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Home » New lecture/instruction menu released for “Generative AI Audit/Audit DX/Audit Re-Skilling Crash Course – Knowled ge, Skills, and Mental OS Updates Required for Auditors” (by Tomonori Tomura) [Japan Management Research Institute Joint company】

New lecture/instruction menu released for “Generative AI Audit/Audit DX/Audit Re-Skilling Crash Course – Knowled ge, Skills, and Mental OS Updates Required for Auditors” (by Tomonori Tomura) [Japan Management Research Institute Joint company】

New lecture/instruction menu released for “Generative AI Audit/Audit DX/Audit Re-Skilling Crash Course – Knowledge, Skills, and Mental OS Updates Required for Auditors” (by Tomonori Tomura) [Japan Management Research Institute Joint company】
To all news organizations
May 6, 2024
Japan Management Research Institute LLC
Earthquakes in Japan and abroad, including the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Taiwan Earthquake, Indonesian volcanic eruption, and the earthquake in Kochi Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, as well as heavy rains, wind and flood damage, various disasters, various infectious diseases, and war damage in various places. On this occasion, I would like to sincerely pray for the safety, health, and recovery of everyone from all over the world, and for the repose of the souls of the precious spirits and Buddhas who have regretfully passed away to heaven.
In response to the rapidly changing business environment, the people, society, and audit environment surrounding audits, which support risk management decision-making, are also changing significantly. However, there are essential points for future auditors, such as auditing of generated AI and DX, how to deal with generated AI and DX in audits, new social demands, and the sophistication of skills required of auditors. There are many different types.
Therefore, the lecturer, who is well-received for his fun and easy-to-understand instruction with specialized content, will provide a quick-understand course on the main points from an audit perspective on generative AI/DX and important points for future auditors in the following crash course. We will deliver it to you.
[Image 1:×1080.jpg] [Release of this new lecture/instruction menu]
・Title (example): “Crash course on generative AI auditing, audit DX, and audit reskilling ~Knowledge, skills, and mental OS updates required of auditors~”
・Series: Tomura’s Audit Series
・Instructor: Japan Management Research Institute LLC Chairman Director of GPT Research Institute
Tomonori Tomura
      Teaching results (example): ・Instruction format: Lectures, seminars, training, panel discussions, study groups, senior internships, etc.
・Requests: Please use our “Form for interview/appearance/work requests” below. “Form for requests for interviews, appearances, and work”:
[Image 2:×313.jpg] -Instruction items (example)-
1. Determining the essence of fluffy generative AI (artificial intelligence) and DX
・The essence of generative AI, DX, and the fourth industrial revolution and how to handle audits from a liberal arts perspective – Jobs, skills, and added value of auditors that will
disappear/required due to generative AI/DX
・GPT audit examples and 7 main methods of GPT audit testing
・There is no way to audit what you don’t know/understand: Points to know (IoT, RPA, big data, 5G/communications, AI, robots, drones, etc. related to DX)
・Is artificial intelligence really omnipotent? : Risks and pitfalls of artificial intelligence “universalism”
・“Auditing generated AI”: 7 main types of effectiveness testing methods for GPT audits
・Audit points out “DX business opportunities and winning
opportunities” to avoid “risks of not taking risks”
・Will auditors become unnecessary with generation AI? : Added value and ingenuity required of auditors
・Points, issues, tips and ideas for remote auditing as audit DX ・Reconsidering the “Three Actual Principles” of auditing and efficiency, effectiveness, and emergency response through audit DX ・Artificial intelligence Q&A based on questions from professionals and the future direction of auditors
2. Key points of audit reskilling to promote “sustainable audits” ・What does “sustainable” mean? : Key points of audit reskilling ・Living as an auditor: Toward a sustainable way of living, working, and auditing ・What is the essence of ESG “G: Governance” that you may know but do not know? ・So, what happens if we try to loosen up the concept of “resilience” in the SDGs?
・Use of IT tools for auditors to increase efficiency and
effectiveness・Tips for DX response
・This is what happened when I tried various aspects of auditing using generated AI: How to use actual examples and consider the results ・Checkpoints for drone utilization and auditing in DX
・Mental OS update 1.: Socially required diversity response (DEI) ・Mental OS update 2.: Global perspective ・Correspondence at overseas subsidiaries/bases
・Mental OS update 3.: “Social Audit” ・Human rights DD support ・Mental OS update 4.: Response to harassment/sexual assault issues and public interest reporting
・Mental OS update 5.: Points to keep in mind regarding mental health when adapting to environmental changes
・Mental OS update 6.: Reasonable accommodation for disabilities ・Business and human rights
・Mental OS Update 7.: The role of auditors in terms of audit ethics, deviations, and socialization
3. Question-and-answer session
・We will consult with you about your concerns within a reasonable and reasonable manner.
* Regarding the above guidance items (examples), etc., we may make additions, supplements, revisions, corrections, changes, etc. without prior notice in order to better deliver the latest trends. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
・Requests: Please use our “Form for interview/appearance/work requests” below. “Form for requests for interviews, appearances, and work”:
that’s all.
[Image 3:×96.jpg] For inquiries regarding this release, please contact:
Japan Management Research Institute LLC
Chairman Tomonori Tomura
BIZMARKS Akasaka 1F, 2-16-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Telephone: 050-3196-4513 (Our call center: DX promotion’s automatic voice response system and operator phone number)
FAX: 03-6800-3090
*For work requests, interview requests, writing requests, etc.:
*General inquiries:
*Basically, please contact us using the web form above from the perspective of business disruptions, including DX promotion, business efficiency improvement, mental support activities for suicide prevention, etc. For urgent requests from the media or urgent matters of high public interest, we can also respond by telephone.
*For complaints, please use only the designated web form below, and be sure to include (1) the subject matter, (2) “filing a complaint”, (3) an email address where you can reply/contact us, and your official address (building). (Please include your name and room number without abbreviations), your phone number, and (4) the grounds for the complaint and the underlying laws and regulations. We will consider responding after consulting with our legal advisor (this may be a judicial scrivener if the case is within the scope of summary court) (we do not promise a response or response, etc.). (Please note that depending on the circumstances, we may unfortunately receive a response in the form of a special service from the court.) Please note that we cannot accept complaints regarding other visits, phone calls, fax transmissions, delivery of mail, etc., as this may interfere with our business operations. Let’s not.
・Web form for complaints specified by our company:
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