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Home » Hitoiku General Incorporated Association Spread the love of parents and make children’s dreams come true! !

Hitoiku General Incorporated Association Spread the love of parents and make children’s dreams come true! !

Hitoiku General Incorporated Association
Let’s spread the love of parents and make children’s dreams come true! ! ~ Parental love is the power of love that infinitely expands a child’s potential ~
“Hitoiku,” which sings of the love between parents and children that makes children’s dreams come true, and whose mission is to help children realize their dreams, is made up of passionate child-rearing consultants. On April 1st, we are supporting April Dream in order to spread the “parental love” that is necessary for the dreams of parents and children to come true.
[Image 1:×900.jpg] I want to make the smiles of parents and children bloom all over Japan. In order to create an environment where parents and children can smile, I feel that it is necessary to create an environment where children are not left alone.
By spreading the love of parents throughout Japan, a social system will be created where children’s dreams can come true, and raising children in Japan will be fun and the future will be bright. If there is good communication between parents and children, there will be fewer problems at home and fewer troubles with others. Children who have dreams that they want to make come true will develop a heart that goes straight toward their dreams, and parents who support their dreams will be able to concentrate and shower their love on them.
It is believed that having dreams has a great influence on the growing mind, and that having dreams that keep you focused can help prevent things like worrying too much about what others think, bullying others, domestic violence, and abuse. Masu.
There are many issues that require social support and understanding, such as caring for the isolated minds of the child-rearing generation, providing child-rearing information according to the child-rearing stage, the worries of single-career parents in dual-income households, and how to deal with childcare. This is where the relationship with a third party who supports the child nurtures the child and brings us closer to the realization of a society where children thrive. Children’s dreams and parents who support them. Both are essential for realizing dreams.
And just because you have a dream doesn’t mean it will come true. To reach that dream, you must know the path. Therefore, “Hito Iku” provides the “accompanying support” necessary for parents and children as they pursue their dreams.
This is because having knowledge about dreams is essential for realizing them. There’s no shame in being an idiot. In fact, it has a huge impact on children’s growth.
At Hitoiku, we aim to create a society where it is easy to raise children by being close to parents and children. We aim to make it commonplace for children to be accompanied by child-rearing
consultants who care about parents and children, and child-rearing nurses who act as local caregivers.
“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES that broadcasts the dreams that companies want to achieve in the future on April 1st. We at Hitoiku seriously aim to make this dream come true.
[Image 2:×900.jpg] Hitoiku HP⇒
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