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Human Network Co., Ltd. We want to send 100 million letters to the future! !

[Human Network Co., Ltd.] We want to send 100 million letters to the future! !
*View in browser* *Human Network Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
I want to send 100 million letters to the future! !
*Would you like to write down your current feelings in a “news of time”?It is a precious gift for the future. We believe in the power of letters to create emotion and connections. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true soon.
Human Network Co., Ltd. (Location: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Representative Director: Tsukasa Kato)
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of “Human Network Co., Ltd.”
Decrease in letters
With the spread of the Internet and SNS, electronic media are now primarily used as a means of daily communication. As evidence of this, the number of mail items continues to decrease from 18.6 billion pieces (2013) to 14.4 billion pieces (2022). (Source: Japan Post materials)
According to materials from about five years ago (Japan Post materials), the frequency of letter use is as low as 84%, which is less than once a month. On the other hand, more than 60% of
respondents use email at least 2 to 3 times a week, and approximately 83% use LINE at least 2 to 3 times a week. Nowadays, the spread of SNS is accelerating, and the frequency of letters may be decreasing even more.
value of letters
The following was also written in the document:
Regarding their intention to use the service in the future,
approximately half of the responses were “I may use it” or “I would use it if given the opportunity.”

As technology and society develop, people’s values ​​have also changed. It has come to be taken for granted that individuals own smartphones, expect immediate connections and responses, and get results. I feel that there are many things that are overlooked in such a convenient society.
Isn’t a letter one of them? It’s true that letters are said to be troublesome, and even if you mail them, you won’t get a reply right away.
Now, let’s think about the good things about letters and why they will never disappear.
Letters are unique and can only be written by the person in question. Letters, sentences, thoughts at that time…
We wanted to cherish the value of the world’s only letter, so we created “Toki no Tsuki” (registered trademark 6212301).

As mentioned earlier, half of the people said they “sometimes use it” and “I would use it if I had the chance,” and they would like to increase the number of opportunities to write letters.
Letters can be sent from parents to children, children to parents, friends and loved ones, and even to yourself. Expressing not only happy words, but also your own difficult times, can be a step toward the future.
Through my letters, I hope to inspire many people and create moments that fill their hearts with moisture and richness.

“April Dream” is a PR event held on April 1st to send out the dreams that companies want to achieve in the future.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
*About details about this release*

*Download press release materials*