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Home » Event Report The 32nd Health and Management Association regular meeting “Learning about human capital manage ment and applying it to health management and data health” was held.

Event Report The 32nd Health and Management Association regular meeting “Learning about human capital manage ment and applying it to health management and data health” was held.

Association for Health and Management (General Incorporated Association) [Event Report] The 32nd Health and Management Association regular meeting “Learning about human capital management and applying it to health management and data health” was held.
The Health and Management Association, a general incorporated association that promotes health management (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Directors: Norihide Takatani and Yuji Yamamoto), held its 32nd regular meeting (members only) on Tuesday, March 5th. The event was held at the venue (Doyukai Building Conference Room, Bunkyo Ward) and online, with the aim of learning about “human capital investment” and applying it to “health management” and “data health,” which are the core of our association.
[Image 1:×2024.jpg] ■Lecture by Assistant Director Kawakubo, Industrial Human Resources Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [Human capital investment to improve corporate value] ■Recognition of issues surrounding human resources
[Image 2:×522.jpg] In light of the changes in the industrial structure due to the spread of digital technology and the decline in the working-age population, it is important to enhance the capabilities of human resources in order to increase Japan’s economic growth and the competitiveness of companies. The current situation in Japan is that the labor force participation rate of women and the elderly is already high, but Japan’s overall labor force is decreasing. Work engagement is at the lowest level in the world, and “enthusiasm for work” is low. Furthermore, in terms of diversity, which is important for creating innovation, Japanese companies have low levels of diversity and high homogeneity (CEO internal promotion rate, female manager ratio, etc.). Japan’s human resources competitiveness ranks 43rd and its
international competitiveness ranks 35th, resulting in sluggish growth in wages and labor productivity. ■What is human capital management? The idea that human capital = human resources is an object to invest in and receive a return from, has changed from the previous idea that “human resources = people are objects to be used.” This becomes the basis of human capital management. In order to realize human capital management, it is important to “implement human resources strategies that are linked to management strategies” and “efforts to disclose and communicate human capital to investors.” Regarding “implementing human resources strategies that are linked to management strategies,” we presented three perspectives (below) in the “Human Resources Edition Ito Report.” “Perspective 1: Develop human resources strategies in line with management strategy” “Perspective 2: Clarify the human resources strategies that should be implemented based on current and future management strategies” “Perspective 3: Establish human capital initiatives into corporate culture” When disclosing financial capital, companies should also disclose those that are in poor condition along with future improvement measures, and promote the plan-do-check-act cycle of human resources strategies. ■The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s efforts to promote human capital management In addition to publishing the “Human Resources Edition Ito Report,” it has established the “Human Capital Management Consortium” and published the “Human Capital Visualization Guidelines.”
Approximately 560 companies participate in the Human Capital Management Consortium, which engages in discussions on initiatives and promotes collaboration between companies. The “Human Capital Visualization Guidelines” “make it easy to understand the effects of human capital investment”, “according to the four elements (governance, strategy, risk management, indicators/targets)”, and “items common to all companies (such as the ratio of women in management positions, etc.)”. ) and unique items in a well-balanced manner. ■Hints for practicing human capital management Among the efforts shown in the “Human Resources Edition Ito Report”, the following three points were introduced.
“Establishment of CHRO”: Appoint a person in the management team who is responsible for formulating and implementing human resources. “Setting KPIs related to human resources”: Companies with better performance set goals for their human resources departments. “Employee engagement”: It is important to understand and make efforts to improve it.
