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BPO Technology Co., Ltd. Online assistant adoption rate of Japanese companies reaches 100%

[BPO Technology Co., Ltd.] Online assistant adoption rate of Japanese companies reaches 100%

*View in browser* *BPO Technology Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
Online assistant adoption rate of Japanese companies reaches 100% *”Fujiko-san” will make online assistants where humans and AI work together commonplace in Japan. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
* BPO Technology Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO), which operates the online assistant service “Fujiko-san” : Shinya Yamada (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) aims to make “online assistant” services, in which humans and AI work together as co-workers to support a variety of corporate operations, a natural option for Japanese companies’ business operations. , we will increase the disposable time and happiness of everyone involved with our company. *

Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams.
This press release is a dream of “BPO Technology Co., Ltd.”

The labor shortage faced by Japanese companies is becoming even more serious, and the “Future Population Projections for Japan” (*1) published by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research shows that the decline in the working-age population is expected to accelerate further in the future. It is expected that Under these circumstances, there are high expectations for efforts in DX, which is the key to improving labor productivity, but in reality, it is difficult to secure the human resources to handle the situation, making it difficult to advance DX.
There are also challenges on the working side, with many people having high skills but with limited employment opportunities due to life events and changes in the environment.

On the other hand, in the United States, about 70% of business owners use online assistants, and statistical data shows that using these services can reduce costs by about 20%. In this way, online assistants continue to become popular overseas as an extremely easy-to-use service to resolve labor shortages, but in Japan, only 3% of businesses have experience using them (according to our research). However, it is only used by a small number of people.

*1: The working age population as of February 1, 2023 is 74 million people (estimated figure published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications). According to “Japan’s Future Population Projections,” the total population is expected to fall below 100 million in 2053, at which time the proportion of the working-age population will be 51.6%, a decrease of about 30% from the present.

*How to solve the problem*

The online assistant “Fujiko-san” provided by our company is a service that allows you to request an assistant online via email or chat when necessary for back office work called non-core work necessary for the growth of your company. With a reasonable fee structure, our assistants with a variety of practical experience work together as a team to support our customers without the costs of recruitment, employment, equipment, etc., or the time and effort required to hire assistants in-house. I am.
Currently, the service is provided mainly by humans, but in the future, we will aim for RX (*2) and further evolve the service, making online assistants a natural choice for business operations of Japanese companies. By having humans and AI work together as co-workers and demonstrating optimal teamwork, we will increase the time that can be used for things that are important to our customers and the daily free time of our workers.

*2:Robotics Transformation
Abbreviation for Utilizing robot technology, digital labor (virtual intelligent workers), etc. to improve operational efficiency and achieve transformation. If the RX ratio in the online assistant team increases, it will indirectly help customers.
RX propulsion will also be realized.

Comment from Shinya Yamada, Representative Director and President If online assistant services become commonplace in Japan, our management philosophy of “Increase people’s time and increase their happiness (pursuit of optimal teamwork between humans and AI)” )” can be realized for as many people as possible.
By increasing the time of everyone involved with our company, we will create new time value and contribute to the revitalization of local communities and societies where startups are continuously born.

*About our company*
Company name: BPO Technology Co., Ltd.
Established: February 2017
Representative: Shinya Yamada, President and Representative Director Head office: 6-14-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Corporate site:

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.

* ■Contact information regarding this matter*
BPO Technology Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR
*About details about this release*

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