (24.2% in Kanto and 22.4% nationwide) ranked 6th in the Kanto region and nationwide, and 7th in both Kanto and nationwide. Some respondents said that they are cooperating and checking with their families to tidy up their surroundings (22.0% in the Kanto region and 16.3% nationwide).
Additionally, there was an opinion that they try to “use
fire-resistant clothing and bedding (3.3% in Kanto, 2.8% nationwide), which ranks 8th in both Kanto and Japan.
It is also important to take daily precautions to prevent fires. Many respondents said that they can prevent fires by being mindful of their daily lifestyles, including “Stay away from the stove when using it” (63.7% in the Kanto region and 58.5% nationwide), which came in second place both in the Kanto region and nationwide. There are those who diligently clean the dust from electrical outlets (44.0% in Kanto and 50.8% nationwide) to prevent ignition caused by sparks, which ranks 3rd in Kanto and nationwide, and 5th in Kanto and 4th in Japan. Of the respondents, respondents said they try not to put things near stoves, etc. (33.0% in Kanto region, 49.6% nationwide) to prevent fire from spreading.
The results showed that there are various measures that can be taken in daily life to prevent “burn-over”, which can cause fires, including in the kitchen, where gas is often used.
When considering the evacuation route, there are things that are obstacles. When thinking about fire prevention measures, I learned that there are two types of measures: basic measures that include an overall perspective of disaster prevention, and measures that focus on preventing fires in daily life.
Therefore, in the survey, we next focused on evacuation routes that are useful for disaster prevention in general, and asked people to imagine if they actually evacuated, and whether there were any objects that might pose an obstacle when considering an evacuation route.
[Image 4:×1016.jpg] In the survey, a total of about 40% (36.7% in the Kanto region and 41.5% nationwide) answered that there are things that could or could become obstacles when considering evacuation routes. Originally, it can be said that there should be no obstacles when considering safety, but in reality, it seems that there is a possibility that there is something that becomes an obstacle in about 40% of cases.
By region in the Kanto region, the percentage of people who answered that there are things that could become an obstacle was high in the Chiba prefecture bay area (62.5%), and by housing environment type (house, condominium, apartment, etc.) in the Kanto region, the percentage of people who answered that there were things that could become an obstacle was high in the coastal area of ​​Chiba Prefecture (62.5%). %) and apartments for singles (50.0%).
I can’t help but put things near the stove, etc.
Next, let’s take a look at the measures you can take to prevent fires in your daily life. The 5th place in the Kanto region and the 4th place in Japan for fire prevention measures was “not placing things around stoves, etc.” Therefore, we asked respondents whether they sometimes end up leaving things nearby, such as around the stove.
[Image 5:×1004.jpg] In this survey, more than 30% (34.5% in the Kanto region and 36.8% nationwide) answered that they sometimes/sometimes have to leave things nearby, such as around the stove.
The breakdown is as follows:
“Yes” (Kanto 12.2%, Nationwide 10.0%)
“Sometimes” (22.3% in Kanto, 26.8% nationwide).
Only about 10% of people answered yes, but around 25%, or 1 in 4 people, sometimes put things down, thinking it would be okay. Even if some consideration is taken, there is a good chance that unexpected situations may occur, such as a child’s unexpected movement or a sudden earthquake, which is dangerous.
By region in the Kanto region, respondents who answered that they sometimes/sometimes have to leave things near the stove were particularly popular in the bay area of ​​Chiba Prefecture (50.0%) and in the 23 wards of Tokyo (40.0%). %)was.
Furthermore, when looking at the type of living environment in the Kanto region (single-family houses, condominiums, apartments, etc.), the percentage was particularly high for detached houses (45.6%). One thing I would like to pay attention to here is that in addition to the “psychology” of leaving things around the stove, etc., thinking it’s okay, there is also the question of “why do situations arise where you have to place things even temporarily?” “is. There may be times when you want to keep it within reach for a moment, but there are also times when you may want to keep it within reach, but you may also find that there is no other convenient place to put it, or that the room is full of things and things are getting close to the stove, etc. There must be quite a few cases where this happens.
Regarding the “things that can be an obstacle to evacuation routes” that I talked about earlier, there are many cases where “if you don’t have a lot of things at home or if you can store them neatly, they won’t become an obstacle.”
For example, when evacuating to the balcony, there are many situations where something is left next to a window and the window opening is a little narrow, or there is luggage left in the corner of a hallway and it is dangerous to evacuate in a hurry. it might be.
[Storage Pit] Also available in areas where many people feel that there are things that can obstruct evacuation routes!
◆Trunk room in Chiba prefecture bay area/northern area
Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture: Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture:
◆Trunk room in the 23 wards of Tokyo
Nakano-ku, Tokyo: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo: I want to keep my home tidy and tidy for fire prevention!
If you have been thinking about fire countermeasures and evacuation up to this point, you may be concerned about the amount of things you have on a daily basis, or even if you don’t usually worry about it, there are many things that can become an obstacle when thinking about disaster prevention and evacuation. I think there are many people who feel that there is.
Therefore, in our survey, we asked people whether they would like to organize their things at home to prevent fires.
[Image 6:×1034.jpg] According to the survey, about 40% of people (42.4% in Kanto and 37.8% nationwide) wanted to organize their things at home to prevent fires. By region in the Kanto region, the percentage was highest in the bay area of ​​Chiba Prefecture (62.5%) and the southern part of Saitama Prefecture (57.1%).
Furthermore, when looking at the type of living environment in Kanto (houses, condominiums, apartments, etc.), the percentage is high for single-person condominiums and single-person apartments (both 50.0%), which tend to have fewer rooms and storage space. We found that in single-person residences, when fire prevention measures are taken into account, it is easy for people to concentrate their belongings in a limited space, and many people feel the need to organize their belongings.
[Storage Pit] Perfect for areas where many people want to keep things organized for fire prevention purposes and areas where there are many single people!
◆Trunk room in the southern area of ​​Saitama Prefecture
Fujimi City, Saitama Prefecture:
Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture: ◆Trunk room outside the 23 wards of Tokyo
Komae City, Tokyo: Chofu City, Tokyo: In the survey, we specifically asked people about things they would like to organize and put away as a fire prevention measure. Here are some excerpts from the responses.
■User’s Voice
・I want to clean up the kitchen, which can easily become a source of fire. I want to organize cooking utensils and seasonings around the stove. (30s, restaurant part-time job)
Things tend to overflow around the kitchen. Using fire is the most common cause of fires, so I want to keep things organized, including ingredients and seasonings. (30s, nurse)
・I want to avoid leaving things on the floor and hallways.
I have storage boxes and food stock piled up on the floor and hallway, and they get in the way, so I want to get rid of them. (40s, hospitality industry)
I have a bookshelf in the aisle, so I want to put it away so it doesn’t fall over and the books don’t slide out. (40s/Part-time) I want to clean up my children’s toys so they don’t step on them and interfere with evacuation (housewife in her 30s)
There are things in the corner of the room that cannot fit into the closet. clothing etc. (50s, office worker)
Wi-Fi routers placed directly on the floor, shoes around the entrance, etc. (20s, office worker)
・I want to clean up my bulky luggage during the off-season.
Bulky items such as seasonal home appliances (40s, office worker) Off-season futon (30s, office worker)
・I have a lot of things and want to organize my luggage in general. I want to reduce the amount of things I have at home. Especially since my clothes are bulky, I want to reduce them. (30s, housewife) Anyway, I have a lot of stuff in my house, and I’d like to reduce the amount of stuff I carry because it’s likely to cause a big fire in the event of a fire. (30s, unemployed)
When thinking about evacuation in the event of a disaster such as a fire, it is important to remember that items that are normally left on the floor or in hallways, thinking that it is unavoidable or that you should be careful when passing through, may obstruct evacuation in an emergency. You may become aware of the cause of injury.
If you are concerned about how many things you have in your home and where they are stored and want to keep things tidy, or if you feel like you don’t have enough space in your home, you can use a storage room.
When considering fire prevention measures, many people said they wanted to keep things organized and tidy.Use the trunk room to store off-season items such as clothing, bedding, home appliances, children’s items that are no longer in use, books and documents, and to organize and store all items. When thinking,
・You can free up space at home by organizing your luggage by considering how often you use it and storing items that will not be used for a while, such as off-season items, in the trunk room. It is also possible to put away the things that were
・When you feel like you don’t have enough storage space at home, you can use a trunk room that is sized according to the space you need, so you can solve the problem with cost-effectiveness.
・Using an indoor trunk-type trunk room allows you to store items in a safe storage environment similar to your own storage space, making it ideal for storing clothes, bedding, etc.
・If you have stockpiled items for disaster prevention or items that you want to keep available even if your home becomes unusable during a disaster, you can store them in separate locations away from your home, so you can store them in case of an emergency. Be prepared in case of disaster
There is an advantage.
If you think about fire prevention measures again in spring, when there are the most fires of the year, and if you feel that there are still issues with the arrangement of your belongings at home, you may want to consider using the trunk room.
[Also near your home! Storage pit trunk room] Recommended detailed areas ◆Trunk room in the Chiba prefecture bay area
Wakaba Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture: ◆Trunk room in the 23 wards of Tokyo
Around Nakano Station, Nakano-ku, Tokyo:
◆Trunk room in the southern area of ​​Saitama Prefecture
Around Tsuruse Station, Fujimi City, Saitama Prefecture: ◆Trunk room outside the 23 wards of Tokyo
Around Izumitamagawa Station, Komae City, Tokyo: Summary based on survey results
This time, based on the survey results, we talked about the
implementation status of fire prevention measures and the necessity of organizing your belongings at home from the perspective of evacuation and preventing the spread of damage.
According to the survey, approximately 60% of people nationwide had taken fire prevention measures, but about 40% of them also recognized that they were lacking in fire prevention measures. Countermeasures were broadly divided into two types: “basic measures to deal with fires” such as fire alarms and fire extinguishers, and “measures to keep in mind to prevent fires in daily life.”
Regarding evacuation routes related to fire countermeasures and disaster prevention in general, approximately 40% of people nationwide have items on the route that could become obstacles during evacuation, and there are items near sources of fire such as around stoves. More than 30% of people answered that they sometimes leave things behind. Things that are normally considered unavoidable or unconcerned can become major problems when considering evacuation and prevention of damage from spreading.
When you are concerned about the amount of things in your home or how they are stored, it is convenient to use the trunk room. Even if you are worried about the lack of storage, you can add as much storage space as you need in a cost-effective manner, and you can neatly organize your belongings at home.
Thinking about evacuation routes and preparing your home safely will also improve the safety of your daily life. Why not take another look at your home environment from the perspective of disaster prevention and mitigation, and create an organized and comfortable space? [Survey overview] Survey target: Trunk room user survey
Number of answers: 400 samples
Response period: 5 days from February 12th to February 16th, 2024 Research method: User research via the internet
Research agency: In-house research ■Company profile Company name: Ambitious Co., Ltd. ( Address: 1-3-5 Minamisenba, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081 Repro Minamisenba 8F
Representative: President and CEO Nobuya Tokunaga Capital: 40 million yen Established: Founded: October 28, 2005, Established: July 25, 2006 Business details: Storage room investment “Storage Pit” FC
headquarters operation Management service “Storage Pit” (https // Real estate consulting business
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