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SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd. Announcement of establishment of SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.

[SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.] Announcement of establishment of SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.

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Press release: April 1, 2024
Announcement of establishment of SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.
SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director, Chairman and President: Fujino
Eijin (hereinafter “SBI Leos Hifumi”) will become the holding company (wholly owning parent company) of Leos Capital Works on April 1, 2024 through a sole share transfer of Leos Capital Works Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Leos Capital Works”). It was established on the 1st and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market.

SBI Rheos Hifumi is the holding company for Rheos Capital Works and Rheos Capital Partners Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Leos Capital Partners”), and is primarily responsible for formulating business strategies and managing the business of group companies. There are no changes to the business activities of Rheos Capital Works and Rheos Capital Partners.

By becoming a holding company, we will be able to conduct M&A and other flexible capital and business alliances with a variety of partners. We believe that this will bring us closer to achieving our goal of financial inclusion, in the sense of increasing the
possibility of providing diverse investment opportunities to investors. In order to create a brighter future, we will continue to take on more active and bold challenges than ever before.
1. Group structure diagram
2. Overview of SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.
Name SBI RHEOS HIFUMI Inc. (English name: SBI RHEOS HIFUMI Inc.) Address: 1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative Representative Director Chairman and President Group CEO Hideto Fujino
Date of establishment: April 1, 2024
Establishment method: Establishment of a wholly owning parent company through sole share transfer
Business details Investment trust entrustment business and investment advisory business (business related to discretionary investment contracts)
Business strategy formulation, business management, and incidental or related work for group companies that operate
Capital 322 million yen
Listing exchange: Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market (Securities code: 165A) 3. SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd. Executive Structure
Title Name
Representative Director, Chairman and President
Group CEO Hideto Fujino (Representative Director, President and CIO of Leos Capital Works)
Representative Director and Vice President
Group COO Mitsuhiro Yuasa (Representative Director and Vice President of Leos Capital Works)
Senior Managing Director Group CHRO Miki Shiramizu (Reos Capital Works Senior Managing Director)
Managing Director Group CAO Jiro Iwata (Reos Capital Works Managing Director) Director Group CCO Takeshi Nakaji (Reos Capital Works Director CCO) Director Tomoya Asakura (Director of Leos Capital Works)
Outside Director Rie Nakamura (Leos Capital Works Outside Director) Outside Director Toshiya Kakiuchi (Leos Capital Works Outside Director) Outside Director Akira Sato (Leos Capital Works Outside Director) Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Outside Audit &
Supervisory Board Member Shuzo Takami (Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Leos Capital Works)
Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member Osamu Takahashi (Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Leos Capital Works)
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Kazuhiro Yasuda (Leos Capital Works Part-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member)
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Koji Wada (Leos Capital Works Part-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member)
[image: download] d138772-2-bb4a8f8dc435e95de3c8512797be020b.pdf About SBI Rheos Hifumi Co., Ltd.
SBI Rheos Hifumi was established on April 1, 2024 as the holding company of Rheos Capital Works, an asset management company founded in 2003. In order to realize a society where all people can enjoy the benefits of financial services through financial inclusion, we will bring together the power of various financial services, fintech, etc. We aim to “deliver it to every corner.” Our group company, Rheos Capital Works Co., Ltd., handles investment trust entrustment services and investment advisory services, including the Hifumi series of investment trusts, and Rheos Capital Partners Co., Ltd. handles venture investment business.
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