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Otsuka Warehouse Supporting Room to Read Japan for social contribution and employee education

[Otsuka Warehouse] Supporting Room to Read Japan for social
contribution and employee education

*View in browser* *Otsuka Warehouse Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 8, 2024
[Otsuka Warehouse] Supporting Room to Read Japan for social
contribution and employee education
*Together we aim to realize a world free of illiteracy and gender inequality*

Reading aloud using donated books (at an elementary school in Luang Prabang, Laos)
Otsuka Warehouse Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Osaka, President and CEO Kazuhiko Hamanaga, hereinafter referred to as “Otsuka Warehouse”), which is responsible for the logistics of the Otsuka Group, is a certified NPO, Room to Read, for the purpose of social contribution and employee education. We made a donation to Japan (Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, Executive Director Kaho Matsumaru, hereinafter referred to as “Room to Read”).

We are committed to the Otsuka Group and our corporate philosophy of ‘Otsuka-people creating new products for better.
As a manufacturer and logistics company that contributes to people’s richer and healthier lives, we are working to solve social issues. We have been supporting Room to Read since 2015 because we share the movement’s belief that “children’s education changes the world.” This year, we made a donation equivalent to supporting 800 children through the organization’s literacy education program in Laos. To date, we have supported a total of 5,129 children.

In addition to donating, Room to Read also gives us the opportunity to learn how the programs we support are being utilized in local education. In March 2024, we visited an elementary school in Laos (Luang Prabang) together for the sixth time in four years following the coronavirus pandemic. This time, seven employees visited and observed actual training sites, as well as conducting exchange activities on-site themselves. This is an employee development program that fosters a global and wide-ranging perspective and connects the acquired knowledge to the growth of the company. is also utilized. Our company will continue to promote social contribution activities through our business.

* ■About “Room to Read”*
Founded in 2000 with the belief that “children’s education changes the world,” Room to Read works to create a world free of illiteracy and gender inequality. We help children in historically low-income communities develop literacy and reading habits, and help girls complete secondary school and develop the skills to make important life decisions. And I’m trying to achieve this goal. In cooperation with governments and partner organizations, we have provided education to more than 39 million children in more than 192,000 locations in 24 countries to date, and aim to support 40 million children by 2025.


* ■About Room to Read’s literacy education program*
One in seven people in the world cannot read or write. To solve this problem, Room to Read’s literacy education program works with the government to publish books in local languages, create library spaces, and train teachers and librarians for early elementary school students. I am. Children who participate in Room to Read’s literacy program can read two to three times faster than normal. This approach allows children to learn in an environment rooted in their native language and culture, which has a huge impact on improving literacy and comprehension.

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