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Home » Teikoku Shinsho Co., Ltd. We aim to be the world’s number one detective agency with a long history of 1000 years. Established in 1955, “Teikoku Shinsho, a comprehensive detective agency with tradition and trust”

Teikoku Shinsho Co., Ltd. We aim to be the world’s number one detective agency with a long history of 1000 years. Established in 1955, “Teikoku Shinsho, a comprehensive detective agency with tradition and trust”

Teikoku Shinsho Co., Ltd.
We aim to be the world’s number one detective agency with a long history of 1,000 years. Established in 1955, “Teikoku Shinsho, a comprehensive detective agency with tradition and trust”
Thanks to you, Teikoku Shinsho will be able to celebrate its 74th anniversary in March 2024. We are proud of our long history, which is one of the longest in the detective industry.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st a day to share dreams.
This press release is a dream of “Teikoku Shinsho Co., Ltd.”
[Image 1:×840.jpg] Teikoku Shinsho Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President: Takuji Taniguchi), founded in March 1950, will celebrate its 74th anniversary in March 2024.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for your patronage over the years.
1000 years from now
The distant future is unpredictable. In 1000 years, technology beyond our imagination will be born, and the structure of society will change significantly.
Among these problems, there is one problem that cannot be solved by technology…that is the problem of the human heart.
As long as humanity exists, it is inevitable that new problems will constantly appear.
So what role should a detective agency play?
No matter how the world changes, our goal is to stay close to people’s hearts and uncover the truth.
We believe it is important to continue to provide unchanging value, with the mission of helping people find solutions to their problems. Romance with AI, robots, and extraterrestrial beings may also be commonplace. Beyond the boundaries of country, earth, reality/unreality, the area to be investigated may be outer space or virtual reality space. If the form of love and marriage is different, the form of cheating will also be completely different.
Whatever the case may be, we will use our flexibility and advanced skills to help you solve your problem.
As one of the longest-established detective agencies in the detective industry, we aim to remain the world’s longest-running detective agency 1,000 years from now, and continue to serve everyone. Future support system
As of 2024, we will provide a quote and sign a contract after we have a detailed interview with the customer.
In addition, we can deliver the actual report in person or by mail.
[Image 2:×1000.png ]
However, in the future, it will be supported by a variety of tools that suit the times.
We will always continue to explore and provide the best form for our customers. Our creed is “helping people”
[Image 3:×350.jpg] Since our founding, Teikoku Shinsho has continued to help customers find solutions to their problems. We will continue to refine our research techniques in line with the evolution of the times, and hope to deliver peace and tranquility to as many people as possible through our research.
Proof of trust that Teikoku Koshinsho is chosen
1. 74 years of history and trust
Teikoku Shinsho was founded in March 1950 as a detective agency and detective agency, and is a comprehensive detective agency with a proven track record and experience. For many years, we have provided “investigation capabilities” that cannot be imitated by other companies, and we have earned the “trust” from our customers that they can trust us with confidence.
2. Support from experts and qualified personnel
We have a system in place to provide multi-faceted support by collaborating with qualified people in a variety of specialized fields, including lawyers, tax accountants, and financial planners. We collaborate with lawyers who are skilled in dealing with issues between men and women, such as marriage, divorce, and infidelity, which are among the most common concerns that are brought to us at detective agencies and detective agencies. For customers who need legal advice during or after an investigation, we also refer them to lawyers.
3.Trusted compliance
Teikoku Shinsho is a regular member (Member No. 3162) of the “National Investigation Industry Cooperative Association, a corporation approved by the Prime Minister” (Member No. 3162), and strives to thoroughly comply with all laws and regulations, and engages in detective work with social responsibility.
4. Thorough information management and confidentiality
All information about our customers, from consultation details to contract matters, will never be leaked to outside parties through thorough information management and strict confidentiality.
5.Excellent research ability and network
Through the cooperation of consultants with extensive experience and knowledge and investigators who have received specialized training, we will propose an investigation method that suits the customer and use our nationwide network to promptly resolve the issue.
6.Clear price estimate
All costs are included in the survey fee at the time of contract. No additional charges will be incurred unless additional investigation is requested. Our expert consultants will listen to your details and provide you with a free estimate.
[Company Profile] Company Name: Teikoku Koshinsho Co., Ltd. Head Office Location: 4th Floor, Axis Building 7 Building, 3-17-4 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002 Representative: Takuji Taniguchi, Representative Director and President Founded: March 1950 Established: June 1952 URL: Business content: Comprehensive detective investigation (collection of information on individuals and companies) [Contact information for inquiries from customers] ▼Telephone inquiries Consultation Toll-free number: 0120-39-4005 ▼ Consultation by email [For press inquiries regarding this release]
“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
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