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Home » WeCapital Co., Ltd. You should invest even with your current salary! ? Approximately 70% of investors have a positive opinion that their total income is “likely to increase”

WeCapital Co., Ltd. You should invest even with your current salary! ? Approximately 70% of investors have a positive opinion that their total income is “likely to increase”

WeCapital Co., Ltd.
[You should invest even with your current salary! ? ] Approximately 70% of investors have a positive opinion that their total income is “likely to increase”
~ More than 40% of people with no investment experience answered that “investment is effective” as a way to increase their total income ~ ……
WeCapital Co., Ltd. (Head office location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yusuke Matsuda / Ryo Hashiguchi), the operating company of “Yamawake” (, is a company that operates “Yamawake” ( We conducted an awareness survey regarding “income x investment” targeting a total of 1,007 people.
On February 22, 2024, the Nikkei Stock Average reached its all-time high for the first time in 34 years since the height of the bubble. This rise in stock prices not only brings profits to investors, but also stimulates consumer spending, leading to improved corporate performance, which can be expected to lead to growth in the Japanese economy.
In recent years, soaring prices have affected our lives, but are the recent rises in stock prices also having an impact on our salaries? Also, what are the differences in how people think about investing between those who have experienced a change in income and those who have not? How many people invest to increase their total income? In this survey, we conducted an awareness survey regarding “income x investment” targeting a total of 1,007 men and women in their 20s to 60s across the country, and we would like to share some of the survey results with you.
-Survey summary-
・[Changes in salary in 2024] Approximately 40% of respondents answered that their salary has increased compared to last year
・Approximately 70% of respondents said that stock price increases and salaries are not linked
・[Investors] Approximately 70% believe that investment is an effective means of increasing total income.
・[For those who are not investing] More than 40% of those who think investing is an effective way to increase their total income…Is your mindset different from those who are investing?
・Summary: There is a difference in investment awareness between experienced and inexperienced people.
The full survey results can be viewed on Yamawake’s own media, Yamawake JOURNAL.
Article URL: [Changes in salary in 2024] Approximately 40% of respondents answered that their salary has increased compared to last year
First, we asked about salary changes in 2024.
[Image 1:×450.png ]
When asked, “Has there been any change in your salary in 2024 compared to 2023?”, approximately 60% of respondents answered, “There was a decrease/no change (60.1%),” and approximately 40% of respondents answered, “There was a decrease/no change in salary (60.1%).” 39.9% of respondents answered that it had increased (39.9%).
It seems that only a minority feel that their salary has increased. Next, when asked the question “Are you currently investing?”, approximately half of the respondents answered “Yes” (53.9%), and the remaining answered “No” (46.1%). did.
Although many people answered that their salary in 2024 had decreased or remained the same, it became clear that more than half of them were making investments.
Even if you have never invested before, some may have started investing after the Nikkei Stock Average hit its highest price in 34 years.
Therefore, we specifically asked both investors and non-investors what they thought about the Nikkei Stock Average hitting a new high for the first time in 34 years.
■What do you think about the Nikkei Stock Average’s highest price in 34 years? [For those who are investing]
・Half happy and half anxious (30s/female/Tokyo)
・I don’t really feel it (30s/female/Kanagawa Prefecture)
・I don’t feel like prices are rising at all, so I want the economy to get better (30s/Osaka Prefecture/Male)
・I thought it was a good trend (50s/male/Fukuoka Prefecture) [For those who have not invested]
・I want it to be reflected in my salary (20s/female/Yamaguchi Prefecture) ・No experience (30s/male/Saitama Prefecture)
・I want to invest (30s/male/Hyogo prefecture)
・I don’t think it will affect my life (40s/female/Kanagawa Prefecture) Regardless of whether you have invested or not, it seems that many people have not yet realized the economic effects after the Nikkei Stock Average hits a new high.
Approximately 70% of respondents said that stock price increases and salaries are not linked.
Generally speaking, when the Nikkei Stock Average rises, shareholders’ profits increase, making it easier to buy more stocks. Rising stock prices raise a company’s market capitalization, which is said to have a positive impact on employee salaries and bonuses.
While the domestic economy is expected to improve, will the impact be reflected in the amount of our salaries?
When we asked the question, “Do you think your future salary will increase in conjunction with the highest stock price?”, the responses were “Strongly agree (6.0%)”, “Somewhat agree (22.7%)”, and “Not really agree” (22.7%). 46.0%)” and “I strongly disagree (25.3%).” Approximately 70% of respondents believe that stock price increases and salaries are not linked, indicating that many people do not expect a salary increase.
[Investors] Approximately 70% believe that investment is an effective means of increasing total income.
From now on, we would like to ask those who answered that they are investing about what kind of investments they are making.
[Image 2:×450.png ]
When asked, “What kind of investments do you make? (Multiple answers allowed),” the top answer was “stock investment (67.6%),” followed by “investment trust (55.8%)” and “defined contribution pension plan (19.9%).” ‘ was the result.
So, did investors benefit in any way from this 34-year high stock price?
[Image 3:×450.png] When we asked the question, “What kind of changes have you seen in your investment profits due to changes in stock prices?” “It has increased a lot (18.6%),” “It has increased a little (51.9%),” and “There has been no change (25.4%).” %),” “Decreased slightly (2.4%),” and “Decreased a lot (1.7%).”
Approximately 70% of respondents feel that their investment profits have increased due to the rise in stock prices, even though there has been no increase in prices or changes in wages.
So, how many people think that there is a possibility that their total income will increase by investing?
Furthermore, when asked the question, “Do you expect your total income to increase by investing in the future?”, the responses were “Strongly Agree (17.7%)”, “Somewhat Agree (56.2%)”, and “Not Very Agree” (23.5%). %)” and “I strongly disagree (2.6%).”
Approximately 70% of respondents answered that their total income is expected to increase by investing.
[For those who are not investing] More than 40% of those who think that investing is an effective way to increase their total income…Do their thoughts differ from those who are investing?
In the results of the previous survey, we were able to get a feel for the investment products that those who answered that they are investing, as well as their thoughts and expectations regarding investment.
On the other hand, among those who answered that their salary has decreased or has not changed, or that they have not made any investments, how many of them have taken any action to increase their salary or annual income? Also, what do you think about investing?
[Image 4:×450.png ]
When asked, “Please tell us about any actions you have taken to increase your salary or annual income,” the top answer was “Nothing in particular (70.8%),” followed by “Side job (17.6%)” and “Improving skills/acquiring qualifications.” (8.8%)” and “Job change activities (7.6%)” followed.
Even if their salary has decreased or remains the same, many people have not taken any action to increase their annual income.
Investing is recommended as a way to increase income, but how much expectation do people who are not investing have in investing? When we asked the question, “Do you think investing is an effective way to increase your total income?”, the responses were “Strongly agree (6.5%)”, “Somewhat agree (36.9%)”, and “Not really agree (35.3%)”. %)” and “I strongly disagree (21.3%).”
Even among those who do not invest, approximately 40% of them answered that investing is effective for increasing their income, and it was found that a certain number of people also have expectations for investment effects.
Summary: There is a difference in investment awareness between experienced and inexperienced people.
This survey revealed that even though the Nikkei Stock Average has surpassed its highest level in 34 years, there are still many people who do not feel it in terms of the economy or their salaries. Many people think that even if stock prices rise, they cannot expect a salary increase.
However, it has also become clear that many investors have benefited from the recent rise in stock prices. Approximately 70% of respondents answered that their total income is expected to increase as a result of investing.
On the other hand, it was revealed that approximately 70% of those who do not invest do not take any particular action to increase their salary or annual income. However, about 40% of them answered that investing is effective for increasing their income. The results indicate that there are a certain number of people who want to start investing.
The Nikkei Stock Average’s new record high can be considered a tailwind for those who are just starting to invest.
First of all, why not start investing with low-risk types that allow you to start with a small amount?
