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Home » Financier Co., Ltd. Active professional gamers also belong! “Banana Game Lab”, which aims to build a gaming community in the Web3 era, starts issuing and selling tokens from today.

Financier Co., Ltd. Active professional gamers also belong! “Banana Game Lab”, which aims to build a gaming community in the Web3 era, starts issuing and selling tokens from today.

Financier Co., Ltd.
Active professional gamers also belong! “Banana Game Lab”, which aims to build a gaming community in the Web3 era, starts issuing and selling tokens from today.
Financier Co., Ltd. (Representative Director Hirotaka Kunimitsu, hereinafter referred to as Financier) has announced that the game development community “Banana Game Lab” operated by BGL Co., Ltd. (Representative Director Chiaki Hiroshima) will become the token platform “FiNANCiE” from April 2, 2024. We would like to inform you that we have started issuing and selling tokens.
*Token refers to community tokens as digital items issued by projects active in “FiNANCiE”. This does not apply to securities or crypto assets.
[Image 1:×988.jpg] About Banana Game Lab (BGL)
Banana Game Lab is a game development community with the theme of “learning, having fun, and challenging yourself.” Since its launch in November 2023, over 3,000 members have gathered in about 4 months to learn game development.
Banana Game Lab will issue tokens on FiNANCiE to further boost game development and the gamer community. The purpose of this token is to support game creators with the power of the community and enjoy the game with community members.
Background of token issuance
Banana Game Lab’s main battlefield is Fortnite, one of the world’s largest metaverse platforms provided by Epic Games, and our goal is to create new value through the process of implementing original games, challenging ourselves, having fun, and learning. This is a project. In order to advance the process over the long term with the members gathered in the new token community that will be built with FiNANCiE, we will continue to solicit ideas for the future.
Sales page URL:
[Image 2:×988.jpg] Message from “Banana Game Lab”
[Image 3:×335.jpg] I’m manabu, the founder of BGL.
When I think about the current times, the following words come to mind. “It’s a time when it’s better to play seriously.”
The era of productivity is ending. Looking at overseas trends, we are in an era of “enjoying work.” Why are these times? See the next bullet point.
・As AI evolves, the value of working diligently will decrease. ・On the other hand, the value of “having fun and having passion” will “increase.”
If you’re just doing serious work, AI is better. What humans should create is “fun and enthusiasm.” Our community (BGL) is all about having fun. In other words, you can’t win if you don’t have fun. These are exciting times for gamers. Enthusiasm for the game directly translates into “value.” The enthusiasm of the community also becomes “value.” Which of the following options would you choose?
・Option 1: Meet the delivery date
・Option 2: I’m having so much fun at the game-off party that I’m a little late for the delivery date.
The BGL community recommends “Option 2.” We live in an era where fun and enthusiasm are valued, and I want to cherish this.
BGL’s aim is to “create a place to live centered around games.” By intertwining tokens, an “economic zone” is also created in that location. Creating an economic zone should make experiments more fun and more sustainable. The voyage has only just begun. We will continue to recruit sailors. thank you.
What is Financier Co., Ltd.?
[Image 4:×630.jpg] Financier is developing businesses that support the formation of ecosystems and communities using tokens, including the token platform “FiNANCiE” in the Web3 era, NFT planning and issuance support business, and IEO support business. Currently, we have a track record of issuing, selling, planning and operating tokens for over 200 sports teams, entertainment projects, individuals, etc., and are the only Web3 platform in Japan that supports the formation and expansion of token ecosystems all at once. We are aiming to establish this. Financie | FiNANCiE
App: App Store (Supported OS: iOS 15.0 or higher)
App: Google Play (Supported OS: Android 6.0 or higher) Company name: Financier Co., Ltd.
Representative Hirohisa Kunimitsu
Establishment date January 2019
Address: Cerulean Tower 15F, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Contact information:
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