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We provide a free credit card donation payment system to nonprofit organizations.

We provide a free credit card donation payment system to nonprofit organizations.

*View in browser* *Lime Holdings Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 2, 2024
April Dream Project
We provide a free credit card donation payment system to nonprofit organizations.
*For a Japan where everyone solves social issues. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Lime Holdings Co., Ltd. (Location: Kita-ku, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director and President: Hijiri Nakai, hereinafter referred to as “Kita-ku, Osaka”), which provides payment introduction support tools
Lime Holdings) is a payment introduction support tool “Apps” (URL: operated by the company.
), we provide free of charge a system that allows NPOs and NGOs to easily create online membership fee payment and donation payment pages, promoting and supporting the resolution of social issues in Japan and around the world.

Difficulties in introducing online donation payments

When introducing a credit card payment system, an examination by the card issuer is required, but the examination tends to be particularly strict for transactions that do not sell products, such as membership fees or donations. This rigor is due to the fact that there is no physical exchange of goods and there is potential for misuse for money laundering and anti-social behavior.

You won’t find much information online about the credit card review process or the secrets to success. This is because credit card companies do not disclose their screening criteria to the public, and even those who are successful in screening have no incentive to share that information.

Our company has supported many companies in card screening and has the know-how. This initiative is to provide the know-how to pass this examination and the payment implementation tools provided by our company free of charge.
About Apps

Our company provides a payment implementation support SaaS called Apps, and by using this service, it is possible to resolve problems related to the introduction of credit card payments.

Apps was developed to expand the functionality of Stripe, an American payment processing service. Regarding Stripe, accounts are frequently suspended due to violations of the terms of service, and we received approximately 100 consultations during 2022. From this experience, we have accumulated in-depth knowledge and practical examples of the credit card payment review process, which we use to provide advice to help our customers pass the review process.

Currently, Apps supports not only Stripe, but also PayPal and UnivaPay, a domestic payment processing company. This diverse range of support makes it possible to offer proposals tailored to a variety of needs, making it an ideal option for businesses wishing to introduce credit card payments. As of December 2023, the total amount of payments made through Apps has exceeded 1 billion yen, and it has been highly evaluated as a service trusted by many users.

In addition, we provide Apps services free of charge to organizations such as NPOs and NGOs (note that payment fees from credit card companies will be charged separately).

With the slogan “Accelerate the challenge,” we aim to support more entrepreneurs and contribute to solving social issues through our Apps.

*About the free donation/supporting membership fee payment system program*

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
*About details about this release*

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