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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. More than 80% of people are interested in ecology and environmental issues! On the other hand, is the reason for those who are not interested “shady”?

Shingen Co., Ltd. More than 80% of people are interested in ecology and environmental issues! On the other hand, is the reason for those who are not interested “shady”?

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] More than 80% of people are interested in ecology and environmental issues! On the other hand, is the reason for those who are not interested “shady”?

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Press release: May 4, 2024
More than 80% of people are interested in ecology and environmental issues! On the other hand, is the reason for those who are not interested “shady”?
SHUFUFU, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the environment and ecology. We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 men and women
Target audience: Adults
Survey gender: 74 men, 126 women
Survey age group: 20s: 21 people, 30s: 74 people, 40s: 69 people, 50s and above: 36 people
Survey period: April 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
Are you interested in ecology and environmental issues?
Are you interested in ecology and environmental issues? The most common response to this question was “I’m somewhat interested (59%).” This was followed by “very interested” (22.5%) and “not very interested” (14%). More than 80% of people seem to be interested in environmental issues.
Why are you interested in environmental issues?
1st place: Somewhat interested
I feel that food waste is a waste, so I chose the one that I am a little interested in. (Female in her 30s)

I feel like I have been forced to save electricity due to the nuclear power plant accident caused by the earthquake (man in his 40s)

Ingesting pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, and additives can make you feel unwell, so I always try to be careful about the environment and the food I eat. (Female in her 40s)

I’m concerned about my children’s future environmental problems. (Female in her 30s)

I want a world where our descendants can live in good health 50 to 100 years in the future (man in his 50s)

There’s only so much I can do, but I want to do what I can within reason. (Female in her 40s)

I feel that the recent abnormal weather is getting worse than expected. I believe that being conscious of environmental issues means practicing what you think is good for the earth in your everyday life. (Female from 50s)

For the past few years, I have felt that the summer heat has reached a level that is incomparable to what it used to be. (Male in his 40s)

This is because we are able to continue using things that are easy to do, such as eco-bags and recycling collection at stores. (Female in her 30s)

Protecting the earth’s environment is also connected to our own health and preventing the earth’s resources from being depleted. (Female from 50s)

I want to do what I can to help with environmental issues such as plastic bottles, recycling issues, etc. (Female in her 40s)

Maybe it’s because of global warming, because the temperature is rising every year (man in his 30s)

We recognize that the impact on marine life is serious, so we would like to cooperate as much as possible. (Female in her 40s)

Because natural disasters are increasing. (Female in her 30s)

I’m concerned about environmental issues because I have small children (female in her 20s)

When choosing seasonings, etc., I try to choose plastic over bottles, and paper over plastic. (Female in her 30s)

Many people seem to have started thinking about the environment due to the recent abnormal weather events. In addition, some respondents said they were more concerned about the problems that future generations will face than their own generation. *
2nd place: Very interested
We are starting to feel the great impact of global warming on things around us, such as abnormal weather. (50s~Male)

There is a sense of crisis as the number of disasters increases. (Male in his 40s)

I feel a sense of purpose in life by reducing waste and waste (female in her 40s)

Natural disasters that cause great damage are increasing all over the world, and I feel that the flow is different from the natural course. (Male in his 30s)

The issue of microplastics also affects animals and fish other than humans, so I thought it would be nice to make the environment a little better, so I chose the topic I was interested in. (Female in her 30s)

There are many things that I feel close to home, such as convenience store bags being charged and natural disasters increasing. (Male in his 20s)

I think that global warming and garbage issues will become more and more of a problem in the future, so I want to do what I can (female in her 40s).

This is because the environment seems to be changing rapidly compared to the past, with summers becoming abnormally hot and raining heavily. (Female and male in their 40s)

Climate change has been so severe lately that I think the Earth will perish if things continue like this. (Female in her 20s)

After all, the ecosystem is collapsing due to the influence of the environment (female in her 30s)

Because I am interested in a sustainable society (female in her 30s)

Because resources are not infinite and the climate is changing. (Female from 50s)

* Many people seem to be especially concerned about climate change and the frequency of disasters. We don’t want the Earth we live on to become uninhabitable. *
3rd place: Not very interested
Because it’s a little difficult. It’s easy to think about it because the situation doesn’t change, but it’s tiring (male in his 30s)

No matter how hard each individual tries, nothing will change. (50s~Male)

The gap between rich and poor is widening as only a certain number of wealthy people benefit from interests related to environmental business. (Male in his 40s)

I would like to cooperate with recycling to some extent, but I can’t see any tangible results (female in her 30s).

I feel like using paper straws, which are questionable in their effectiveness, is a little overkill. (Male in his 40s)

Interests are always involved in the ecology and environmental issues that the country deals with (man in his 40s)

I feel like using paper straws, which are questionable in their effectiveness, is a little overkill. (Male in his 40s)

When I hear the words eco and the environment, I can’t help but feel a sense of commercial shadyness. (Male in his 40s)

If you do everything that is environmentally friendly, your expenses will increase and your life will become difficult. (Male in his 30s)

Reasons given were that they did not know the effects and that no matter how careful they were, it did not change. It has also been pointed out that environmental issues are being turned into a business, especially by men, which makes them suspicious. *
4th place: Not interested at all
This is because they don’t feel close to ecology and environmental issues. (Female in her 20s)

Because it won’t change during my lifetime (woman in her 30s)

There are more important things than environmental issues (female in her 20s)

Because they are skeptical about the content. (Male in his 40s)

Eco and environmental issues are often hypocrisy, and I’m tired of seeing people profiting from them and making a lot of money. (Male in his 30s)

* Some respondents said that their current lifestyle is more important than the environment, and that they do not feel close to environmental issues. *

Which words related to ecology and the environment do you understand? (Multiple possible)
When it comes to words related to ecology and the environment that are understood, the first place was “recycling” (92%), and the second place was “global warming (90.5%)”. The words recycling and global warming are words that are often heard on a daily basis, even without being conscious of the environment, so they seem to be highly recognized.
Are there any eco-related or environment-related things that you usually work on? (Multiple possible)
When asked what they usually do in relation to ecology and the environment, the first place was “Use of eco bags (85.5%)” and the second place was “Separation of garbage (80.5%)”.
It seems that the frequency of use of eco-bags has increased considerably as plastic bags have become chargeable. If garbage is not separated properly, it may not be collected, so regardless of your concern for the environment, it is something you have no choice but to do.
Summary of survey results
We conducted a questionnaire survey on “environment/eco” to 200 men and women. When asked whether they were interested in ecology and environmental issues, the most common answer was “somewhat interested.” It seems like they are aware of it because it has been covered in the news. When it comes to words related to ecology and the environment that are understood, “recycling” came in first place. It’s easy to do, and it’s a word that started being used about 50 years ago, so it’s no surprise that many people understand it.
When asked if there are any eco-related or environment-related activities that they do on a regular basis, the most frequently cited response was “using eco-bags.” It seems that many people have started using eco-bags since plastic bags became chargeable in 2020. What kind of eco-friendly activities are you doing?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme “It makes me happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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