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Tokyo Sudbury School General Incorporated Foundation A school where children can freely and happily develop themselves!

[Tokyo Sudbury School General Incorporated Foundation] A school where children can freely and happily develop themselves!

*View in browser* *Tokyo Sudbury School General Incorporated Foundation*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
A school where children can freely and happily develop themselves! *Tokyo Sudbury School renews its determination to make dreams come true and continues to work on the development and continuation of the school so that children will be able to freely and happily create their own lives! *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Tokyo Sudbury School General Incorporated Foundation (Location: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Masaru Sugiyama) aims to make April 1st the day to spread dreams.
I agree with Dream. This press release is a dream of “Tokyo Sudbury School”.

Since we opened our school in 2009, we have welcomed students from all over Japan and from overseas and provided them with a Sudbury education, with the aim of providing children with educational options that will truly help them develop themselves.
As an independent school whose education and finances are independent without being influenced by any particular government, company, religion, etc., a variety of students are engaged in a variety of studies.

We believe that in order for students to live independently and freely as individuals, and to live fulfilling lives as citizens living in society, they need to * “Nurture themselves and learn about society.”
For this reason, we are a full-time school where students develop themselves through rights and responsibilities, valuing the raison d’être and values ​​created together by students and staff, and focusing on civic education and character development.
In order to value our educational philosophy, our school has the following features:
Developing the mind to discover and pursue one’s own interests provides the foundation for living a fulfilling life.
* 1. Way of being/way of life/non-cognitive abilities/cognitive abilities * What we value at TSS is the “way of being and living”*.
What is also easy to put into practice are “non-cognitive
abilities,” such as the ability to self-reflect to understand oneself, the spontaneity to create activities on one’s own, and the ability to communicate with others to advance things.
“Cognitive ability” refers to knowledge and skills, and is
demonstrated when a student is interested in a particular field as a Sudbury student or as an individual, and becomes absorbed in it (flow or zone state). It is learned with patience.
* Non-cognitive abilities and cognitive abilities are just
“abilities”*, and they are called a way of life* Depending on the “direction” of how you use them, you can create joy or sadness* It will be. Therefore, we place special emphasis on the way of being and living.

* 2. Develop yourself *

We believe that * “People learn best when they really want to do something or feel that it is necessary.” *
Each student is unique and naturally has different areas of interest and timing of interest.
Therefore, there are no pre-determined classes at the school, and the educational system allows students to freely design their own day. Students will have the experience of making their own decisions, rather than choosing from a curriculum or options prepared by someone else.
Face yourself and take the first step. Make use of your interests and strengths. Be considerate and responsible and respect others. Students will put these universal values ​​into practice.
* 3. Learning about society *
Students have the right and responsibility to work with staff to create the systems necessary for their own school society.
This thoroughness is a unique feature of Sudbury Education that is not found in other schools. In other words, they are given the opportunity to design the society they belong to with their own hands, and gain practical experience.
You can do that.
However, this does not mean that you should do everything the child says. Just as we need to respect each other in the real world, students and staff need to respect each other at this school. In discussions called meetings, students and staff alike can express their opinions on all sorts of issues, including school management, creating school rules, and staff selection, and are able to equally exercise the right and responsibility of their single vote.
An experience where everyone makes decisions together. We believe that this is necessary to live with others in society.
Being an independent member of society means valuing yourself, others, and the community. Students participate in school management and experience becoming independent members of society by exercising their one vote.
Through these practices, our school provides education that allows children to notice, think, and act on their own. Continuing, * “A school where children can freely and happily develop themselves” * We are aiming for this!

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
*About details about this release*

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