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Home » Social Impact Research Co., Ltd. SIR starts supporting sustainability disclosure standards (ISSB/SSBJ, CSRD)! Compliance with ISSB/SSBJ is an essential issue for listed companies going forward. Determine missing items in 3 minutes with AI sufficien

Social Impact Research Co., Ltd. SIR starts supporting sustainability disclosure standards (ISSB/SSBJ, CSRD)! Compliance with ISSB/SSBJ is an essential issue for listed companies going forward. Determine missing items in 3 minutes with AI sufficien

Social Impact Research Co., Ltd.
SIR starts supporting sustainability disclosure standards (ISSB/SSBJ, CSRD)! Compliance with ISSB/SSBJ is an essential issue for listed companies going forward. Determine missing items in 3 minutes with AI sufficiency evaluation.
We provide powerful support with an AI system that meets new sustainability disclosure standards and support from sustainability experts. AI-based sufficiency evaluation can determine missing items in 3 minutes.
Compliance with sustainability disclosure standards (ISSB, SSBJ, CSRD, etc.) is a future imperative for listed companies.
However, the amount of information is enormous, and it is not easy to keep track of changes in the system. Furthermore, increasing the number of dedicated personnel or outsourcing to major consultants is costly.
Our Sustainability Disclosure Standards Support Service is the perfect solution to this challenge.
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Service features
For a monthly fee of 50,000 yen (2 consultations) or 100,000 yen (unlimited consultations), we will help your company comply with the appropriate new sustainability standards.
In addition, you can use AI-based tools for sustainability description of securities reports, evaluation of sufficiency with ISSB/SSBJ, TCFD, and TNFD disclosure standards, and improvement advice for free. Take advantage of our support services to strengthen your
sustainability efforts and comply with the latest disclosure standards. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
Further proposals: From disclosure response to SX (sustainability transformation)
At our company, we will support a series of initiatives by utilizing AI tools and the knowledge of experts.
We can also provide support for in-house training, disclosure fulfillment, etc. as a package.
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About Social Impact Research Co., Ltd.
■Taku Kumazawa
[Image 2:×523.jpg] Social Impact Research Co., Ltd. Representative Director
Completed master’s program at Keio University Graduate School. Doctoral course at Waseda University Graduate School of Environment and Energy Studies (withdrew). After working at Japan Godo Finance, Softbank Internet Fund (fund manager), Wit Capital (IT sector analyst), and Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, he established Social Impact Research Co., Ltd. in 2010. He developed Japan’s first unique quantitative impact evaluation method, and has disseminated it to over 100 large companies and NPOs, becoming a pioneer in impact evaluation and impact investing in Japan.
■Nobuo Tsuruta
[Image 3:×512.png ]
Chief Head of ESG Consulting Department, Social Impact Research Co., Ltd. Joined the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in 1987, and was in charge of postal business management at Japan Post and Japan Post Co., Ltd.
Since 2018, he has served as executive officer of Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd., in charge of IR, ESG, and sustainability.
He will retire from Japan Post in 2023.
Continued to receive outsourcing from the company and support sustainability-related matters. Auditor of Ebilly Co., Ltd. from 2022 (current position)
Since 2023, he has been in charge of ESG consulting at Social Impact Research Co., Ltd.
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