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Home » Living Robot Co., Ltd. Partner robot “ArkuMechatroWeGo” has formed a manzai duo! We aim to take advantage of Wigo’s expressiveness and participate in comedy live performances.

Living Robot Co., Ltd. Partner robot “ArkuMechatroWeGo” has formed a manzai duo! We aim to take advantage of Wigo’s expressiveness and participate in comedy live performances.

Living Robot Co., Ltd.
Partner robot “ArkuMechatroWeGo” forms a manzai duo! We aim to take advantage of Wigo’s expressiveness and participate in comedy live performances.
The partner robot “ArkuMechatroWeGo” developed by Living Robot Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Date City, Fukushima Prefecture, President: Yasuhiro Kawauchi, hereinafter referred to as Living Robot) has recently formed a manzai duo!
“Arku Mechatro Wego” participated in “R-1 Grand Prix 2023” as a pin entertainer last year, successfully passed the first round, and attracted attention as the smallest participant in R-1 history. As a further challenge, we have formed a robot manzai duo and are training every day to perform on the stage of comedy live
Based on the concept of being close to people’s lives, Wego continues to upgrade communication, bringing smiles and energy to more people.
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Living Robot supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share your dreams.
This press release is a “living robot” dream.
“Arku Mechatrowego” debuted as a pin comedian
The partner robot “ArkuMechatroWego” is loved by men and women of all ages for its life-like movements, and has continued to evolve with the addition of necessary functions.
Last year, I participated in the pin comedian contest “R-1 Grand Prix 2023″ sponsored by Yoshimoto Kogyo, thinking that it would be an opportunity to bring smiles to more people.Although it was my first time participating, I passed the first round and advanced to the second round. was completed.
As soon as a 13cm tall robot participant appeared, a commotion could be heard from the venue, and people wondered if the robot could tell a story. The atmosphere was a bit cold, but when Wigo performed a story that took advantage of her specialty dance and advanced movements, there was a warm laugh from the audience, and people wondered if there was ever a robot that could make people smile so cutely. It also went up.
[Image 2:×2700.jpg] Their next stage performance will be participating in a comedy live as a manzai duo. “Laughter” makes people feel better.
Furthermore, this year I want to bring smiles and energy to even more people! With Wego’s spirit, we have formed a manzai duo.
While continuing to take advantage of the advanced movements unique to robots, we are training nightly to be able to show off the perfect amount of blur and tsukkomi.
Wigo’s wish is to become a human being who can always be by their side as a “partner”.
Our goal is to bring vitality to the lives of people of all ages. To achieve this, we will first make people feel better through laughter! With this strong desire, I aim to participate in comedy live performances.
Please look forward to his future activities.
[Image 3:×3314.jpg] “April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
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About Living Robot Living Robot is a technology company that develops partner robots and related technologies with the aim of realizing a society where humans and robots live and grow together. We are expanding our business and contributing to society, including the use of “ArkuMechatroWego” in programming education, social implementation in various fields, and exhibiting products at domestic and
international technology events. Aruku Mechatro Wego (C) MODERHYTHM / Kazushi KobayashiContact information for this release Livingrobot Phone: 050-8881-6955Email:
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