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Home » National Forestry and Grassland Administration Anji (Yomura) Ecological Civilization International Communication Center and International Communication Platform Observatory opened

National Forestry and Grassland Administration Anji (Yomura) Ecological Civilization International Communication Center and International Communication Platform Observatory opened

National Forestry and Grassland Administration
Anji (Yomura) Ecological Civilization International Communication Center and International Communication Platform Observation Deck opened.
On March 30th, the opening ceremony of the Anji (Yocun) Ecological Civilization International Communication Center and the International Communication Platform Observation Deck was held at Qinglai Temple Park in Emperorping Town, Anji County.
[Image:×356.jpg] Opening ceremony of Yasuyoshi (Yomura) Ecological Civilization International Exchange Center and International Exchange Platform Observation Deck
This activity, with the theme of “China’s Village @ The Future of the World,” will provide a practical explanation of Yasuyoshi’s “clear streams and lush mountains are irreplaceable assets” through the observation points of the international ecology communication platform. Civilization, a comprehensive exhibition of theoretical and institutional achievements.
On the ground, six media organizations and departments signed cooperation agreements with Anji, including Xinhua News Agency, China International News Corporation, China Daily, China News Service, Hong Kong Commercial News, and Macau Commercial News. The media set up an observation point in Yumura, carried out normal operations, allocated special personnel for follow-up, and relied on the media’s overseas communication matrix to carry out international communication around Anji and Yumura. The concept is “Mountains are irreplaceable assets, practicing “clear streams and green water”.
“In recent years, we have worked hard to strengthen the international communication of ecological civilization through the channels of international communication platforms.” According to a representative from Anji Public Relations Department, since last year, Anji has gained international recognition. We have closely tracked various news events and trending topics and created a large number of trending articles based on overseas platforms to further increase our influence.
“With the establishment of the Anji (Yomura) Ecological Civilization International Communication Center and the observation points of the international communication platform, the communication channels of our international communication have expanded. Based on the matrix of six observation points of the international communication center, We will strive to build an international communication platform that integrates communication platforms, the production of external public relations content, foreign cultural exchange, and the presentation of theoretical results.A representative from the Yasuji Public Relations Department said that Yasuji will continue to develop human resources in international communication, We will expand the channels of international communication, enrich the content of international communication, and convey the new path and story of Anjichi. More details about this release: