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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. Surveyed 200 people in their 30s and above about “job change”! The reason for changing j obs is dissatisfaction with the salary and boss! Some say they have been subjected to power harassment and moral harassm ent.

Shingen Co., Ltd. Surveyed 200 people in their 30s and above about “job change”! The reason for changing j obs is dissatisfaction with the salary and boss! Some say they have been subjected to power harassment and moral harassm ent.

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] Surveyed 200 people in their 30s and above about “job change”! The reason for changing jobs is dissatisfaction with the salary and boss! Some say they have been subjected to power harassment and moral harassment.

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Press release: May 8, 2024
Survey of 200 people in their 30s and above about “job change”! The reason for changing jobs is dissatisfaction with the salary and boss! Some say they have been subjected to power harassment and moral harassment.
“SHUFUFU”, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding “job change”. We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 men and women
Target audience: People who have changed jobs at least once and are currently employed.
Survey gender: 95 men, 105 women
Survey age group: 30s: 91 people, 40s: 78 people, 50s and above: 31 people Survey period: May 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
How many times have you changed jobs since you started working? When asked how many times they have changed jobs since joining the workforce, the most common answer was “once” (31.5%).
The next results were “2 times (22.5%)” and “3 times (20%).” Those who have changed jobs four or more times seem to be in the minority. What was the most recent “trigger” that made you want to change jobs? (You can select up to 3)
What was the most recent “trigger” that made you want to change jobs? (You can select up to three) 1st place was “Dissatisfied with salary (32.5%)” and 2nd place was “Human relations with boss (26.5%).” Salary and interpersonal relationships at work are very important at work. The top results were based on the reasons why people wanted to change jobs.
Please tell us the details and circumstances of the above trigger. 1st place: Dissatisfied with salary
I was dissatisfied with my salary. The pay was low compared to the industry, and the hours were long and I had to work a lot of overtime, but the pay was really low. (Male in his 30s)

I was worried because I didn’t receive a bonus. (Male in his 30s)

I was working as a contract employee, but although the job content was the same as that of a full-time employee, the pay was low and there was no overtime pay. (Female in her 40s)

Not only was I dissatisfied with my salary, but I was also not covered by social insurance. (Female in her 40s)

I started having to pay for my child’s education and wanted to earn more money, so I decided to change jobs. (Female in her 40s)

Because I wanted more money. (Female in her 30s)

I joined the company as a new graduate and worked there for 13 years, but received almost no raises. (50s~Male)

I decided to change jobs because the salary was low and the company didn’t offer any benefits. (Female in her 30s)

Anyway, the salary was low and I couldn’t make ends meet, so I changed jobs. (Male in his 40s)

I felt that my salary was overwhelmingly lower than my friends around me (male in his 30s)

I worked in the service industry (accommodation industry), but I quit after about 3 years because I had to work a lot of night shifts and the pay didn’t increase much. (50s~Male)

* Reasons given included not receiving a salary commensurate with the work, no bonuses, no raises, and the salary at the time was no longer sufficient. *

2nd place: Relationship with boss
The power harassment from my boss was so severe that I became unwell and could no longer work. (Female in her 40s)

My boss’s methods were inconsistent and I didn’t like being
manipulated. (Female in her 40s)

Relationship with my boss: I hated it because he was intimidating and only harassed me with power (female in her 30s)

I was subjected to severe power harassment from my superiors, and was often subjected to abusive language. I felt my limits both physically and mentally and decided to change jobs. (Female in her 30s)

I was being harassed by my boss on a daily basis, and one day he harshly criticized me in front of everyone, and I couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to quit and change jobs. (Female in her 40s)

I was dissatisfied with my relationship with almost all of my superiors, including the company president. It was like an army-like organization, and I felt like I was being brainwashed, so I was terrified. (Female in her 40s)

There was a significant lack of understanding of the supervisor’s work. (Male in his 40s)

My boss is inflexible and it’s a hassle (female in her 30s)

Many people said that this was because they had been subjected to power harassment and moral harassment such as abusive language and intimidating behavior from their superiors. It’s tough to have to spend every day at work feeling bad. *

3rd place: I can’t grow myself
If I can’t grow myself, I don’t feel fulfilled, and my skills don’t improve, so I feel anxious about the future. (30s)

I couldn’t grow because the job content wasn’t what I wanted to do. (50s~Male)

I thought I wouldn’t be able to grow because I was in an office job, so I wanted to get a job where I could acquire skills and put them to use.(Female in her 40s)

Choose “I can’t grow myself.” I changed jobs after obtaining qualifications and wanted to continue improving my skills. (Female in her 30s)

Because I realized that I wasn’t able to grow. (Male in his 40s)

