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Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Panasonic Finance Co., Ltd. Joining ceremony held in 2024

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Panasonic Finance Co., Ltd.
2024 Induction ceremony held
47 new employees join our company, the highest number ever
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Panasonic Finance Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Keiichi Hamano (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) held its 2024 induction ceremony on April 1, 2024. The number of new employees this year is 47, the highest number in our history (*).
[Image 1:×2043.jpg] Message from Keiichi Hamano, President and CEO (summary)
[Image 2:×2313.jpg] Congratulations on joining our company.
Since our company’s founding in 1951, we have continued our corporate activities for the purpose of social and economic development, and have flexibly responded to numerous environmental changes based on the principles that have been passed down through generations.
In recent years, the world has been undergoing major changes such as technological innovation in DX and environmental friendliness, but I am confident that if we continue to maintain our philosophy and have the courage to change, we will be able to adapt to the new era. To achieve this, we need your flexible thinking.
In fiscal 2022, our company formulated the purpose that is at the pinnacle of our management philosophy: “Stay close to our customers and society, build trust, and carve out a prosperous future with the power of finance.” Please work while keeping in mind that we will continue to meet the expectations of our customers and other stakeholders through collaboration between a wide range of businesses, from corporations to individuals, which is one of our strengths. Originally, work was carried out through cooperation between people, and in an environment where technologies such as generative AI are evolving, the importance of relationships between people is
increasing. Communication skills to build interpersonal relationships are becoming increasingly important. Understanding the feelings and thoughts of others is an essential human value that cannot be imitated by AI. As business people, I think it will continue to be our responsibility to think about the essence and use our imagination to think about customer needs and the future. I hope that you will maintain a humble attitude, take on challenges without fear of failure, and face difficult situations. Please take on bold challenges and create a prosperous future.
A statement of determination from a new employee representative
[Image 3:×3712.jpg] After receiving words of congratulations from President Hamano, all of our new employees are deeply moved and feel refreshed.
We have lived our university lives during the coronavirus pandemic. When I first entered the university, I was forced to self-isolate, and there were times when I couldn’t live the campus life I had
envisioned, such as feeling lonely because I couldn’t make friends and feeling frustrated because I couldn’t take classes face-to-face. Despite this, I learned the importance of connecting with people and cooperating through activities such as clubs and seminars. I also experienced that receiving the words “thank you” gave me motivation. From now on, when I work for our company, I will work with sincerity, valuing connections with people, so that our customers will choose us because it’s you, and to say “thank you” to everyone who has a relationship with our company. We aim to become employees.
From now on, all new employees will put into practice our corporate slogan, “For your ‘Thank You'” and fulfill our purpose, “To be close to our customers and society, build trust, and use the power of finance to create a prosperous future.” We will implement various human resource development initiatives, such as new employee training, OJT training after being assigned to the field, and follow-up training, so that we can grow into human resources who can carry out “Pioneering”.
*Since 2010, when the former Sumishin Lease Co., Ltd. and the former Sumishin Matsushita Financial Services Co., Ltd. merged.
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