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Home » Eve Charm Co., Ltd. Survey among beauty geeks! Reasons for buying cosmetics online and how to choose them

Eve Charm Co., Ltd. Survey among beauty geeks! Reasons for buying cosmetics online and how to choose them

Eve Charm Co., Ltd.
[Survey to beauty geeks! ] Reasons for buying cosmetics online and how to choose them
Survey on the actual situation regarding “online purchase of beauty products”! Ranking of celebrities with strong beauty images revealed ……
Eve Charm Co., Ltd. (Head office location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yuto Mita) purchases beauty products of 10,000 yen or more per month, including high-priced items (more than 5,000 yen per item) on the Internet. We conducted a fact-finding survey on “online purchasing of beauty products” among 503 women. To achieve your ideal skin, it is essential to take care of your skin according to its condition and season.
In recent years, with the spread of the Internet, it has become easier to purchase high-quality beauty products.
What do consumers consider important when choosing beauty products, especially those in the high price range?
And what are the motivations for purchasing these products? Therefore, Eve Charm Co., Ltd., which sells “Sheet Mask ‘VONNEL The Sweet Facial Mask EX Som'” (, is selling beauty products on the Internet. We conducted a survey on “online purchases of beauty products” among 503 people who purchase more than 10,000 yen per month. -Survey overview-Survey overview: Survey on “online purchase of beauty products” [Survey period] Wednesday, April 3, 2024 – Thursday, April 4, 2024 [Survey method] Provided by Link and Partners Internet survey by research PR “PRIZMA” [Number of people surveyed] 503 people [Survey target] If you purchase beauty products of 10,000 yen or more per month, including those in the high price range (more than 5,000 yen per item) on the Internet at the time of survey response Responded monitors [Research source] Eve Charm Co., Ltd. ( [Monitor provider] General Research
The top reason for purchasing beauty products online is being able to choose from a rich product lineup.
[Image 1:×450.png ]
First, when we asked the question, “Where do you most often buy beauty products online? (single choice),” most respondents answered “Official brand site (49.5%).” This was followed by “online shopping sites (Amazon, Rakuten Market, Yahoo! Shopping, etc.)” (40.6%).
Next, when we asked the question, “When you purchase beauty products online, what products do you purchase most often? (single choice).” liquid, etc.) (75.0%).
It was shown that the skin care products used daily were the most common.
[Image 2:×450.png ]
Next, when asked, “Why do you buy online? (Multiple answers allowed),” the most common answer was “Because I can choose from a wide range of products (41.6%),” followed by “I prefer shopping online. This was followed by “Because I can purchase at a low price (39.0%)” and “Because I want to take advantage of advantageous campaigns and sales (35.4%)”.
There seem to be a number of advantages to buying online rather than in stores. When purchasing beauty products online, most people place importance on product ingredients and safety.
[Image 3:×450.png ]
Next, when asked, “What are the important points when purchasing beauty products online? (Select up to top 3),” the answer was “product ingredients and safety (53.9%).” The most common answer was “brand reliability and reputation (46.9%)” and “price and cost performance (44.3%).”
When purchasing online, you cannot try it out, so many people are especially concerned about safety.
Next, when we asked the question, “Who is the celebrity with a strong beauty image? (multiple answers possible)”, the most people answered “Minami Tanaka (58.3%)”, followed by “ This was followed by Haruka Ayase (21.7%) and MEGUMI (19.9%). ■Why did you choose Minami Tanaka?・I have beautiful skin (30s/Fukushima prefecture/civil servant) ・I strive to be beautiful every day (40s/Tokyo/office worker) ・I have a radiant and beautiful face (60s/Kyoto prefecture/part-time) Part-time job) ・People with beautiful skin often show off their ageless beauty on a daily basis (60s, Kanagawa Prefecture, full-time housewife) People with beautiful skin tend to have a strong impression that they put effort into their beauty. I can see it.
