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Announcement of Fusic Co., Ltd. corporate logo renewal

Fusic Co., Ltd.
Announcement of Fusic Co., Ltd. corporate logo renewal
Fusic Co., Ltd. (President: Sadaya Notomi, Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as Fusic) is pleased to announce that it has renewed its corporate logo on April 1, 2024. As part of our corporate branding, Fusic has updated its corporate logo, which serves as the basis for what Fusic should be. We will continue to update the world with the power of technology, business, and design, giving form to Fusic’s Mission (raison d’être) and Vision (what we want to be).
Background of corporate logo renewal
We founded Fusic with strong curiosity and believing in the
possibilities of IT. Approximately 20 years have passed since then, and we have grown as technology has changed and expanded our business. Starting from system development, we continue to challenge new technology areas such as cloud, AI, satellite data analysis in the space field, and quantum computing, and in 2023 we will be working on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market and Fukuoka Stock Exchange Q-Board. We have been listed on the market.
Currently, we are striving to maximize the value we provide to our customers by making full use of our technical capabilities and proposal capabilities that utilize new technology, which have been our strengths since our founding.
And this time, Fusic’s Mission (raison d’être), “Create diverse paths for people, leave a mark on the world”, and Vision (the ideal state), “We will continue to update the world from surprising angles by gathering individuality. In order to realize this goal and build a new brand image that reflects these changes, we have decided to revamp our corporate logo to express the “Fusic-ness” and “future of Fusic.” About logo design
The new logo design is based on the initial letter of our company name, F, and expresses the “claws” we leave on the world and the way we move toward the future. The two flying objects represent customers who aim for success through the power of technology, and Fusic, who accompanies them to that end. The angle of the fuselage of the aircraft is 23 degrees, based on the history of the company, which was founded in 2003 and listed in 2023, adding a playful touch to the idea of ​​a “surprising angle.”
The corporate colors are “Fusic Red” and “Fusic Blue.” Red represents Fusic’s unwavering identity to date, and blue represents Fusic’s continued challenge to the future and new areas.
Additionally, our designer designed the new logo himself. We began by verbalizing Fusic’s image and visualizing it based on its “raison d’être” and “ideal vision.” We derived a direction from the organized visuals, and from over 100 rough designs, we repeatedly refined and verified them to create the final logo.
This logo renewal is not just a visual change. This is an effort to clarify and rebuild our “raison d’être,” “what we should be,” and new brand value.
As a bridge between society and IT, we will continue to gather diverse personalities and constantly update the world with new technology.
[Image 1:×1000.jpg]
[Image 2:×1000.jpg] When will the new corporate logo begin to be used?
Usage will begin from April 1, 2024.
About Fusic Co., Ltd.
A technology company based in Fukuoka that uses a wide range of technologies to solve DX issues faced by clients across the country. In addition to providing cloud infrastructure (AWS), system
development, technical consulting for data utilization, and model creation using deep learning and machine learning, we are developing a digital transformation business that provides our own products. In March 2023, it will be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market and the Fukuoka Stock Exchange Q-Board.
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