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Home » Itanji’s three real estate business support services are eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2024”

Itanji’s three real estate business support services are eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2024”

Itanji Co., Ltd.
Itanji’s three real estate business support services are eligible for “IT Introduction Subsidy 2024”
Up to 50% (less than 1.5 million yen) of certified implementation costs will be subsidized
Itanji Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Itanji”) uses technology to smooth real estate transactions.Itanji Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Itanji”) operates the customer management/automatic property proposal system “Nomad Cloud”, the real estate-related electronic contract system “Electronic Contract-kun”, and the rental housing renewal/move-out system ” We are pleased to inform you that the three services of “Update Shutou-kun” have been certified as tools eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2024”.
[Image 1:×1890.png ]
◆ Overview
IT introduction subsidies are subsidies aimed at improving
productivity by subsidying a portion of business expenses and other expenses in order to support small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises in actively introducing IT tools. is.
IT introduction subsidy official website: “Nomad Cloud,” “Electronic Contract-kun,” and “Update Shut-kun” provided by Itanji have been certified as eligible tools for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2024” promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
As a result, when small and medium-sized enterprises and
micro-enterprises introduce these services, they will receive a subsidy rate of up to 50% of the total business cost (subsidy amount from 50,000 yen to a maximum of less than 1.5 million yen). You can receive up to a year’s worth of benefits. Furthermore, “Nomad Cloud” has been certified for four consecutive years, and “Electronic Contract-kun” and “Update Retirement-kun” have been certified for two consecutive years.
◆ Inquiries from real estate companies regarding IT introduction subsidies TEL: 03-6441-3954 (10:00-18:00 excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) IT introduction subsidy person:
Applying for a grant requires meeting several requirements. If you are a real estate company considering implementing Itanji’s services using subsidies, please contact us.
◆ What is the customer management/automatic property proposal system “Nomad Cloud”?
A follow-up function that automatically distributes property information that meets the desired conditions of prospective tenants, a simple and easy-to-use customer management (CRM)/sales management function, a chat and LINE communication function, and the generation of a personal page exclusively for prospective tenants. This is a sales support system for rental real estate brokerage companies that is equipped with multiple functions. Currently, it has been introduced at approximately 2,000 rental real estate brokerage stores nationwide (*1), and the cumulative number of users has exceeded 10 million (*2). In response to inquiries from prospective tenants through real estate property portal sites, etc. (*3), the ITANDI BB property information entered by the management company is used to automatically check room availability, adjust viewing dates and times, and reduce initial costs. The “Accurate Immediate Response” function, which performs calculations (*4) and automatically responds immediately, makes it possible to complete all the necessary steps for the initial response without human intervention (*5).
[Image 2:×630.png ]
◆ Overview of real estate-related electronic contract system “Electronic contract-kun”
This is a system that allows you to complete contracts regarding moving in, moving out, and renewing rental housing online. By linking with tenancy application information (*6), it reduces the hassle of tenant applicants such as duplicating various contract information, and there is no need to mail a contract, so it is possible to conclude a rental contract on the same day after the screening is completed. . It is also possible to make electronic contracts such as rental guarantee contracts and parking lot contracts that are attached to rental contracts. The required documents can be customized and used according to the needs of the real estate company. In addition, converting contracts into electronic data prevents input errors, forgery and falsification of contracts, unauthorized access, and data failure. We have obtained the “Certified Time Stamp Usage Registration Mark” (*7) issued by the Japan Data Communications Association, which complies with the “Guidelines for Time Business” published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Currently,
“Electronic Contract-kun” has been introduced to approximately 600 companies (*8), and the number of electronic contracts exceeds 300,000 annually (*9).
[Image 3:×630.png ]
“Electronic contract-kun” usage image
◆Outline of the rental housing renewal/move-out system “Update Shut-kun”
“Update Shukou-kun” uses the My Page function and communication through chat, etc. to make various applications online that are necessary when moving in, during move-in, and when moving out for renewal, enabling smooth interactions with tenants. , a rental housing renewal/move-out system. With the cancellation application function, electronic contract function, and form creation function, it is possible to complete renewal and move-out procedures online. In addition, the progress regarding renewals and evictions can be shared in real time with related parties such as owners, guarantee companies, and house cleaning companies. In January 2024, a function was introduced that allows you to make various applications necessary while moving in, such as receiving keys, keeping pets, and using facilities. In addition, by linking with the rental property occupancy application system “Application Reception Kun” and the real estate-related electronic contract system “Electronic Contract Kun”, it is possible to manage customers all at once from occupancy application to renewal and departure, improving the value of the experience. I will contribute.
[Image 4:×1891.png ]
(*1) As of the end of July 2023
(*2) As of September 2023
(*3) Some property portal sites are not compatible. (*4) The initial cost is an estimate. (*5) This function cannot be used for properties that are not registered in ITANDI BB’s property database.
Related press release: (*6) It is necessary to introduce and operate the rental property tenancy application system “Application Reception-kun” provided by Itanji.
(*7) Japan Data Communications Association, General Incorporated Foundation Registration system for businesses that use certified time stamps
(*8) As of the end of March 2024
(*9) Target period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Total number of electronic contract files, including move-in/move-out/renewal contracts, parking lot contracts, etc.
◆ Itanji Overview
Itanji Co., Ltd. is a real estate tech company that provides services to solve problems in the real estate industry, with the mission of “smoothing real estate transactions with technology.” Our main business, SaaS for real estate companies, is rapidly growing with 3,368 customers across the group (*1) and an ARR of +44% (*2) compared to the previous year. Through our service, the number of electronic tenancy applications is approximately 1,070,000 per year, and the number of electronic contracts is approximately 300,000 per year (*3), and by going paperless with documents related to tenancy applications and lease contracts, approximately 11.35 million sheets of paper are generated annually. We are promoting DX in the real estate industry, such as achieving a reduction in (*4)
(*1) As of the end of January 2024. Calculated from the total of all Itanji’s SaaS services and the SaaS services of group companies Housmart and RENOSY X.
(*2) ARR: Annual Recurring Revenue. Calculated by multiplying the month-end MRR at the end of each quarter by 12. Compare ARR as of the end of January 2023 and as of the end of January 2024. Includes Housmart and RENOSY X from the first quarter of the fiscal year ending October 2024.
(*3) Target period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
(*4) Our standards. Target period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Calculated based on the estimated number of sheets saved by companies that have introduced the four services provided by our company (application reception, electronic contract, renewal and withdrawal, and interior construction).
Company name: Itanji Co., Ltd.
Representative: Akihiro Nagashima, Representative Director, President and Executive Officer
Head Office: Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower 42F, 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2012
Business details:
・Development and operation of real-time real estate agency website “ITANDI BB” ・Development and operation of real estate rental DX service group “ITANDI BB +” More details about this release: