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Home » Tokuma Shoten Masahisa Sato, the bearded captain, explains in detail what “radical strengthening” of defense power means. This is a book that not only current Self-Defense Force members but also those who wish to join the military should read.

Tokuma Shoten Masahisa Sato, the bearded captain, explains in detail what “radical strengthening” of defense power means. This is a book that not only current Self-Defense Force members but also those who wish to join the military should read.

Tokuma Shoten
Masahisa Sato, the bearded captain, explains in detail what “radical strengthening” of defense power means. This is a book that not only current Self-Defense Force members but also those who wish to join the military should read.
“Illustrated Reiwa Self-Defense Force Encyclopedia: The Depths of the Major Remodeling of the Reiwa Self-Defense Forces, “Draftally Strengthening Defense Power”” will be released on March 29th (Friday)! ……

[Image 1:×1471.jpg] Tokuma Shoten Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Hideyuki Komiya) has published “Illustrated Reiwa Self-Defense Force Encyclopedia: A major remodeling of the “squad” and the depth of “drastic strengthening of defense capabilities””
(https://www.tokuma .jp/book/b644259.html) was released at bookstores nationwide on Friday, March 29, 2024.
In 2024, the Self-Defense Forces will take on the challenge of strengthening their defense capabilities in a different way than before, with the goal of “radical reinforcement.” Expanding the scope of national defense to “new areas” such as cyber. This will be the first year of “strengthening” in response to the intensifying tensions in the security environment around the Japanese archipelago, including the start of construction of the Super Aegis and joint development of a new fighter aircraft with Britain and Italy.
Masahisa Sato, the bearded captain, provides a thorough explanation of the entire scope of the “radical strengthening” that goes into improving human resources and the workplace environment, which have been neglected until now. We will reveal everything about the Reiwa Self-Defense Forces that not only current Self-Defense Forces members but also those who wish to join should know about.
Contents of this book
Japan is a country located in a rare and dangerous place in the world, surrounded by three nuclear powers with different values. However, Russia launched a war of aggression against Ukraine. China has shown that it is willing to use force to unify Taiwan, and its younger brother, North Korea, continues to fire missiles.
In this situation, the Israel-Hamas war broke out.
From a global perspective, geopolitical risks have increased in three areas: Europe, the Middle East, and Far East Asia. The reason for this is America’s diplomatic and security stance. During the Obama administration, there was a rebalance aimed at China. The Biden administration has inherited this, but on the contrary, geopolitical risks have expanded.
The US presidential election is scheduled for November 2024. No matter who wins, they will compete. Domestic politics is an extension of diplomacy, and since domestic politics is divisive, American diplomacy is expected to stagnate.
What is happening in this situation is a change in the “form of war.” In the past, battlefields were places where military personnel operated, but today the line between military and civilian life has become blurred. The expansion of the battlefield into cyber, electromagnetic waves, and space. A major reason for this is the increasing number of weapons such as drones and AI that use civilian technology for military purposes.
If you look at the situation in this way, you will see that the Self-Defense Forces are required to play a wider range of roles than ever before.
National defense is a matter of course, but as a member of the international community, we must also respond to overseas risks. Defense in “new theaters” that are not existing theaters such as land, sea, and air. It also involves technology development and defense equipment development in cooperation with the private sector. The time has come when the existing Self-Defense Forces can no longer be called a “new Self-Defense Force” and dramatic reforms must be made in all areas, including organizational and equipment aspects. Therefore, the Kishida administration made a Cabinet decision to revise the “Three Security Documents.” Accordingly, the defense budget was significantly increased. The reality in 2024 will be to use that budget to achieve change.
Bibliographic information
[Image 2:×1471.jpg] Book title: Illustrated Reiwa Self-Defense Force Encyclopedia: The depth of the major remodeling of the “Squad” and the “drastic strengthening of defense capabilities”
Author: Masahisa Sato
Release date: Friday, March 29, 2024
List price: 1980 yen (tax included)
Format: 46 format
Number of pages: 232 pages
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten
Product page:
[Tokuma Shoten]
Contact information for media inquiries regarding this matter [Tokuma Shoten PR Desk] C-Publishing Service Co., Ltd. Public Relations Department pr★ (Please convert ★ to @ before sending)
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