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Home » Through support for health management, we will expand the number of companies that connect health and business performance to 47 prefectures.

Through support for health management, we will expand the number of companies that connect health and business performance to 47 prefectures.

Through support for health management, we will expand the number of companies that connect health and business performance to 47 prefectures.

*View in browser* *HMC Health Management Institute*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
Through support for health management, we will expand the number of companies that connect health and business performance to 47 prefectures.
*April from Health Management Connect (Sendai City, Miyagi
Prefecture), a general incorporated association that supports corporate health management through training such as hands-on simulations.
This is Dream. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This program
A response release is the dream of the Health Management Connect General Incorporated Association.
Health management required now
Health Management Connect General Incorporated Association
(Headquarters: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Representative Director: Jundai Ogawa) started as Health Management Connect Health Management Research Institute in January 2022, and established the general incorporated association in June 2022. did. We have supported the health management promotion of multiple companies so far, and in October 2023, we participated in a health management study session sponsored by Kahoku Shimposha as operational cooperation.

Health management is a term that means thinking about employee health management from a business perspective and implementing it
strategically. We view employee health management as a company issue rather than an individual issue, and consider health management expenditures to be an “investment.” Investing in the health of your employees is expected to improve productivity and revitalize your organization, which in turn will lead to improved business performance and higher stock prices. Additionally, if a company is certified as an excellent corporation that engages in health management, it will receive social recognition from employees, job seekers, affiliated companies, financial institutions, etc.
Health management and black companies
The term “black companies” that was once heard of is now rarely heard of. However, how many companies can truly say they are “healthy”? For a company to be healthy, its employees need to be healthy and have an environment where they can work with peace of mind. However, the reality is that there are many employees who work hard at work while feeling physically and mentally ill or anxious, or who put off taking care of their own health. In such a situation, we cannot call ourselves a “healthy company”.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry selects and announces companies that are strategically engaged in employee health management as “Health and Productivity Management Organizations.”
Since FY2021), 19,721 companies have been certified as Health and Productivity Management Organizations in 2024. This number is 0.6% of the total number of companies, and it shows that there are still very few companies that can be considered truly healthy.
Connect health and performance
Up until now, we have held regular meetings and corporate training sessions where people can visualize and experience the impact that individual health has on company performance through hands-on simulations such as health management games and health check cards. We also hold certified facilitator training courses such as health management games, and increase the number of people who can promote health management together.

We will continue to work on health management by promoting a change in awareness of health among corporate managers and employees, supporting corporations that apply for certification as excellent health management corporations, and increasing the number of certified facilitators nationwide. By doing so, we will create an environment that makes health management easier to access.

Rather than pursuing only performance and putting the health of the company and employees on the back burner, pursue and acquire both health and performance. We will continue to work hard to increase the number of such companies.

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.

Health Management Connect General Incorporated Association
Experts with a variety of experience and qualifications support corporate health management in a variety of ways. Through hands-on simulations (health management games and health check cards) conducted by multiple people, we conduct health management training in various locations that allows people to visualize and experience the impact that individual health has on company performance. At regular meetings, we also hold trial sessions for training such as health management games.
Representative Director: Jundai Ogawa
Business location: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
*About details about this release*