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Home » Tech Drone Co., Ltd. For registered training institutions Released drone national qualification navigation (free publication fee)

Tech Drone Co., Ltd. For registered training institutions Released drone national qualification navigation (free publication fee)

Tech Drone Co., Ltd.
[For registered training institutions] Drone national qualification navigation released (free publication fee)
Tech Drone Co., Ltd. has released a portal site where you can search for registered training institutions across Japan. We are currently accepting applications for listing as registered training
institutions. (Free publication fee)
[What is Drone National Qualification Navi?]
This is a portal site where you can search for registered training institutions throughout Japan.
[Image 1:×893.png ]
By collaborating with registered training institutions nationwide, users can lower the hurdles of finding a school, and registered training institutions can more efficiently attract customers. This can bring great benefits to both parties. We are currently accepting applications for listing of registered training institutions with no listing fee. (There are no fixed costs)
【 Document request 】
You can request information from the link below. Please enter “Request for materials” in the notes section and send.
[Image 2:×719.png ]
【 Other features 】
Drone National Qualification Navi is constantly updating useful information regarding drones.
[Image 3:×1066.png ]

[Company profile] Company name: Tech Drone Co., Ltd. Head office location: 3-60-2 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Representative director: Hiromi Fujimoto Business content: Video business, FPV business, media business Establishment: March 2022 HP: https: //
[Image 4:×1499.jpg]

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