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Home » A special feature on Mr. Takaaki Ino, who was appointed as the representative executive officer of PwC Japan Limited Liability Audit Corporation, which was established on December 1, 2023! Accountants Magazine issue 73 published

A special feature on Mr. Takaaki Ino, who was appointed as the representative executive officer of PwC Japan Limited Liability Audit Corporation, which was established on December 1, 2023! Accountants Magazine issue 73 published

A special feature on Mr. Takaaki Ino, who was appointed as the representative executive officer of PwC Japan Limited Liability Audit Corporation, which was established on December 1, 2023! Accountants Magazine issue 73 published

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Press release: April 2, 2024
A special feature on Mr. Takaaki Ino, who was appointed as the representative executive officer of PwC Japan Limited Liability Audit Corporation, which was established on December 1, 2023! Accountants Magazine issue 73 published
Justnet Communications Co., Ltd., a subsidiary in the accounting field of Creek & River Co., Ltd., is the author of Accountant’s, a human document magazine for the accounting industry.
magazine [Accountants Magazine] vol.73” has been published. *

* Accountants Magazine website: * **

The opening interview of this issue is about PwC, which was created through the merger of PwC Arata LLC and PwC Kyoto Audit Corporation. Mr. Takaaki Ino has been appointed as the representative executive officer of Japan Limited Liability Audit Corporation. While studying at Keio University’s Faculty of Economics, he developed a strong interest in becoming a certified public accountant, and after passing the second examination, he joined Chuo Shinko Audit Corporation. Based on his desire to compete on a stage overseas, which he developed during his study abroad experience as a student, he was transferred to the insurance department of Coopers & Lybrand’s New York office. I was promoted to manager, and after returning to Japan, I joined the financial department of the firm that had become Chuo Aoyama Audit Corporation.
However, shortly after being promoted to partner in 2004, the Kanebo accounting scandal, which shook the Japanese auditing industry, occurred, and the firm was in dire straits. I was prepared to start over from scratch as a member of Arata Audit Corporation, which was established to meet the expectations of clients who trusted us and said, “If PwC Global’s quality is provided, we will consider continuing our audits.” After that, the new Arata Audit Corporation steadily increased the number of clients and grew to become one of the four major corporations. Mr. Ino will be appointed as executive officer in charge of quality control and then executive officer in charge of human resources, and will play a central role in the corporation.
In July 2020, he became PwC Arata’s representative executive officer, and has set his mission to embody generational change and values ​​that he values, and to further improve audit quality. Mr. Ino, who values ​​the aspiration of being a certified public accountant: “Those who shine in a corner are the treasures of the nation,” has a message for the future that he would like to convey to future accountants. Please read the interview article that traces the trajectory of his life.
In addition, articles introducing aces who will lead the future of auditing firms include a female accountant who is active in the IPO audit specialist team of Tohmatsu LLC, a CFO who went public at a venture company in the AI ​​business, and more. Introducing the accounting industry.
Accountant’s magazine [Accountant’s magazine] vol.73
April 2024 issue information
* [Portrait of an accountant] *
PwC Japan LLC
Representative executive officer
Takaaki Ino
*[Accountant’s Opinion Part2]*
Professor, Graduate School of Accounting, Ohara Graduate University Aoyama Gakuin University Professor Emeritus Doctorate (Professional Accounting) Shinji Hatta
* [Accounting/Finance Frontline]*
Nittoku Construction Co., Ltd. Management Headquarters Accounting Department * [Aces responsible for the future of auditing firms vol.03]* Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Liability Audit Corporation Audit and Assurance Business Headquarters IPO Audit Specialist Team (Tokyo) Mamiko Kusaba
* [The CFO Nippon’s Chief Financial Officers]*
Triple Eyes Co., Ltd. Director CFO
Kei Kato