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Home » MyVoice Survey on Internet advertising Of those who have been shown an advertisement in the past year, 34% read the content. When the ad was displayed, over 50% of respondents said they “closed the ad” and “clicked on the ad by mistake,” and over 2

MyVoice Survey on Internet advertising Of those who have been shown an advertisement in the past year, 34% read the content. When the ad was displayed, over 50% of respondents said they “closed the ad” and “clicked on the ad by mistake,” and over 2

[Survey on Internet advertising] Of those who have been shown an advertisement in the past year, 34% read the content. When the ad was displayed, over 50% of respondents said they “closed the ad” and “clicked on the ad by mistake,” and over 20% said they “clicked on the ad.”

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Press release: April 4, 2024
[Survey on Internet advertising] Of those who have been shown an advertisement in the past year, 34% read the content. When the ad was displayed, over 50% of respondents said they “closed the ad” and “clicked on the ad by mistake,” and over 20% said they “clicked on the ad.”
* — TOPICS –*
Of those who have been shown an ad in the past year, 34% read the content. Over 50% of respondents said they “closed the ad” and “clicked on the ad by mistake” when it was displayed, and over 20% said they “clicked on the ad (intentionally)”*
Less than 50% of Internet advertisements that make them uncomfortable are “ads that cannot be deleted or difficult to close,”
“advertisements that take up the entire screen,” “advertisements with uninteresting or unrelated content,” and “advertisements that are automatically displayed on a separate screen or pop-up.” 40% each*
*MyVoicecom Co., Ltd.* (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhisa Takai) is *the 6th* “Internet Advertisement”*
An internet survey was conducted from March 1st to March 5th, 2024. We are asking about the online advertisements they have seen and the circumstances in which they have read them. We will inform you of the results of the investigation.
[Survey target] MyVoice survey monitor
[Survey method] Internet survey
[Survey period] March 1st to March 5th, 2024 [Number of respondents] 9,405 people
[Details of survey results]   1.* Types of Internet advertisements displayed in the past year* Types of internet advertisements you have seen* while using the internet in the past year*
(Multiple answers allowed) 77.2% said “image advertisements displayed at the edge of the screen (banner advertisements)”, “video
advertisements displayed at the edge of the screen (video
advertisements)” and “displayed between content or articles” “Advertisement” each accounted for just under 60%. Compared to past surveys, the number of “displayed on the entire screen” is on the rise.
  2.* Level of reading content of Internet advertisements*
Of those who have been shown an internet ad in the past year, *people who read the content of the ad*
A total of 34% of respondents said they “mostly read” and “sometimes I read depending on the content and timing.”
It is slightly higher for men in their teens and 20s.
3.* Internet advertisements you read, types of advertisements* We asked people who had been exposed to Internet advertisements in the past year about the advertisements they had read and the types of advertisements they had read.
* Read content ad *
(Multiple answers allowed) 41.8% said “Products, services, companies, etc. that I am interested in.” Among teenagers and 20s, “I left a lasting impression” was high, and among men in their 10s and 20s, “companies, stores, and products I knew” were high.
  *Type of advertisement whose content was read*
(Multiple answers allowed) 16.8% said “image advertisements displayed at the edge of the screen (banner ads)”, 9.5% said “ads displayed between content or articles”, and “skip on video sites such as YouTube” 8.0% of respondents said “Video ads cannot be used”.   4.* What you did when an Internet advertisement was displayed* What you did when you saw an internet ad in the past year*
(Multiple answers allowed) More than 50% of ad viewers said they “closed the ad” or “clicked on an internet ad by mistake,” and 22.6% said they “clicked on an internet ad (intentionally).” Masu. Compared to past surveys, there has been an increase in the number of respondents who have “closed an ad” and “stopped viewing the website/app where the ad was displayed.”
“I clicked on an Internet ad by mistake” was higher among women and young people, with rates in the 60% range for women in their teens to 40s.
*For the continuation of the graph, click here
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