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LifeLab Co., Ltd. Over 10,000 participants! Career Design Work has been adopted as a university lecture!

[LifeLab Co., Ltd.] [Over 10,000 participants! ] Career Design Work has been adopted as a university lecture!

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Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
[Over 10,000 participants! ] Career Design Work has been adopted as a university lecture!
*April Dream of Career Lab, which runs “Career Design Work”, an event where people choose a career based on their lifestyle*
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams.
This press release is a dream of Career Lab (operated by: LifeLab Co., Ltd., CEO: Kaori Shiga).

Four years have passed since its inauguration. The number of participants in “Career Design Work,” which provides opportunities to choose a career based on a life plan, has exceeded 1 million, and the program will be given as part of a course at a university in Tokyo. In the future, I will actively give lectures at educational institutions such as universities and high schools, and companies.

* 3 years since its inauguration! More than 10,000 people have taken Career Design Work! *
The total number of participants in Career Design Work run by Career Lab has exceeded 10,000.

Career Design Work will be launched in 2021. We started our activities at a time when people are talking about the era of 100-year lifespans, when work styles have changed drastically due to the outbreak of an unprecedented virus.
We started this program for people in their 20s and 30s who have vague concerns about their future careers and work styles due to unexpected changes in society.

The first participants were 6 people. Shiga and his juniors from Recruit days began calling out to friends and acquaintances around them to recruit participants, and word of mouth has spread, and the event has now grown to the point where 50 people gather at a single event. The event is highly satisfying, with many students repeating the course many times in order to regularly review their goals.

* What are the characteristics of career design work? *
The most distinctive part of Career Design Work is that it provides opportunities to choose a career based on your life plan.

Through work, we will explore what kind of career you should choose in order to live your ideal life and life plan. We also have a share time where participants can share their thoughts with each other, and by coming into contact with values ​​and ways of thinking that they didn’t have before, they can face their ideals more flexibly.

A networking session was also held at the end of the meeting. We have received positive feedback from participants, who say that they were able to interact with people from a variety of industries, work styles, and the same generation, and that they were able to meet people who were only able to do so by participating in career design work.

* Adopted for university lectures! In the future, I will be actively engaged in lecture activities! *
Career Design Work has recently been adopted as a lecture at a university in Tokyo. Representative Shiga will be on the podium as a lecturer as part of a class to think about your career.
For university students who are forced to choose a career for the first time, we will do our best to help them make a highly satisfying career choice based on our cherished concept of “choosing a career based on your life plan.”

In addition, in the future, we will expand the scope of our activities to include schools, including universities and high schools, and corporate training.
In order to create a society full of adults who feel pride and fulfillment in their work, we will provide many people with the opportunity to face their own lives and careers through career design work.

Currently, we are mainly active in Tokyo, but we also visit regional cities. If you have any universities, high schools, other educational institutions, or companies that are even slightly interested, please contact us using the contact information below.

[Contact information]
Career Lab
Operator: LifeLab Co., Ltd. (
 Email address:

“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. we are here
I am seriously aiming to realize my dream.
*About details about this release*

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