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Home » Family Tech Co., Ltd. “Family Bank” has evolved into a “super app for families” that allows families t o efficiently share information necessary for family management.

Family Tech Co., Ltd. “Family Bank” has evolved into a “super app for families” that allows families t o efficiently share information necessary for family management.

Family Tech Co., Ltd.
“Family Bank” has evolved into a “super app for families” that allows families to efficiently share information necessary for family management.
In addition to the conventional money management functions centered on account sharing, it also has functions that allow you to share e-commerce accounts, email, and location information, making it a great app that can solve all the “information sharing problems” of families and communal living. evolution
Family Tech Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Kiichi Nakamura) has launched a family money management app called “Family Bank” that streamlines the sharing of information that can be troublesome when living with a family. We have undergone a major renewal as a super app for users. With this renewal, by using the Family Bank app, you can now solve all of your problems with sharing information in your family or communal life.
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“Family Bank” is a “super app for families” that has all the functions necessary for family management.
The “Family Bank App” has been updated to become a “super app for families” with many new features.
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Newly installed features
・Family email
・Location sharing
・Family coupon
·Contact book
Background to the development of “Family Bank”, a super app for families Modern society is changing rapidly. There are noticeable changes, especially in the dynamics within the household. With dual-earner households now outnumbering households with full-time housewives and the wage gap between married couples narrowing, the financial needs faced by families are significantly different than before. Another issue that has emerged is that many working families with children struggle with time management.
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Source: Cabinet Office Survey results on “Marriage and family in the era of 100-year lifespans” and “Work styles of family members”
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Source: Edited by our company from “Gender Equality White Paper 2020 Edition” by Gender Equality Bureau
Under these circumstances, technology continues to evolve. Digital transformation (DX) for individuals and companies is progressing rapidly.
In response to these changes in society and the current state of technology, we felt the need to transform society into DX at the family level.
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Families face various challenges. Raising children, managing money, health, entertainment…all of these are directly connected to the quality of our daily lives. In order to respond to the complex and diverse needs of families, we have released an updated version of the Family Bank app.
The latest app completely revamps traditional family bank services and provides all the elements necessary for family life on one platform. It can be used to meet the needs of each family member, from managing money to sharing information such as email, location, and services used, and even shopping for the family.
Our goal is not just financial services. Our goal is to provide total solutions that help each family member lead a better life.
We will continue to expand our services and improve their quality so that families can feel true value in their daily lives. Together with Family Bank’s new app, we will create a new form of family life.
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App overview
Family Bank is a “super app for families” service that can be used by couples. In addition to being able to easily share family accounts, accounts, and e-mail information, it is a “must-have app for family-run businesses” with many features that make family-run operations more efficient in terms of time and money, such as coupons that can be used by family members. What you can do at Family Bank
[Money management]
・Registration of “bank account that can be used by married couples” ・Issuance and registration of “credit card that can be used by married couples”
【Information sharing】
・Issuance and use of “email account that can be used by two people with one address”
・Use of the “location information sharing function that allows you to instantly know where the other person is when meeting”
[Shopping function]
・Management of “EC service accounts used by family members”
・Obtaining “coupons that allow you to use family services and products at great prices”
You can download the app from below.・iOS: ・Android: About Family Tech Co., Ltd.
Company name: Family Tech Co., Ltd. Location: JR Shinjuku Miraina Tower 18F, 4-1-6 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Representative: Kiichi Nakamura, Representative Director Business overview: Development of services and consulting for families URL: https://familytech Main services: ┗Smart family service “Family Bank” -App download link- ・iOS: ・Android: https://play ┗Family card service “Family Bank Card” SNS: ┗Twitter: ┗Instagram: ┗Youtube:
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