In addition to the above information, Yamawake’s own media, Yamawake JOURNAL, provides a detailed summary of the following items. ・“You can start with a small amount” is the top factor for investment products that people with no investment experience want to start. Please see the full survey results using the link below.
Article URL: Survey overview
[Survey overview] Awareness survey regarding “income x investment” [Survey target] Men and women in their 20s to 60s nationwide [Survey period] March 7, 2024 (Thursday) to March 8, 2024 (Friday) [Number of people surveyed] 1,007 people
[Survey target] Monitors nationwide who responded as men and women in their 20s to 60s when responding to the survey
[Research source] We Capital Co., Ltd. ( [Monitor provider] General Research
About WeCapital Co., Ltd.
WeCapital Co., Ltd. is a company that provides “Yamawake” with the mission of “A future where challengers and supporters can meet more people.”* By connecting businesses who want to raise funds with investors who want to support them, we aim to create new value by matching challenges and empathy.
Company name: WeCapital Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Yusuke Matsuda, Ryo Hashiguchi Head Office: 3rd floor, ARISTO Toranomon, 1-17-16 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: April 10, 2013
Financial Instruments Business/Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No. 2768 (Type 2 Financial Instruments Business)
Real estate transaction business/Governor of Tokyo (1) No. 103303 Member associations: Type 2 Financial Instruments Business
Association, Japan STO Association (supporting member), Fintech Association, Real Estate Tech Association
*Products handled by “Yamawake” operated by our company and “Yamawake Estate” operated by Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd. are not guaranteed principal, and there is a risk of decline in the value of the anonymous partnership property that is the target of investment. This may result in a loss of the principal invested by the customer. The details and nature of fees and risks associated with each product vary depending on the product being invested in, so please make your own investment decisions.
What is “Yamawake”?
“Yamawake” is a system that returns investors through crowdfunding in the form of “return dividends” if the performance of the invested project improves, and allows companies and individuals who want to take on the challenge to convey their thoughts. We aim to create a new platform with a system that allows fans (investors) who sympathize with us to support us.
What is real estate crowdfunding “Yamawake Estate”?
[Image 5:×628.jpg] “Yamawake Estate” is a real estate crowdfunding platform operated by Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd., a real estate transaction company. In accordance with the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act (No. 1 and No. 2), after Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd. purchases real estate properties such as buildings, a portion of the profits earned from operation (rental, sale, etc.) will be invested. The money will be returned to your family as a dividend. Therefore, unlike real estate investment, which usually requires a large investment, investors can invest from a minimum of 10,000 yen (*1).
In addition, investors can expect income gains (dividends) from income such as rent and capital gains (capital gains) when the real estate property is sold. (*2)
Real estate crowdfunding “Yamawake Estate”: (*1) There are some projects that are not 10,000 yen.
(*2) The principal of the products handled by Yamawake Estate is not guaranteed, and there is a possibility that the principal invested by the customer may be lost due to a decline in the value of the anonymous partnership property that is the investment target. There is a gender. The details and nature of fees and risks associated with each product vary depending on the product being invested in, so please make your own investment decisions.
About Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd.
“Yamawake Estate” is a real estate crowdfunding platform released as the first step by the “Yamawake” group. Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd. mainly handles real estate projects through real estate specified joint ventures.
Company name: Yamawake Estate Co., Ltd.
Representative: Kenji Kamikawa, Representative Director
Head Office: 3rd floor, Kotari Building, 2-3-14 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture
Established: May 2, 2018
Real estate specified joint venture/Osaka Prefecture Governor No. 19 Type of real estate specified joint business: No. 1 business/No. 2 business (carrying out electronic transaction business)
Real estate transaction business/Governor of Osaka Prefecture (1) No. 62854 Member associations: National Real Estate Transaction Guarantee Association, Real Estate Crowdfunding Association
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・Please indicate that the source of the quotation is “WeCapital Co., Ltd.” ・When using on a website, please include the following notation and link as the source. (Links can be added within the description) Source: WeCapital Inc. “Income x Investment” survey More details about this release: