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Home » New form of counterparty risk management – new anti-social check + monitoring tool “riskey” released on April 15th

New form of counterparty risk management – new anti-social check + monitoring tool “riskey” released on April 15th

DQuest Holdings Co., Ltd.
New form of counterparty risk management – new anti-social check + monitoring tool “riskey” released on April 15th
1 month free trial campaign starts until July 31, 2024
On Monday, April 15, 2024, DQuest Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Taisuke Wakiyama) will conduct anti-social checks and conduct various risk checks for back office personnel. We have developed and released “riskey”, a risk alert system that can monitor information.
We offer this as a fixed monthly service not only to companies that use the anti-social check tool, but also to companies that will introduce it in the future.
We are also running a one-month free trial campaign from today until July 31st. A one-month free trial is available to those who apply for a trial from the URL on the service page.
[Service page URL]
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■Background and key points: The key to risk searches is “keywords” and “speed.” Previous anti-social check tools had limited content, such as predetermined keywords, but risky uses keywords for risk searches. By placing emphasis and freely setting keywords, customers can collect a wide range of information.
We also place great emphasis on search speed, allowing customers to choose the timing of their searches and placing emphasis on
promptness. In addition, we are also able to supplement information by searching for newspaper articles (optional) to check for credibility or missing information.
[Image 2:×720.jpg]                  riskey service site
[Image 3:×1160.jpg] RISKEY User screen ■ Introduction of functions 1. Anti-social check function: Immediate search for investigation targets is possible. If a hit is found, you will be notified by email.
2. Risk alert function: Automatic information search, notification via email if hit
3. Search keyword function: You can optionally set keywords. 4. Noise cancellation function: Supports deletion of unnecessary information 5. Overseas information search function: You can also set English keywords when searching for overseas information.
“riskey” is equipped with many functions such as “riskey”, and can be used for a variety of purposes.
[Anti-social check] For those in charge of anti-social checking in legal affairs, general affairs, procurement, etc.
Purpose of use: Anti-social checks on new business partners, post-business monitoring
Search research words: Negative words such as anti-social,
semi-gracious, arrested, sent to prosecutors, exposed, disposed of, fraud, etc.
[Credit Management] For those in charge of credit management, accounting, finance, etc.
Purpose of use: Collection of credit-related information of business partners, credit-related risk management
Search keywords: downward revision, deterioration of performance, bankruptcy, insolvency, fraud, falsification, corporate reorganization law, etc.
[Product development] For those in charge of product development, such as development, planning, and production.
Purpose of use: Gathering information on competitors’ trends, gathering negative information on business partners, etc.
Search research words: new product, new release, announcement, development, research, demonstration, verification, partnership, fraud, etc.
[Overseas Business] For those in charge of overseas business Purpose of use: Risk monitoring of overseas business partners, checking trends of overseas competitors
Search research words: fraud, illegality, bribery, bankruptcy, arrest, etc. It can be used not only for negative words but also for various search surveys. ■Simple fee structure: Web survey plan: 10,000 yen per month (excluding tax) ~ Web surveys are completely flat-rate ~ + Newspaper survey plan: 15,000 yen per month (excluding tax) *Newspaper survey: 100 yen/1 item, headline fee: 10 yen/1 item , Article acquisition 150 yen/1 item■What is anti-social check? Anti-social checks are also called anti-social forces checks, compliance checks, and compliance investigations.
Regarding the exclusion of anti-social forces, in addition to guidelines from the National Police Agency and various ministries, there are also items in the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s listing
examination, and anti-social checks are conducted not only at the time of listing, but also on new business partners after listing. I am. Methods are divided into those where the company concerned conducts its own research using Google searches, and those where companies use database search services. Database search services are generally delivered as a list if there are articles or news that link “names of companies or individuals” with “names of anti-social organizations, organized crime groups, crimes, etc.”
Web news may be deleted, so if you want to carefully research it, a service that also uses a database of newspaper articles will be more accurate. ■May 8-10, 2024 Legal and Intellectual Property EXPO Spring Big Sight Exhibition At the exhibition, we will introduce and demonstrate “riskey”. Our company, which has 23 years of experience in corporate research, will be releasing a new service called “riskey.” You will be able to experience the new service that integrates anti-social checks and risk alert systems through a demonstration, and we will also be accepting applications for free trials at the venue. . We will also provide information on other compliance checks. For companies considering the introduction of anti-social checks, please try our anti-social checks, which can cover a wide range of tasks, from domestic anti-social checks to overseas investigations. Exhibition information:■About D-Quest Holdings Co., Ltd.DQ Anti-Social Check has been providing anti-social checks and corporate investigations in Japan and overseas for 20 years since the service started. We are the only research organization in Japan recognized by ACFE in the United States. Through our global network, we provide comprehensive investigations targeting people and organizations, such as anti-social checks and corporate credit investigations, on a global scale to help strengthen your company’s compliance.
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[Company Profile] Company Name: D-Quest Holdings Co., Ltd. Head Office Location: 5th Floor, Ryumeikan Main Store Building, 3-4 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 Representative Director: Taisuke Wakiyama Business Contents: Corporate Risk Consulting Business Established: 2017 November 1, 2017 (Established by splitting from D-Quest Co., Ltd.) HP: Service page: jp/riskey/lp1/
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