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Home » Forit Co., Ltd. Do you feel intimidated by a “.” at the end of a sentence? Conducting a survey on “Maruhara ”!

Forit Co., Ltd. Do you feel intimidated by a “.” at the end of a sentence? Conducting a survey on “Maruhara ”!

Forit Co., Ltd.
Do you feel intimidated by a “.” at the end of a sentence? Conducting a survey on “Maruhara”!
Forit Co., Ltd., which develops and operates the performance technology network “afb” < When quoting article content, graphs, data, etc., rather than reprinting this press release, please be sure to cite the link below as the source.
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[Survey overview]
Target audience: Men and women aged 20 to 69
Number of samples: 500 people
Place of residence: Nationwide
Research method: Internet research
Survey implementation date: March 28, 2024
[Question: How do you feel when you receive a sentence ending in “.” in a chat message from a senior or superior? ]
Example: “I understand.” or “Please do this.”
The answer options for the questions are below.
(*Multiple answers are possible, but if you select “I’m not really concerned about it,” you can only answer one answer.)
1. Politeness
2. Intimidation
3. sense of distance
Four. angry
Five. I’ve never really cared about it
Background of the investigation
In recent years, a new type of harassment called “maruhara” has been attracting attention, in which people feel intimidated by using period marks (.), mainly in texts such as chats.
Therefore, we conducted a survey among 500 men and women across the country to find out how most people actually feel.
[Image 2:×2325.jpg] We asked men and women in their 20s to 60s from all over the country, “How do you feel when you receive a message ending in “.” from a senior or superior in a chat message? When we conducted a survey, it became clear that there were many different ways of looking at it. The breakdown was 24.6% for “politeness,” 9.0% for “feeling intimidated,” 6.0% for “feeling of distance,” 3.6% for “angry,” and 18.6% for those who perceived it negatively. There seem to be several. On the other hand, the most common response was “I’m not really concerned about it” at 64.8%.
By gender
[Image 3:×2325.jpg] Looking at the results by gender, there were no significant
differences between men and women in most items, but women were slightly more likely to answer “feeling intimidated.” In the case of women, there are a wide variety of situations in which women are more susceptible to harassment than men, including not only power harassment but also sexual harassment and harassment related to maternity and childcare leave, so they are more sensitive to how they receive messages from their seniors and superiors. There may be. By age
[Image 4:×2325.jpg] Looking at the results by age group, 79.0% of those in their 60s answered, “I’ve never really worried about it,” while 53.0% of those in their 20s and 59.0% of those in their 30s said they were more concerned about it. I found that there is a tendency to Also, when looking at the breakdown of how people feel about it, “politeness” receives a certain number of responses from all age groups. On the other hand, there were significant differences between people in their 20s and 30s and those in their 50s and 60s in terms of “feeling intimidated,” “feeling distant,” and “angry.” Among the younger generation, many people have a negative sense of intimidation and distance from the previously common usage of adding a period at the end of a sentence, and it can be seen that the so-called “maruhara” has become a big gap between generations. Masu.
By occupation
[Image 5:×2325.jpg] By occupation, office workers and civil servants were the most likely to feel that “.” at the end of a sentence is “polite” at 28.6%. On the other hand, students and part-time workers were the most likely to feel negatively, such as feeling “intimidated” or “feeling distant.” In the case of students and part-time workers, it is thought that there are more young people than in other occupations, and as with the data by age group, it seems that the new values ​​held by the younger generation in recent years are having an influence. It is inferred. Nowadays, companies are working to ensure thorough compliance, and an increasing number of companies are focusing on preventing harassment. However, in the case of “maruhara”, unlike power harassment or sexual harassment, the problem is not in the behavior itself, so it may be difficult to take countermeasures at present.
However, there is no doubt that it is essential to understand that there are people with different backgrounds and values, and to respect each other.
About “afb”-
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Company Profile
Company name: Forit Co., Ltd.
Location: 9th floor, E Space Tower, 3-6 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Capital: 10 million yen (as of the end of April 2023)
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