I wanted to gain more experience and grow, but the job description was too lenient, so I changed jobs. (Male in his 40s)

I decided to change jobs because I felt that I could not see any growth in myself, and I was concerned about the salary. (Male in his 40s)

Even if I continued to work, I would not be able to acquire skills and I could not imagine continuing to work as I got older (man in his 30s)

He said that he started thinking about changing jobs after realizing that he was not growing through his work. Don’t you feel anxious when thinking about taking a step up in the future? *

4th place: Concerned about the future of the company
I’m worried about the future of my company. Management is always on the brink of a deficit and a surplus, and I can’t help but feel anxious. (Male in his 30s)

I was working as a manager at a restaurant, but I felt anxious about the future due to the effects of the coronavirus (male in his 40s)

I’m worried about the company’s future because I don’t think the company will last until retirement age (man in his 30s)

I quit my job because there was no future for the company and I lost energy (male in his 50s)

I felt like I was about to withdraw from the business (male in his 30s)

Some respondents said they could not see a future in which their companies would continue to exist, and that they felt anxious about the industry due to the coronavirus pandemic. It may be difficult to maintain motivation when the future of the company is uncertain. *

5th place: Dissatisfied with working conditions (time/environment) I was dissatisfied with my working hours. I changed jobs because I thought there would be some misunderstandings when I got married because I had to work shifts from morning until late the next day. (Male in his 30s)

The time I worked until 2 a.m. and was late the next day for the first time since I entered the workforce (man in his 30s)

Dissatisfied with working conditions (time/environment). I wanted to choose a work style that would allow me to be flexible with my working hours. (Male in his 40s)

6th place: Relationships with colleagues and subordinates
I was stressed out because I had a nagging older co-worker (male in his 30s)

The reason for this is that my relationships with various people have deteriorated due to performance disputes with my co-workers, and I now feel intense stress just by coming to work. (Male in his 40s)

I changed jobs because of my relationship with a coworker. There was a type of bullying, and I was ignored and harassed. (Female in her 30s)

7th place: Unable to utilize own abilities
My skills weren’t utilized at all, and I was forced to do things that I wasn’t good at. I couldn’t see a bright future if I stayed at the company because I couldn’t make use of my skills and I couldn’t expect growth. (Male in his 30s)

“Not being able to utilize my abilities” was the strongest motivation. The company had many different departments, and I was assigned to a department that was different from the job I wanted to do. At one point, I was transferred to another department, but the department hadn’t changed even after seven years, so I decided to change jobs because I didn’t have any hope for a change. (Female in her 40s)

I used to work in the manufacturing industry, but I changed jobs because I thought I could not make use of my information
processing-related qualifications (male in his 50s).

The environment of working for a company didn’t suit her, and she became unwell, so she turned to freelance work. (Male in his 30s)

My company has gone bankrupt and I have no choice (woman in her 30s)

As a result of setting high expectations, my abilities were not able to catch up with me, and I had to learn other tasks in addition to my main job, which was difficult to do, and I felt like I was going to hate my favorite job. Due to the disaster, I thought about changing jobs. (Female in her 30s)

The job content was different from what was advertised and what I wanted to do (female in her 40s)

He was laid off due to company downsizing. (50s~Male)

How did you change jobs most recently?
When asked how they most recently changed jobs, the number one answer was “Applying from a job information site (40%)” and the second place was “Hello Work” (22%). Since there are many companies recruiting on private job information sites, there is a large amount of information, and the search function is easy to use, so when looking for a new job, I think it will be easy to efficiently find a company that meets your needs.
What are your thoughts on changing jobs?
When asked about your thoughts on changing jobs, 1st place was “You should calm down before deciding what to do (44.5%)” and 2nd place was “It’s better to actively change jobs regardless of the length of employment (29.5%)” %)”have become. Even if you feel dissatisfied and want to change jobs, many people think it’s better to stay calm and not act impulsively.
Summary of survey results
We conducted a questionnaire survey on “job change” to 200 men and women. Regarding the number of times they have changed jobs since joining the workforce, the most common answer was “once.” There seemed to be few people who changed jobs many times.
Regarding the most recent “reason” that made them want to change jobs, “dissatisfaction with salary” came first. If your salary is low, no matter how good your work is, it will be difficult to make a living, and you will also feel anxious about the future.
When asked how they most recently changed jobs, the most common answer was “applying from a job information site.” It seems that more people use private company sites than public institutions like Hello Work.
The majority of your thoughts on changing jobs were that you should calm down and then decide what to do. You may regret it if you act immediately without thinking carefully, so it is necessary to think carefully.
What was the reason and opportunity for you to change jobs?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme of “I’m a little happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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