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Home » “It’s not profitable,” but it’s “meaningful.” PoliPoli and Soil joint project “SoilxPolicy Fund” fund su pport recipients decided

“It’s not profitable,” but it’s “meaningful.” PoliPoli and Soil joint project “SoilxPolicy Fund” fund su pport recipients decided

“It’s not profitable,” but it’s “meaningful.” PoliPoli and Soil joint project “SoilxPolicy Fund” fund support recipients decided
*View in browser* *PoliPoli Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
“It’s not profitable,” but it’s “meaningful.” PoliPoli and Soil joint project “SoilxPolicy Fund” fund support recipients decided *Release date 10 consecutive days from today! Introduction of the 9 organizations selected as recipients of support and the thoughts of the donors*
・“SoilxPolicy Fund ”: A joint project between PoliPoli Co., Ltd. and the general incorporated foundation Soil to provide know-how support in business and policy proposals to organizations that are trying to solve social issues that are “unprofitable” but “significant.”
・For donation inquiries, click here:
“Policy” is a donation fund that accelerates the resolution of social issues centered on policy.
PoliPoli Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kazuma Ito, hereinafter referred to as “PoliPoli”), which operates
We would like to inform you that we have decided to support 9 organizations for the “Fund”.

From tomorrow, April 2nd (Tuesday) to April 12th (Friday), 2024, we will introduce one organization and release comments from donors every day.
What is “SoilxPolicy Fund”?
We are looking for organizations that want to work on solving social issues, and those selected will receive donations and business promotion support from Soil, a general incorporated foundation, and PoliPoli will provide know-how and accompaniment support for policy proposals.

We solicited organizations to support from November to December 2023, and selected nine organizations through the first (document
screening), second, and third screening (interview screening) from December to February 2023.
About Soil General Foundation
Soil is a foundation that provides funding for the start-up period, which is overwhelmingly lacking for non-profit startups, and also provides support for growth. “It’s not profitable,” but “it’s meaningful.”
We intentionally define the team working on the business using the term “non-profit startup,” which is not common at this time.
About “Policy Fund”

The Policy Fund is an endowment fund centered on policy that accelerates the resolution of social issues.
We collect funds as donations from individuals such as entrepreneurs and foundations in Japan and abroad, and establish a fund for each issue we want to address, such as the declining birthrate and aging population and poverty issues. Donations will be given to
organizations such as NPOs and “rule makers” who are working on these issues, and will be used for initiatives and research aimed at solving these issues, as well as policy planning and proposals that will change society. In addition, we will support policy proposals by leveraging the policy co-creation know-how that PoliPoli has cultivated through its platforms and projects.
There is no economic return for those who make a donation, but instead, it is a system that returns the impact on society as a return.
Company Profile
PoliPoli Co., Ltd.
Representative: Kazuma Ito
Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Established: February 2018
Corporate Philosophy: Contribute to the happy lives of people around the world by continuing to create new political and administrative systems.
Corporate site:
Business details
“PoliPoli”, a website that gives voices to politicians: **

“PoliPoli Gov” is a website that gives voice to the government: **

“PoliPoli Enterprise” support service for rule making for companies and organizations: **

Donation fund “Policy Fund” to solve social issues: **
Political information media “”: **
*We are recruiting for various positions, including Policy Fund management members*
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