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Home » MAHALO Co., Ltd. Until the day when women are said to be active. Mahalo Co., Ltd. has launched a brand website that supports women’s empowerment and connects successful women to society.

MAHALO Co., Ltd. Until the day when women are said to be active. Mahalo Co., Ltd. has launched a brand website that supports women’s empowerment and connects successful women to society.

[MAHALO Co., Ltd.]
Until there is no longer a day when people say women are active. Mahalo Co., Ltd. has launched a brand website that supports women’s empowerment and connects successful women to society.

*View in browser* *MAHALO Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
Until there is no longer a day when people say women are active. Mahalo Co., Ltd. has launched a brand website that supports women’s empowerment and connects successful women to society.
*-April Dream of “Mahalo Co., Ltd.”, which launched a women’s empowerment support business site for the society that a 100% female employee salon company aims for-*
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Mahalo Co., Ltd. (Location: Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Representative Director: Matsui)
April, a 100% female beauty salon company run by Yuka Yuka, aims to make April 1st the day to spread dreams.
I agree with Dream. This press release is a dream of “Mahalo Co., Ltd.”

We at Mahalo Co., Ltd. operate under the VISION of “brightening women’s lives and creating a bright future.” Japan’s ranking in the Gender Gap Index in 2023 is reported to be 125th out of 146 countries, and this ranking indicates that Japan has made significant progress while other countries are advancing gender equality in political and economic fields. It means that it is not.

Particularly in the field of political participation, the low proportion of women in parliament and the low ratio of men to women in cabinet positions are issues, with Japan receiving one of the lowest ratings in the world. The lack of adequate participation of women in political decision-making processes is a major challenge from the perspective of gender equality.

Japan also faces several challenges when it comes to economic empowerment. The main reasons for this are the low proportion of women in managerial positions and the income disparity between men and women. These issues show that women do not have equal opportunities in economic activities and demonstrate that Japan needs to make further efforts to achieve gender equality. We believe it is important to maximize the empowerment of people.

We are thinking every day about what issues are facing Japan, which is developing so much.
We realized that the following things have a big impact on us, and decided to expand the scope of our activities not only to beauty salons but also to women in society.

Challenges to increasing the empowerment of Japanese women
1. *Low awareness of women’s social advancement and economic contribution due to gender bias*
Due to Japan’s unique gender bias, which is inherited regardless of gender, the surrounding environment and one’s own way of thinking do not progress (particularly unconscious bias tends to be strong) 2. *Awareness of the burden caused by women’s unique mental and physical issues/low awareness of health issues/low literacy* Our company is all women. Our company, which started as a hair salon, has continued to grow with female employees, as it is now a nail salon and eye salon (eyelash/eyebrow). Our company, which is made up of people with an average age of 26, has undergone changes while observing changes in the life plans of various women. In Japan, in particular, women are greatly influenced by pregnancy, childbirth, and marriage, but many women’s thoughts and life plans change due to the influence of their partners and family members. I have seen many people who suddenly give up on continuing to work. For many years, we have continued to convey through in-house training and systems that employees can change their future if they make the choices they want, and that they can enjoy life while continuing to work and contribute to society.
This activity was also an opportunity for us to be recognized for our unique training, systems, and education initiatives.

I want to be a person who can make my own choices.
Continuing to produce leaders who can provide the joy of growing with their colleagues
we are always thinking.
We hope to change the modern environment in which women leave their workplaces (society) to get married or have children, have to take care of their children, and when their children leave the nest, they become lonely without friends in society, and more and more people are suffering from illness or suffering. In the era of 100-year lifespans, what if more women could continue to contribute and influence society?

1. Various gender biases and unconscious biases
・It’s better for the child if the parents stay home/It’s pitiful to leave the child in a daycare center. Mothers’ own beliefs: Since the parents’ generation raised their children in kindergartens, there is a repercussion effect, and the next generation will not think of using nursery schools either.
・When I hear that my parents are working alone, I imagine my father (but not my mother).
There are many other biases surrounding women in Japan, and most people do not realize that they are biased and even affect their own thinking. That is why I believe that literacy that supports “women’s autonomy” is necessary.

Creating content to expand sex education activities using SRHR “Sexual and Reproductive Health/Rights: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights”
Breaking away from gender bias and unconscious bias | Creating content that continues to convey awareness and hints on how to think

2.* Economic losses due to health issues unique to women amount to 3.4 trillion yen* (February 2024: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

– Paramenstrual disorders, menopause, gynecological cancer,
infertility treatment (both) Issues faced by 44% of working women: Understanding of health issues/Increasing understanding at work and home, and using the latest technology Care and company initiatives are considered important. The most important thing here is understanding yourself and influencing those around you.

Creating and disseminating products that help women better understand and solve problems related to hormones and bodies specific to women. Create better relationships and environments by influencing those around you and gaining their understanding and recognition.
In order to achieve these goals, we need to join together with like-minded people in society and create an environment where everyone can continue to increase the number of women who can play an active role in society and shine.
We will create a place that can comprehensively provide people, things, knowledge, exchange, communication, companies, etc.

We are currently consulting with people from various fields in order to create an activity space within 2024.
Led by our representative Matsui, we have people with knowledge of femcare, gynecologists, people with knowledge of spreading literacy about sexually transmitted diseases, and companies. Furthermore, we are progressing in all areas, including developing products for people suffering from PMS.

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
*About details about this release*

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