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Heat tiles x shiatsu Create a warm, healthy, and kind society in mind and body “World peace through shiatsu”

[Heat tiles x shiatsu] Create a warm, healthy, and kind society in mind and body “World peace through shiatsu”

*View in browser* *SBCHA Praxis Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
[Heat tiles x shiatsu] Create a warm, healthy, and kind society in mind and body “World peace through shiatsu”
*By combining Japan’s world-famous “shiatsu” with “Nagakyu,” a heating tile with strong far-infrared rays, you can eliminate stiffness and coldness at the same time. Nagaku can be used for self-care, so we can keep ourselves and our families warm and healthy, and aim to create a society full of kindness. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams.
This press release is a dream of “SBCHA Praxis Co., Ltd. Spouse Shiatsu Co., Ltd.”

SBCHA Praxis Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as our company) operates an acupressure business in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, as well as an anatomical education publishing business and seminar business. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body, and physiology is the study of its functions. By learning anatomy and physiology in depth, therapists will be able to more effectively approach client complaints.
We are also active as good educators in anatomy and acupressure therapy.

Our dream is

* 1. To help local people relieve stiffness and coldness at the same time with “Shiatsu massage and heating tiles”, become healthy in mind and body, and enjoy life more*
* 2. Help not only yourself, but also your family and loved ones around you, become healthy by using “thermal tiles x home shiatsu” * *3.
Through seminar projects and anatomical education publication projects, we aim to improve the level of all shiatsu therapists and contribute to the health of the nation by spreading the word “shiatsu x heating tiles” among therapists.*
* 4. I want to spread “Shiatsu is cool!” in Japan*
* 5. To spread the wonders of combining traditional Japanese acupressure therapy with heating tiles to the world and contribute to world peace *


Dream 1: Help local people relieve stiffness and coldness at the same time with shiatsu and heating tiles, become healthy in mind and body, and enjoy life more.
As Anma Massage Shiatsu therapists, we provide Shiatsu therapy to people in the local community, and also give advice on how to do this, placing emphasis on self-care and family care.
Sagami Ono Spin Shiatsu Kazuhiro Kurosawa/Akane Kurosawa

At * Bo Shiatsu (Sagami-Ono)*, we also actively use the heat treatment method (thermal therapy) using Nagaku heating tiles* in conjunction with *shiatsu therapy*.

While acupressure therapy is good at targeting muscle tissue, heat therapy has the effect of increasing the flexibility of connective tissues such as the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia.

When “cold” is added to “stiffness”, mobility decreases and the entire body, from the skin to the muscle layer, becomes stiff and stiff. * “Heat + Shiatsu (pressure)” is effective for this “cold stiffness” *

Kazuhiro Kurosawa, representative of Spouse Shiatsu, taught Shiatsu practical techniques and anatomy as a full-time teacher at Japan Shiatsu College from 2010 to 2019. late
We provide high-quality traditional acupressure therapy systematized by Tokujiro Namikoshi, and we contribute to the health of your mind and body with treatments based on our deep knowledge of anatomy and familiarity with the structure of the human body.
Representative Kazuhiro Kurosawa was in charge of anatomy and shiatsu practical training at a vocational school until 2019.
Our shiatsu received a lot of support from people living in Sagamihara and other areas, and was selected as the runner-up in the 20th Sagamihara Shop Award sponsored by the Sagamihara Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
20th Sagamihara Shop Award sponsored by Sagamihara Chamber of Commerce and Industry Second Prize
Dream 2. By using “thermal tiles and in-home shiatsu”, not only yourself but also your family and loved ones around you will become healthy.
As an acupressure expert, I have tried many different heat treatments. I used to use the “Benishi Heater”, but when I came across the “Hyetori Kawara Nagahisa”, I was very surprised by its high quality and comfortable heat.

Pottery is known for its high far-infrared rays. Nagaku also has countless microscopic cavities inside that contain air and moisture. By heating Nagaku in a microwave, “moist heat” containing water vapor is generated. “Far infrared rays
× Moist heat provides a very pleasant heat that penetrates into the body. “Cold tiles Nagahisa” was originally created by MANON Acupuncture Clinic in Minami Aoyama.
It is sold as a self-care tool developed by Mayumi Mononobe, so you can incorporate it into your daily life at home.

Cooling tile Nagakyu
Not only will you improve your health, but you will also warm your heart by touching, warming, and giving a pleasant massage not only to yourself but also to those around you, such as your family.

“Warmth” evokes “kindness.” Once you start using Nagaku and realize how good it is, you will want to give it as a gift to your loved ones. I hope that many people’s lives can be made a little richer through “thermal tiles x home shiatsu”.

Dream 3: Through seminars and anatomical education publishing projects, we aim to improve the level of all shiatsu practitioners and contribute to the health of the nation by spreading “shiatsu x heating tiles”.
Our commitment to SDGs
In addition to the acupressure business, our company also operates an anatomical education publishing business and a seminar business. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body, and physiology is the study of its functions. By learning anatomy and physiology in depth, therapists will be able to more effectively approach client complaints. We are also active as good educators in anatomy and acupressure therapy.

Below, we will introduce the characteristics and philosophy of Fu Shiatsu’s acupressure therapy. At our company, we convey high-quality acupressure therapy through technical seminars, and at the same time, through anatomy online seminars, we convey human body structure for therapists to people studying basic medicine nationwide.
-Stiffness is also an important part of the body-
Shiatsu is one of the most well-known manual therapies, but what kind of image do you have of it? There seems to be a strong impression among the general public that “Shiatsu involves pressing firmly with your thumb.” I also feel that there are many Anma massage and shiatsu therapists who think that “the harder you press, the more effective it is.”

It is certainly possible to relieve pain and improve joint range of motion by crushing stiffness with strong force. In the process of crushing stiffness, even if normal tissue is slightly damaged, in most cases the tissue will be repaired appropriately.

However, when tissues are repeatedly damaged, fibrosis gradually progresses. Muscles and tissues adapt by becoming less flexible and stiffening.

We believe that “kneading” should be avoided, as it means that the muscles and tissues have been damaged by a strong procedure. “Stiffness is an important part of the body.” We value this concept and perform shiatsu every day.
-Value comfort and peace of mind-
One of the great things about acupressure therapy is that it feels good. Spinal acupressure does not separate relaxation and treatment. Just like when you go to a hot spring, your body will be in the perfect state to accept shiatsu when you feel “Ah… it feels good” from the core of your body, and when you add “peace of mind” to that feeling. -Immediate diagnosis and treatment-
The hands and fingers of a skilled shiatsu practitioner act as fine sensors, sensitively sensing the internal state of the body while applying pressure, and adjusting the direction, depth, duration, and rhythm of the pressure at all pressure points at any time.
In Oriental medicine, there is a phrase “diagnosis-immediate treatment.” The definition of diagnosis-immediate treatment differs from person to person, but for me, diagnosis-immediate treatment means that “diagnosis and treatment cannot be separated; in other words, they are one.”
The shiatsu therapist performs the treatment while visualizing in his head the muscles and connective tissue under the skin under his fingers.
If there is stiffness, try to loosen it. If you feel cold, try to get rid of the cold. If the flow is stagnant, the qi and blood can flow without stagnation. Carefully apply shiatsu to your whole body to bring your entire body into a better state.
-Combination of heat and shiatsu-
At Fu Shiatsu, we actively incorporate heat into traditional Namikoshi-style full-body acupressure therapy. Shiatsu therapy is good at targeting muscle tissue, but thermal stimulation has the effect of increasing the flexibility of connective tissues such as the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia.
When “cold” is added to “stiffness”, mobility decreases and the entire body, from the skin to the muscle layer, becomes stiff and stiff. For such conditions, “heat + shiatsu (pressure)” is effective.

Not only does it warm you up, but when you press it, the heat penetrates into your body.
Connective tissue is rich in collagen fibers, but when cold is added to stiffness, the subcutaneous tissue can become hard, like a “boiled bone.” If this condition continues, not only will normal blood supply be disrupted, but the flow of interstitial fluid (tissue fluid) and lymph fluid, which fill the space between cells, will also become stagnant.

Heat stimulation softens the connective tissue, and applying acupressure moves internal fluids (interstitial fluid, lymph fluid, blood). Accumulated metabolic products (waste products) are allowed to flow and are absorbed into the lymph capillaries, promoting tissue normalization. At Fu Shiatsu, we use Nagaku, a tile developed by an acupuncturist for heat therapy. Use porous ceramic by heating it in the microwave and wrapping it in a towel. It is characterized by a very comfortable moist heat.

Our representative
Kazuhiro Kurosawa is famous as an anatomy educator for medical students, and has over 60,000 followers on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We host online anatomy courses for students studying basic medicine such as anma massage shiatsu therapists, acupuncturists, judo therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. I am also an anatomy educator who also serves as a part-time instructor for anatomy training at universities.
The study of anatomy should not be completed only for the purpose of the national exam, but anatomy should be put to practical use in clinical practice.
I always want to contribute to the health of the nation by
communicating and spreading the gentle yet highly effective
acupressure therapy based on anatomy to as many people as possible. Dream 4. I want to spread “Shiatsu is cool!” in Japan.
Our representative
Kazuhiro Kurosawa traveled around the world, mainly in Asia, during his 20s and 30s, experiencing the culture, faith, and art of many countries, and meeting many people. After practicing Tai Chi at a mountain temple in China, I discovered the world of Shiatsu. While traveling around the world, I realized that many people in Europe and the United States are very interested in Tai Chi, yoga, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), and acupressure, and are pursuing them.
I met, talked with, and spent time with many Western people who had some doubts about the excessive material civilization of the West and were pursuing Eastern philosophy for themselves and others.

The culture and ideas that are inherent in Japan, where we live. There are many wonderful things. From a Japanese perspective, it may be something that they don’t pay much attention to. However, from a global perspective, it can be very cool.

I think one of them is “shiatsu.”
Shiatsu can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere.
And shiatsu is not just for shiatsu therapists; anyone can use it on someone close to them.
(If doing this as a profession, qualifications are required) If necessary, Shiatsu therapists can apply Shiatsu to anyone, anywhere, to improve the pain and discomfort of those around them. And if you follow a few precautions, anyone can make shiatsu a part of their lives.
For example, what happens when a small child taps their grandmother or grandfather on the shoulder or applies pressure with the palm of their hand? I think it feels very good.

that’s right. Shiatsu feels good, and the biggest advantage is that anyone can do it on those around them.

As professionals, shiatsu therapists can of course help those who suffer from pain or discomfort from treatments, but they can also pass on shiatsu to those around them as a common asset of all humankind.

Gentle touch strengthens the bond between people and brings health not only to the person receiving shiatsu, but also to the person doing the shiatsu.

I think this is pretty cool.

Dream 5. To spread the wonders of traditional Japanese acupressure therapy combined with heating tiles to the world and contribute to world peace.
Overseas, especially in the United States and Europe, there is a growing recognition that shiatsu is as cool as yoga. And shiatsu has become so widespread around the world that it can almost be called “Shiatsu.”

I believe that we Japanese Shiatsu practitioners have a mission to study more, become better at our techniques, and travel to the world to share the wonders of Shiatsu.

The late Tokujiro Namikoshi said,
“World peace through shiatsu”
The late Professor Tokujiro Namikoshi and the late Professor Rinzo Suzuki In this unstable world, when we talk about “world peace,” it tends to sound like a delusion from the moon, but I believe that peace is born from the kindness and compassion of each individual. .

Shiatsu is a technique that conveys gentleness.
I believe that it is a common property of the world and is very cool.

We believe that the Nagakyu heating tile is a wonderful product that can truly contribute to the health of people around the world with its top-quality, comfortable warmth and health benefits.

Warmth brings kindness. It’s kindness to yourself. Kindness towards others. It works on both.

Our company strives every day to contribute to world peace by spreading the word “shiatsu” and “thermal tiles” around the world. The heart of shiatsu, the mother’s heart, the fountain of life will spring forth for the realization of dreams
* 1. To help local people relieve stiffness and coldness at the same time with “Shiatsu massage and heating tiles”, become healthy in mind and body, and enjoy life more*
→ Practice with Sagami-Ono Spinning Shiatsu

* 2. Help not only yourself, but also your family and loved ones around you, become healthy by using “thermal tiles x home shiatsu” * → Cooling tiles Nagaku is very effective for self-care and
maintaining the health of family members, and in addition, Shiatsu is being popularized as a way to interact with family members.

Through seminar projects and anatomical education publication projects, we aim to improve the level of all shiatsu therapists and contribute to the health of the nation by spreading the word “shiatsu x heating tiles” among therapists.*
→ We are continuing our activities to improve the skills of all shiatsu practitioners through our seminar business and the Kanagawa Prefecture Shiatsu Practitioners Association.

* 4. I want to spread “Shiatsu is cool!” in Japan*

Shiatsu is cool. To that end, I am working with friends to unite with “shiatsu therapists who live cool lives” and work together to create the next generation of shiatsu.

* 5. To spread the wonders of combining traditional Japanese acupressure therapy with heating tiles to the world and contribute to world peace *

Kurosawa discovered shiatsu while traveling. We are grateful for this relationship, and are now working on various strategies to spread shiatsu around the world and contribute to world peace. We will do our best to realize this as our company’s mission.
*About details about this release*

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