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I want to tell 10,000 children about assistance dogs!

I want to tell 10,000 children about assistance dogs!

*View in browser* *Non-profit organization Japan Assistance Dog Information Center* Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
I want to tell 10,000 children about assistance dogs!
*Japan Assistance Dog Information Center will be able to deliver on-site lessons and materials to 10,000 children nationwide. * This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
* Our association supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st a day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of the Japan Assistance Dog Information Center. *

The Japan Assistance Dog Information Center (Chairperson: Hironobu Saka/Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the understanding and popularization of assistance dogs for people with physical disabilities in society, as well as promote the social participation and reintegration of people with disabilities. As a third-party organization, we provide consultation and information from a neutral standpoint with the aim of promoting this.
*According to the Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons and Refusal to Accompany Dogs*
Do you know about *assistance dogs for people with disabilities*? Guide dogs* support the safe and comfortable walking of people with visual impairments*, and service dogs* support the activities of daily living of people with hand and foot disabilities*
Hearing dogs* teach people who are deaf or hard of hearing what sounds they need and guide them to the source of the sound. The collective name for these three types of dogs is * * * Assistance dogs for people with disabilities * * ‘ *.
There are important laws regarding assistance dogs. This is the Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons, which was enacted on May 22, 2002. This Assistance Dog Law is a law aimed at promoting the independence and social participation of people with physical disabilities, and is aimed at promoting the independence and social participation of people with physical disabilities. Institutions are obligated to accommodate service dog users and the use of service dogs.
Although more than 20 years have passed since the law was enacted, * 70.2% of people do not know the name or contents of the Assistance Dog Law * (2018 survey)
*For information on distributing materials* Nationwide support * Please feel free to contact us (materials and shipping are free). Please fill out the required information in the form below and apply. Click here to request materials

* “April Dream” is a PR event held on April 1st where companies (organizations) send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true. *

Japan Assistance Dog Information Center
The Japan Assistance Dog Information Center is a third-party organization that provides consultation and information from a neutral standpoint, with the aim of promoting the understanding and
popularization of assistance dogs in society, as well as promoting the social participation of people with disabilities. Masu.
Location: 1688-1-B203 Nippa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture Official website:
Official Facebook:
*About details about this release*

*Download press release materials*