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Home » Aqua Channel Co., Ltd. We want to create a place where aquarists whose hobby is aquariums can thrive.

Aqua Channel Co., Ltd. We want to create a place where aquarists whose hobby is aquariums can thrive.

[Aqua Channel Co., Ltd.] We want to create a place where aquarists whose hobby is aquariums can thrive.

*View in browser* *Aqua Channel Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
We want to create a place for aquarists whose hobby is aquariums to thrive. *Aqua Co., Ltd.
Channel’s new service, MIJIKAfish, has the goal of “bringing aquariums closer to you”! Whether you’re the viewer or the creator, it’s soothing. Towards a world where living with an aquarium is
commonplace. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is the dream of
“company/organization name”.

– *The world of aquariums and aquarists*
What exactly is an aquarium? Some people may have thought so. There are various definitions of aquarium, but here we will use it to refer to people who keep fish, coral, aquatic plants, and other aquatic creatures in an aquarium. Also, people who do this as a hobby are called aquarists. People who enjoy this hobby are called aquarists, and they experience the joy of living with living things every day. However, the opportunities to convey its beauty to many people were limited.

Once filled with water, a small aquarium can weigh several tens of kilos, and a large one can weigh several tons, making it impossible to carry around.
Until now, aquariums have been a hobby that has been difficult to get many people to see in person.
However, there are many aquarists who are so skilled that it would be a waste to keep it as a hobby for themselves and their families to enjoy. Even if many aquarists have an aquarium they are proud of at home or office, there are not many aquarists who can freely invite people to see it. Some people are posting about it on SNS, but I think there are times when you wish you could show them the real thing. I want everyone watching to see the wonderful aquarium! You may have thought so.

– *A new platform that connects aquarists and society*
Could MIJIKAfish provide a place where such aquarists can be more active? With this in mind, we started a matching service that connects aquarists and stores. For aquarists, it can be used as a hobby to enjoy quietly at home, or as a place for self-expression that can be seen by many people, for stores, it can be used as interior decoration or to attract customers, and for customers who come to the store, it can be used as a place to have fun. It is a happy service that everyone can enjoy as a place of healing.

The aquarists who are actually working at MIJIKAfish have more opportunities to have customers see the aquariums they have created and receive compliments, which gives them confidence and allows them to ask technical questions. I have been able to interact more with other aquarists and have been inspired to work harder.

We have received a lot of positive feedback, such as that the stores that have aquariums have started to have conversations with their customers, and that more and more people are looking forward to seeing the creatures in the tanks grow. It’s not just the customers who are soothed, but also the staff, who have more common topics to talk about, and looking into the aquarium during a short break can become something to look forward to on the way to work.

– *Representative’s thoughts*
In the first place, our company’s aquarium business is based on the thoughts of our CEO.
The representative, who has always loved dolphins and dreamed of working at an aquarium, graduated from the marine animal course at a zoology school after graduating from high school.
This is a school where students study to prepare for work at aquariums, animal interaction facilities, aqua shops, research institutes, etc.
Over the course of two years, I learned a lot about everything from how to raise fish to training animals. The classmates I met there also studied with the dream of getting a job in the aqua field.
However, in reality, not many students were able to get their dream job after graduating.
Because it is a special profession, it may be inevitable that everyone’s dreams will not come true.

Fortunately, the representative later moved to the United States and graduated from university with a major in marine biology. Realizing the dream of working with dolphins.
After returning to Japan, he also experienced employment in Japan, where he once again used the hurdles of working in a job related to the aqua industry and living in America for a long time as a springboard, and this time he gave up on his dream due to working conditions and other reasons. I began to wonder if I could provide opportunities for people like my classmates to shine in the light by doing something similar to their dream jobs.

That is this service called MIJIKAfish.
Aquarists are asked to submit their own achievements, and those who pass the examination are asked to register.
As much as possible, we will introduce you to a registered store that is close to where the aquarist lives or works, and we will help you set up and maintain your aquarium.
Not only will you have the opportunity to have your aquariums seen as works of art, but you will also be able to earn rewards as you accumulate achievements.

It can be difficult to make a living as an aquarist as a main job, but with MIJIKAfish, it is possible to work as a side job.
At the same time, you may be able to fulfill a dream that you had given up on until now, and at the same time, you may be able to have more people see your aquarium and talk about aquariums with people who gather there.
Nowadays, we live in a world where everything can be completed online, so interacting with people can sometimes feel like precious time.

Furthermore, stores with aquariums will be happy to have a nice aquarium as it provides a hot topic and a soothing space.
It was originally created by ordinary aquarists who started aquariums as a hobby, so you can enjoy the heartfelt interior design that takes full advantage of their individual preferences.
In addition, we are putting effort into promoting the store through the aquarist’s own SNS and management, so it also serves as a marketing function.

I would be happy if this activity would spread the word about the world of aquariums to people who had never heard of them before. The day may come when people who have been on the lookout for aquariums will become fascinated by the beautiful aquariums and register as aquarists.
I would like to contribute my knowledge and experience to the aqua industry, which I have been involved with for a long time. This service is filled with the thoughts of the representative.

When choosing a cafe or restaurant, I hope that a time will come when it will be common for people to choose “I want to go there because this person has this aquarium!”

We also operate a community site called “Osakana Zukan