■Human capital investment – Effects Currently, only about 10% of companies in the TOPIX 100 disclose human resources policies in their securities reports. Furthermore, although it is difficult to understand the connection between human capital investment and management capital, there is a growing need among investors to demonstrate the connection between human capital investment and corporate value. The importance of disclosure regarding health management is similar. It is known that the ratio of women in management positions, the gender pay gap, and employee engagement are correlated with financial indicators. ■Kojima Marui Group Co., Ltd. Director, Senior Executive Officer, CWO Lecture [Key points of human capital investment and examples of corporate initiatives]
[Image 3:×630.jpg] ■ Key points of human capital management: The key point is not to “value people (human resources) as the current labor force,” but to “maximize the value that people will create in the future through investment.” I think it is important to keep this in mind as a health management promoter. The differences between human capital management and conventional management are as follows. ○The purpose of human resource management is “value creation,” not management. ○”Management matters,” not personnel matters. ○Evolving while disclosing
information to stakeholders and having two-way dialogue. MARUI GROUP’s Philosophy and Initiatives Marui Group’s corporate culture reform became a management issue due to deficits in the early 2000s. Since “people” are the source of value, we changed our management philosophy in 2007 and our corporate mission in 2015 to create a corporate culture of “thinking and acting on our own”. The following is the corporate culture that should be aimed at. ○ “Independence” instead of “coercion” ○ “Enjoyment” instead of “feeling forced to do something” ○ “Support” instead of “superior control” ○ “Contributing to society through one’s main job” instead of separating it into “main work and contributing to society” ○ From “improving performance” to “improving value” ■ MARUI GROUP’s well-being management and expanding human capital investment We are promoting well-being management that brings happiness to all stakeholders through business. The five-year medium-term management plan discloses that efforts aimed at sustainability and well-being in the areas of “the future of future generations,” “the happiness of each individual,” and “co-creation ecosystem” will lead to financial value and will be achieved. The internal rate of return, assuming the investment recovery period is until 2026, the final year of the new medium-term plan, is high at 12.7% for intangible investment compared to 10% for tangible investment, and the company has also disclosed that it will continue to expand human capital investment. ■Marui Well-being Index and the next challenge: “Improving the spirit of challenge” The Marui Well-being Index measures the following two items, and has improved over the 10-year period from 2012 to 2022. “I am respected in my job”: 28⇒66% “I take on challenges by leveraging my strengths”: 38⇒52% However, when the management philosophy is “People’s growth = Company growth,” 52% of people say they are not willing to take on challenges. The next challenge was to “improve the spirit of challenge”. Work engagement analysis also revealed that those with a higher level of “challenge” had higher work engagement. Starting in 2023, we aim to evolve a “culture of challenge and creativity,” and have set up opportunities for challenges such as the “in-house version of App Koshien,” and created the “Fail Forward Award” to recognize employees who were involved in new businesses that have been withdrawn. Tolerating and encouraging challenges. -Click here for information about the Health and Management Association- Health and Management Association Symposium “Thinking about the Future of Health and Productivity Management” held
[Image 4:×450.jpg] The Association for Health and Management (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Directors: Norihide Takatani and Yuji Yamamoto) was established in 2013 with the purpose of promoting health management, and will be held on May 14, 2024 (Tuesday). The 10th symposium “Thinking about the future of health management” will be held as a hybrid event (Ito Kyeon Hall, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Zoom Webinar). The keynote speech was given by Taro Fujie of Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Director, President, CEO, Chief Executive Officer for Health Promotion, and in the second session, Taisuke Hashimoto, Health Care Industry Division Manager in charge of health management, gave a lecture on “Human Capital Management, Together with Well-being.” , Mamoru Yamashita, Director of the Insurance Division, on what the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare expects from health management and the future of health services, from the standpoint of academia and society, Professor Koji Mori, professor at the University of Occupational and Medical Sciences and head of the Health Investment Working Group, and from the standpoint of managing various research groups Tsuyoshi Higuchi, Secretary General of the Health and Longevity Industry Federation, will be on stage for a discussion. Event date and time: May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) 13:00-17:15 Event format: Hybrid event (Ito Thank-you Hall, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Zoom Webinar) *Archives will be distributed at a later date Participation fee: ¥2,000 Capacity: 300 venues Online 500-person event application page About the Health and Management Association, a general incorporated association: “Maintaining and improving employee health” has a significant impact on a company’s productivity and bottom line. In order to promote health management, we are continuing to consider and discuss whether companies and health insurance plans can work together to effectively and efficiently build and promote such a system. [Company profile] Company name: General Incorporated Association for Health and Management Office location: 7th floor, 1-15-10 Nishikata, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 103-0024 Business content within the association: Dissemination of information and awareness regarding health management and health projects
Activities/Educational Activities Established: May 2013 HP:
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