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Home » Cross Cat Co., Ltd. Cross Cat’s new medium-term management plan (FY2024-FY2026) “Growing Value 2026” starts in April

Cross Cat Co., Ltd. Cross Cat’s new medium-term management plan (FY2024-FY2026) “Growing Value 2026” starts in April

Cross Cat Co., Ltd.
Crosscat’s new medium-term management plan (FY2024-FY2026) “Growing Value 2026” starts in April
~ Becoming a company that increases the value it provides and is needed by customers ~
Cross Cat Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Mitsunori Yamane has formulated a new medium-term management plan, “Growing Value 2026,” and plans will begin in April. We will begin business activities to achieve this goal.
Based on the belief that our customers’ success is our success, Cross Cat continues to provide high-quality IT services, including system development for financial and government offices, as well as DX support for customers in various industries. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in June last year.
During the period of our newly formulated medium-term management plan, we will further enhance the “quality and efficiency” and “expertise and know-how” that we have cultivated through these services, thereby contributing to the success of our customers. We aim to be a company that can contribute.
■Basic policy
In our new medium-term management plan “Growing Value 2026,” we aim to become “a company that increases the value we provide and is needed by our customers.” As a basic policy to realize this corporate image, we have established that we aim to contribute to customer success by improving the quality of our services by combining the values ​​we provide: quality, efficiency, expertise, and know-how.
[Image 1:×887.jpg ]
■Basic strategy
In order to achieve our medium-term management plan, we will promote five basic strategies that respond to changes in the internal and external environment.
[Image 2:×1125.jpg] 1) Shift to a value provision model
In order to shift to a value provision model, we will move away from dependence on human resources and cross
We will pursue Cat’s unique strengths.
2) Expansion of asset-based business
We aim to improve development efficiency by converting information such as know-how and technology accumulated in each project into knowledge and organizing that knowledge to turn it into intellectual property.
3) Strengthen customer base
In order to increase the ratio of end users, we will actively provide information and proposals to existing customers, co-create activities with alliance partners, and cross-sell and upsell activities that fully utilize CC-Dash*. We will strengthen the community.
*DX promotion support framework provided by our company
4) Strengthening human resources and organizational capabilities We actively invest in our employees, who are the source of our value, and aim to strengthen our IT human resources.We also promote engagement measures such as fostering a desire to make voluntary contributions and improving the organizational culture and workplace conditions. To do.
5) Developing group management that leverages the strengths and characteristics of each company
By pursuing group synergies through collaboration among Cross Cat Group companies, we will increase the value provided by the group and efficiency, and improve the profitability of the entire group. ■Financial indicators
By promoting our basic strategy, we aim to achieve the following financial targets (consolidated).
Sales: 17.3 billion yen
Operating profit: 2 billion yen
ROE: 20% or more
Dividend payout ratio: 35% or more
The outline of the new medium-term management plan “Growing Value 2026” is posted on the official website “IR Information”.
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