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Home » Wataridori Co., Ltd. “What dream will you fulfill next?” We will make it commonplace to continue to challe nge future possibilities with passion.

Wataridori Co., Ltd. “What dream will you fulfill next?” We will make it commonplace to continue to challe nge future possibilities with passion.

[Wataridori Co., Ltd.] “What dream will you fulfill next?” We will make it commonplace to continue to challenge future possibilities with passion.

*View in browser* *Wataridori Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
“What dream do you want to achieve next?” We will make it commonplace to continue to challenge future possibilities with passion.
*Wataridori Co., Ltd. makes it commonplace for each individual to take on challenges through business in order to realize their ideal work style and lifestyle. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of “Wataridori Co., Ltd.”

Wataridori Co., Ltd. (Representative: Izumi Nagao) aims to “create a society that continues to take on challenges,” and operates businesses such as human resource development, business start-up support, branding, sales agency, and event planning and management.
An experience in which my desire to “work harder” was shattered Our company’s insistence on “continuing to take on challenges” stems from my experience as a company representative.
At the time, the representative was working in sales at a major electronics manufacturer, and thanks to his favorable work environment and interpersonal relationships, he was offered a promotion relatively early on.
However, the promotion is rescinded because “If you are promoted earlier than your senior, you will be criticized.”

* “I have things I admire and dreams I want to make come true, but I can’t say them out loud because I’m worried about how others will think and judge me.”*
In fact, there are probably many people who have such feelings. There are probably people close to you who want to try something but have given up for some reason.
I came to believe this from my own experience, and decided to be honest about my own feelings, which led to the establishment of our company.
“What do we do next?” I wish bars and class reunions were filled with conversations like this.
When I was an office worker, I loved going to pubs with my boss and colleagues and going to reunions with friends from my school days. “Things like that happened, there were people like this, things used to be like this, things like this now.”

Would you like to take this conversation one step further?

“I’m trying something like this right now.” “I want to make this happen this year.”
“I’d like to take on a challenge like this, so why don’t we try it together?” “What should we do next?”
Maybe the person sitting next to you who was listening to the conversation might be able to trigger something.

It would be great if many people could work together to create such an exciting situation.
Our concrete efforts to realize dreams
Increase economic power through multiple jobs
In an era where parallel careers are commonplace, it has become possible to earn income by having multiple main jobs.
Our company contributes to increasing income through outsourcing. We don’t just outsource projects, we also support the improvement of necessary skills such as task management and fund management. Changing the way you think about work by owning a business
By owning your own business, you can acquire various skills such as new development (sales skills and presentation skills), relationship building, task management, financial management, responsibility, and mental toughness.
Our company aims to improve skills through entrepreneurial support and supports each individual to realize their own ideals.
*Have a community*
Sometimes it takes courage to express your aspirations and dreams. At times like this, it’s the presence of sympathetic friends and co-workers who will support you.
Our company provides opportunities for community building through event planning and management.
We are looking for people who will continue to take on challenges together. By distributing this press release on PR TIMES, we hope that more people will take a step towards their ideals and dreams.
If you have a relationship with our company and your dreams come true, nothing could make you happier.

I hope it reaches those of you who are still feeling inspired to take on a challenge somewhere.

Wataridori Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2021. We are developing our business with the aim of “creating a society that continues to take on challenges.”
Main business content: Human resource development/startup support, branding, sales agency, event planning and management
“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
*About details about this release*