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Home » BEK Lab Nationwide dissemination of the “Children’s ESD Support Project” that connects Japan and the world, the past and the future through education! ! Transmit overseas! !

BEK Lab Nationwide dissemination of the “Children’s ESD Support Project” that connects Japan and the world, the past and the future through education! ! Transmit overseas! !

Nationwide dissemination of the “Children’s ESD Support Project” that connects Japan and the world, the past and the future through education! ! Transmit overseas! !
Industry, government, academia, literature, the arts, agriculture, and the child-rearing generation come together to “create an
environment” and “develop on-site education programs” for the practice of ESD children’s education.
BEK Lab (Location: Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Representative: Tsubasa Sekiguchi) produces the future by connecting Japan and the world, the past and the future, the public and private sectors and families through education.
Our organization supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st a day to share dreams.
This press release is a dream of BEK Lab.
[Image 1:×1241.jpg] Promoting and developing the “Children’s ESD Support Project” that connects Japan and the world, the past and the future through education! ! Nationwide transmission! !
*ESD = Education for Sustainable Development
*BEK Lab is also a local ESD activity promotion base. (As of December 23, 2023, 187 organizations nationwide, including 3 organizations in Ibaraki)
The purpose of this project is to
“Industry, government, academia, literature, the arts, agriculture, and the child-rearing generation will come together to create an environment and develop on-site education programs for the practice of ESD children’s education.”
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Current state of the world:
The current state of the world around us is fraught with various challenges caused by human development, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, and increasing poverty. Aiming to realize a sustainable society, ESD proactively views the world’s social problems as their own, and aims to help the world and humankind live a rich and prosperous life for generations to come. This is the concept of the educational and learning activities that we will engage in. We believe that further ESD promotion activities will be required in the future, as this is an initiative that will lead to new values ​​and changes in future behavior, as it is positioned as an education that nurtures the creators of a sustainable society. .
What is ESD:
=Education for Sustainable Development
*BEK Lab is also a local ESD activity promotion base. (As of December 23, 2023, 187 organizations nationwide, including 3 organizations in Ibaraki)
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The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has specified six perspectives that teachers and students should be aware of when implementing ESD activities, and seven abilities and attitudes that teachers and students should acquire through ESD.
■“Six perspectives” to be aware of when implementing ESD
1. Diversity (there are many things) 2. Mutuality (we are related to each other) 3. Finiteness (there is a limit) 4. Fairness (value each person) 5. Collaboration (working together) 6. Responsibility system (responsibly)
■“Seven abilities and attitudes” to acquire through ESD
1. Ability to think critically 2. Ability to predict the future and make plans 3. Ability to think multifaceted and comprehensively 4. Ability to communicate 5. Ability to cooperate with others 6. An attitude of respecting connections 7. Willingness to participate Source: Education for Sustainable Development | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
※Quote source
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)”., (referenced 2024.03.31) BEK Lab×ESD
At BEK Lab, we have been focusing on ESD activities since 2018. We believe that it is important for children to develop a sense of values ​​that allows them to feel, think, and act based on the six axes (mentioned above) from an early age, and we have been focusing on early childhood education for ESD. Masu.
(ESD activity base
In addition, we are implementing ESD activities not only in early childhood education, but also through various initiatives such as five-sense education, international education, culture and the arts, for children and adults alike. (Free schools are also positioned as ESD free schools and incorporate various elements into the purpose of their activities.)
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BEK Lab’s human resource development focuses on self-power and communication skills.
In order to foster these qualities, we particularly value diversity and imagination.
We are required to think about the world, our communities, and our lives, and while comparing the past with the present, we are required to anticipate the future and take various actions.
Understanding diversity leads to having multiple perspectives. In a world of diversity, I think this is the key to expanding the horizontal axis of one’s own values ​​and leading to words and actions that broaden one’s perspective on the current state of the rapidly changing world. Similarly, imagining something and creating
imagination can be a key to expanding your horizons. Learn about the past, analyze the present, and imagine the future through history and culture. I believe this is the key to expanding the range of imagination and the vertical axis of space and time.
“It’s a small world.”
This world is full of diversity. As you learn about various values ​​that transcend the world and time and space, we hope that you will be able to find your own way of life that transcends boundaries such as age, gender, nationality, and disability. I wish we could live in a world where we all help and support each other as humans living on the same planet.
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Steps to achieving BEK Lab April Dream:
Reconsidering the essence of international education and each community education, and instilling the idea of ​​ESD in early childhood and early childhood education through learning about nature will expand the future of children and the future of the world! In addition, understanding diversity and fostering imagination will lead to accepting a wide variety of values ​​in the world, including the past, present, and future, and broadening the foundations of each. It should also lead to understanding and confidence in your own way of life and yourself.
Through various activities and original programs, we will continue to convey to children the essence of how to look at the world, have their own identity as cosmopolitans, and live in their respective
(In particular, initiatives that utilize elements of early childhood education, ESD, international education, and culture and art)
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[March 2024] We have started this project focusing on ESD activities.
[Image 7:×1241.jpg] Rather than focusing on industry-specific initiatives, we will collaborate with initiatives in other industries and connect these to households.
All SDG initiatives depend on human resources. In other words, in order to create a sustainable society, it is also necessary to develop human resources, and this is an issue that cannot be overcome unless ESD is firmly established.
【Future plans】
To begin the full-scale launch of this project, we will be holding an event to celebrate the launch of the project.
We would appreciate it if more people could understand the purpose and activities of this project, and if they could support and cooperate with us.
■Purpose: “Tsukuba Children’s ESD Support Project Inaugural General Meeting & Commemorative Ceremony”
■Date and time: Friday, November 29, 2024
■Location: Tsukuba Capio Hall
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Message to everyone
1. The importance of ESD in the community and daily life!
Essences related to ESD are scattered throughout our lives.
At BEK Lab, we focus on these things and things, input them from diverse perspectives, feel them, think them, output them, and act on them…we value this series of steps.
Everything around you is a teaching material! We are focusing on how we can turn these into our own learning and give back to the world. 2. Cherish ESD initiatives and connections with the local community in order to build a regional circular and symbiotic sphere!
*Regional cyclical and symbiotic sphere (a new concept proposed in the “Fifth Basic Environmental Plan” approved by the Cabinet in April 2018)
= Each region can demonstrate its strengths by making use of its own characteristics, make use of local resources, and form an independent and decentralized society, complementing and supporting each other with local resources according to local characteristics, and rural fishing villages becoming cities. The idea is to make use of it.
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“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
More details about this release: