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Home » Usagi Planning LLC 2nd round of “TsunaMobi” interactive mobility experiment in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, confirmed 580 paying passengers in 79 days, economic ripple effect of 17.81 million yen, etc.

Usagi Planning LLC 2nd round of “TsunaMobi” interactive mobility experiment in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, confirmed 580 paying passengers in 79 days, economic ripple effect of 17.81 million yen, etc.

Usagi Planning LLC
2nd round of “TsunaMobi” interactive mobility experiment in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, confirmed 580 paying passengers in 79 days, economic ripple effect of 17.81 million yen, etc.
Local use accounts for 40%. Also contributes to the creation of walkable cities, such as the effect of switching from private cars. ……
Usagi Kikaku LLC (Headquarters: Sunto District, Shizuoka Prefecture, Representative Employee: Hajime Morita), which engages in regional revitalization projects through mobility and human resource matching, is conducting the second round of interactive mobility experiment “Tsuna Mobi” in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. So, I would like to announce the results.
In this demonstration experiment, Green Slow Mobility (1 to 2 vehicles/day) was operated within 3 km of the south exit of Yaizu Station for 79 days from Saturday, January 6, 2024 to Sunday, March 24, 2024. We transported customers from within and outside the city to 33 stops, including direct sales stores, shops, tourist facilities, and exchange facilities, in an effort to derive economic and innovation effects by promoting exchange. Green Slow Mobility was named “Tsuna Mobi,” which means “mobility that creates
connections.” Passengers purchase a 600 yen ticket for unlimited rides for one day through Yaizu City LINE or the on-board driver. did. (*Breakdown of 79 days: 21 days from Saturday, January 6th to Friday, January 26th will be spent on Yaizu City business, and 58 days from Saturday, January 27th to Sunday, March 24th will be spent on economic activities.) Implemented as a Ministry of Industry project)
[Image 1:×1512.jpg ]
“TsunaMobi” vehicle exterior
[Image 2:×1536.png ]
Tsunamobi city tour

[Image 3:×1536.jpg] Dashi soup tasting event for passengers
As a result of the experiment, we received 580 paying passengers in 79 days (an average of 7.34 passengers per day), which was slightly below the target of 8 passengers per day on average. The number of passengers increased by more than 30% from the average of 5.56 passengers per day (held from January 16th to February 28th). Of the 580 people, 229 were locals (about 40%), 217 were business travelers (about 37%), and 134 were tourists (about 23%). The average number of trips per person was 2.65, and tourists had the highest number of trips with an average of 2.87. There was also an unlimited ride fare system, and as a result of many users touring the stops, an economic ripple effect of 17.81 million yen and job creation effects were seen during the 79-day trial period. (From the analysis results of the Institute for Policy Science)
According to the survey results, local customers, who accounted for 40% of users, were broadly divided into families and seniors, and they visited stops with their families and friends that they had never visited before (restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc. along the port). We confirmed that there was a demand for outings to go to unknown places on TsunaMobi, which offers a unique riding experience. Additionally, it was found that 24% of the users who came to Yaizu city center by private car for sightseeing or daily activities switched to TsunaMobi, contributing to the walkable urban development promoted by Yaizu City. We were also able to confirm the effectiveness and CO2 reduction effect. In the center of Yaizu City, where the usage rate of private cars exceeds 80% and public transportation is maintained, many local customers use TsunaMobi, which allows them to travel around the city at a low speed of 19km/h. The analysis shows that people appreciated the experiential value that private cars or public transportation lack, such as interacting with bus stop owners and enjoying the traditional townscape.

On the other hand, many issues have become clear, such as the strength of vehicles unique to Green Slow Mobility, which is easily affected by wind and rain, and the effectiveness of over 40 social events. We are considering final experiments for implementation in the future, and will notify you of the details at a later date.
that’s all
■Summary of the second “Tsunamobi”
〇 Location: Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (within 3 km from the south exit of Yaizu Station)
〇Implementation period: January 6, 2024 (Sat) to March 24, 2024 (Sun), 79 days in total
*21 days from Saturday, January 6th to Friday, January 26th, 2024: Implemented as a Yaizu City project
*58 days from Saturday, January 27, 2024 to Sunday, March 24, 2024: Implemented as a project of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
〇 Operating hours: 10:00-17:00 (12:00-12:30 is break time)
〇 Experiment main body: Usagi Planning LLC
〇Supporting organizations: Yaizu City Tourism Association, Yaizu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shizuoka Yaizu Shinkin Bank 〇 Cooperating organizations: [Vehicle wrapping] J-Trim Japan Co., Ltd. [Vehicle rental] Mobility Works Co., Ltd.
[Vehicle design and Instagram development] Ayumi Kanehira (massara design works.)
〇Operation consignment: Ambia Co., Ltd. Taxi Division
[Image 4:×1472.png ]
33 stops
[Image 5:×1080.png ]
How to make a reservation from Yaizu City Line
[Image 6: &s3=100976-14-c68720217E48691F0E62128089BC49 -1910×2700.jpg] Flyer design (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry period) ■Reference information: Overview of the first “TsunaMobi” (*Details: Please refer to the news release issued on April 13, 2023)
〇 Location: Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (mainly station shopping street – old port/new port area)
〇Period: January 16, 2023 to February 28, 2023 (Mobility service is available only on weekdays)
〇 Sponsored by: Usagi Planning LLC, LANDMARK Co., Ltd.
〇 Results: Number of registrations: 272, number of paid rides: 173 (total number of rides: 520), total number of facility visits: 601 that’s all
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