Approximately 90% of people are satisfied with high-priced beauty products
[Image 4:×450.png ]
Next, when asked, “When do you usually purchase high-priced beauty products? (Multiple answers allowed) *High price range = 5,000 yen or more.” The most common answer was “When I purchase a product I use regularly (41.6%)” and “When I want to start a new beauty routine (30.2%)”. I did.
It seems that many people feel that high-priced beauty products can more effectively solve their skin problems.
When asked, “Did you feel the desired effect after purchasing a high-priced beauty product? *High price range = 5,000 yen or more”, 27.4% answered, “Very satisfied”, “ The results were: “I was somewhat satisfied (61.2%),” “It wasn’t what I expected (9.6%),” and “I couldn’t feel the effect (1.8%).”
Approximately 90% of people seem to be satisfied with the effects of high-priced beauty products.
The desired effects of high-priced skin care products are “skin hydration,” “improvement of skin firmness and elasticity,” and “improvement of wrinkles.”
[Image 5:×450.png ]
When asked, “What kind of effects do you look for in high-priced beauty products (skin care products)? (Top 3),” most respondents answered “skin moisturization (57.5%).” This was followed by “improving skin tension and elasticity (48.9%)” and “improving wrinkles (47.5%).”
It has been revealed that approximately 60% of people request high-priced beauty products to moisturize their skin. Many people may be worried that regular products cannot improve their dryness. Furthermore, when asked, “What kind of ingredients do you consider important in high-priced beauty products (skin care products)?”, most respondents answered “brand-specific ingredients (22.7%).” This was followed by “human stem cell culture medium (20.3%)” and
“hyaluronic acid (18.5%).”
When choosing high-priced products, it seems that a certain number of people pay attention to whether they contain ingredients unique to the brand.
Summary: Many people are satisfied with the effects of high-priced beauty products!
This survey revealed that about half of people use official websites when purchasing beauty products online. Official websites often have more detailed product descriptions, so many people may feel that they can purchase with confidence.
Additionally, most respondents said that they purchase high-priced beauty products when they are particularly concerned about their skin. It seems that people are seeking higher effects when the conditions are different from usual.
Furthermore, results show that many people are looking for
“moisturizing effects” in high-priced beauty products. Many people may be worried that their dry skin doesn’t improve with regular care. The condition of your skin often changes due to various factors. If you want to solve your skin problems, why not treat your skin with special care that is different from your usual care?
If you’re looking for a high-quality face mask that contains popular beauty ingredients, we recommend “VONNEL The Sweet Facial Mask EX Soum”
[Image 6:×900.jpg] This time, Eve Charm Co., Ltd., which conducted a survey on “online purchase of beauty products”, has “Sheet Mask “VONNEL The Sweet Facial Mask EX Som” (
[Three secret points for instant feeling]
Point.01 The highest level of aging care *2 Contains 3 types of ingredients! Improves firmness and elasticity for youthful skin (*1 Within VONNEL / *2 Care according to age)
Point.02 Shiratama glutathione is a hot topic in beauty drip! Works on dullness *1 and creates transparency *2 on bare skin
(*1 Due to dead skin cells/*2 Moisturizes and brings transparency) Point.03 A salon-level impressive experience with high penetration* and immediate effects
Adopts highly adhesive biocellulose with excellent moisture retention. A natural sheet made of 3D woven vegetable fibers extracted from fermented coconut extract.
The skin-like smooth sheet adheres tightly to the skin, delivering ingredients firmly to the entire skin.
(*Up to the stratum corneum)
-Product introduction-
“VONNEL The Sweet Facial Mask EX Soum”
・Contents: 30ml x 4 pieces
・Regular price: 9,900 yen (tax included)
・Regular initial limited price (approximately 55% OFF): 4,490 yen (tax included) ・Click here for details: ・Purchase inquiries TEL: 0120-331-665 (Reception hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 / Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) ■ Eve Charm Co., Ltd.:
■Contact URL:
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